Names starting with the letter P

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter P, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a P. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Phillipina horse lover
venus Phillippa A common alternative spelling of the name Philipa, meaning 'lover of horses' and 'friend of horses'.
mars Phillippe Friend of horses
mars Phillips A lover of horses; to love from the heart
mars Phillipus One who has expressive and humble nature
venus Phillira lover of music
mars Phillis greenery
venus Phillothea lover of God
venus-mars Philly horse lover
venus Phillyda greenery
venus Phillyra lover of music
venus Philmen One who belongs to the family of Philip
mars Philo Love
mars Philoctetes Derived from φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover" and‎ κτάομαι (ktaomai) meaning "to acquire". In Greek legend this was the name of a hero who was stranded on the island of Lemnos on his way to the Trojan War.
mars Philokrates Means "friend of power" from Greek φίλος (philos) meaning "lover, friend" and κράτος (kratos) meaning "power".
mars Philoktetes Greek form of Philoctetes.
mars Philoma One who is affectionate and lovely being
venus Philomel From an English word meaning "nightingale" (ultimately from Philomela). It has been used frequently in poetry to denote the bird.
venus Philomela lover of music
venus Philomele Greek form of Philomela.
venus Philomella lover of music
venus Philomen A loving and affectionate human being
venus Philomena Strong Friend
venus Philomene powerful love
mars Philomenos Good friend
venus Philomina powerful love
mars Philon Old Greek - Beloved; Dear most; Loved one; Derived from the words 'Philein' which means to love
venus Philopena lover of horses
venus Philophrosyne Means "friendliness, kindliness" in Greek, a derivative of φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover" and φρήν (phren) meaning "mind, heart". In Greek mythology this was the name of the personification of welcome and friendliness.
venus Philota An inspirational and dramatic person
mars Philotas Ancient Greek word for friendship.
venus Philothea lover of God
venus Philotheia lover of God
mars Philotheos Means "friend of god" from Greek φίλος (philos) meaning "lover, friend" and θεός (theos) meaning "god".
venus Philoumene Original Greek form of Philomena.
mars Philoxenos Friend of strangers
venus Philyra Lover of music
venus Philys greenery
mars Phinean Irish - Fair; Light-skinned; White
mars Phineas Nubian
mars Phinees Form of Phinehas used in the Greek Old Testament.
mars Phinehas A son of priest; oracle
mars Phineus Meaning uncertain, possibly from Greek φίνις (phinis), a variant of φήνη (phene) meaning "vulture". According to Greek mythology this was the name of a king of Thrace visited by Jason and the Argonauts.
mars Phinnaeus Nubian
venus Phiroza Armenian - Turquoise
mars Phirum Peacefulness, serenity
mars Phirun Drizzle
venus Phitsamai An adorable woman.
venus Phlox Flame, flower
venus Phobe An alternative spelling of the name Phoebe, meaning 'bright' and 'pure' and 'sweetly spoken'. The name is also associated with the goddess Diana and the moon.
venus Phobie An alternative spelling of the name Phoebe, meaning 'bright' and 'pure' and 'sweetly spoken'.
mars Phobos Means "fear, panic" in Greek. This was one of the sons of Ares in Greek mythology. Also, one of the moons of Mars bears this name.
mars Phocas Latinized form of the Greek name Φωκᾶς (Phokas), which meant "seal (animal)" from Greek φώκη (phoke). This was the name of an early saint and martyr from Asia Minor. Sentenced to death for being a Christian, he is said to have given his killers lodging and then dug his own grave before he was executed.
venus Phoebe Bright, Shining
venus Phoebey bright, radiant
venus Phoebie Phoebie is a biblical name and is taken from the word 'phoebos' meaning 'bright' or 'pure'. The name was first used in Greek mythology.
venus Phoeboe bright, radiant
mars Phoebus A God which is bright and pure
venus Phoenicia Red; Purple; Crimson; A variant of Phionix
venus-mars Phoenix Blood Red
venus Phoibe Ancient Greek form of Phoebe. It means bright, pure.
mars Phoibos Greek form of Phoebus.
mars Phokas Greek form of Phocas.
venus Pholma Name for a Dove which is a messenger of peace
mars Phomello Succeed
venus Phone Glory
mars Phong Wind
venus Phonphan Dressmaker's daughter
venus Phoola A flower which is about to blossom
venus Phoolan Flowering; Blooming; Beautiful; Soft and Tender like a flower
mars Phoolendu Full moon; Bright, Brilliant, Radiant and Beautiful like a full moon
mars Photina Enlightened One
venus Photine Old Greek - Light; A variant of name Photina
mars Photios Light
mars Photo Light
mars Phraates Hellenized form of Frahat (see Farhad).
mars Phrixos Greek form of Phrixus.
mars Phrixus From the Greek Φρίξος (Phrixos) meaning "thrilling, causing shivers", derived from φρίξ (phrix) meaning "ripple, shiver". In Greek myth Phrixus was the son of Athamus and Nephele. He was to be sacrificed to Zeus, but he escaped with his sister Helle on the back of the ram with the Golden Fleece.
venus Phryne Old Greek - Toad; A nickname for 4th century BC Courtesan
mars Phuc Blessing
venus Phueng Bee
mars Phulwant One who is full of flower fragrance; One who is perfumed and smelling sweet like flowers
mars Phunihel Form of Penuel used in the Latin Old Testament.
mars Phuntso Bhutanese form of Phuntsok.
mars Phuntsok Means "abundant, excellent" in Tibetan.
mars Phuoc Blessing
venus Phuong Phoenix
venus Phurba Buddhist religious dagger used for rituals by Buddhist masters
venus Phutika A lovely and beloved individual
venus Phylicia Combination Of Phyllis And Felicia
venus Phylida Form of Phyllis
venus Phylis greenery
venus Phyliss Green Leaves
venus Phyllicia lucky, fortunate, happy
venus Phyllida Green Leaves, Foliage
venus Phyllie greenery
venus Phyllis greenery
venus Phyllisha lucky, fortunate, happy
venus Phylliss greenery
venus Phyllys greenery
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