Names starting with the letter P

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter P, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a P. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Pinakpani The bow that belongs to the Lord Shiva
venus Pinal God of child
mars Pinank The name of Lord Shiva
venus Pinar Season of spring
venus Pınar Means "spring" in Turkish.
mars Pinaz A souvenir that belongs to the leader
mars Pinchas Serpent
mars Pinchos A phrophecy or an oracle
mars Pinchu Small; A Malayalam name used as nickname for calling little ones
mars Pinchus Hebrew - Oracle; A variant form of the English name Phineas
mars Pincus A Judaism surname that means oracle
mars Pindara Religious Medicant; Almsman; Religious beggar; A variant of name Pindar
mars Pineda Forest Of Pines
mars Pinel A man who is as tall as a pine tree, mostly used as a surname
venus Pinelopi Old Greek - Duck; thread; web; voice; A variant of the name Penelope
mars Ping Duckweed
venus Pinga Goddess Durga
mars Pingakshi A brown eyed Boy
mars Pingal Sage
venus Pingala Gold
mars Pingalaksha A Boy with pink eyes
mars Pingalan A Hindu baby Boy name
mars Pingesha A male name of Hindi origin
venus Pingla Goddess Durga
mars Pinhas Alternate transcription of Hebrew פִּיןְחָס (see Pinchas).
venus Pinja Finnish - Stone Pine; Estonian Pine
venus Pink Light Red Color, Healthy
mars Pinkal A mindless, oblivious person
venus Pinkay Something that is pink or pinkish in colour
mars Pinkesh The serpant's mouth
venus Pinki To be like a rose, or to be pink in color
venus Pinkie English - Pink
venus Pinky Variation of the name Pinkie, meaning 'Of goof health', also refers to 'one's little finger'.
mars Pino Yahweh will add another son
mars Pinocchio Means "pine eye" from Italian pino and occhio. It was created by the Italian author Carlo Collodi for his novel The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883), about a boy made out of wood whose nose grows longer every time he lies. The story was later adapted into a 1940 Disney movie.
mars Pintoo A full stop or a point
mars Pintu Rocky; Sun; Bright and Brilliant; Mostly used as nickname
mars Pinye He who is dark complexioned.
mars Pinynyakan A Hindi baby Boy name
mars Pio Pious
mars Piotr Rock
venus-mars Pip lover of horses
venus Pipa One who loves horses
mars Pipal The tree that is considered sacred
venus Pipaluk The little one
venus Pipene Daisy flower.
venus-mars Piper pipe player
venus Pipere pipe player
venus-mars Piperel Pepper
mars Pipin Old German (Frankish) form of Pepin.
venus Pipina The God will add
venus Pippa Lover Of Horses
mars Pippen A person who is fatherly or a father
venus Pipper Piper
venus Pippi Short for Phillipa
venus Pippie horse lover
mars Pippin Father, king
venus Pippo He loves horses
venus Pippy horse lover; lover of horses
venus Pipra From Esperanto pipro meaning "pepper".
mars Pipul A beautiful and special person
mars Pipyana One who cries a lot
mars Pir An old, elderly leader
mars Pirabakaran One who is a good leader
mars Piraichudan A person who loves horses
mars Piraiyalan One who rules the Moon
mars Piran The patron saint of miners
venus-mars Pirate Robber Of The Sea
mars Pirayou Lamb
venus Pire One who is like a snow
mars Pires Son of Pedro, or son of the one who is like a stone
venus Piret Estonian form of Birgitta.
venus Piri Old, Ancient
mars Piripi Maori form of Philip.
venus Piritta Powerful, strong
mars Pirizzi A Surname of Italian origin; A variant of Pirozzi; A form of Piero or Peter
venus Pirjo Powerful, strong
venus Pirkko Powerful, strong
mars Pirmohammed One who is Holy prophet
mars Pirnav The new begging, a start of something new in life
mars Piroj Jewel
mars Pirooz Alternate transcription of Persian پیروز (see Pirouz).
venus Piroska Hungarian form of Prisca, influenced by the Hungarian word piros meaning "red".
mars Pirouz Variant of Firouz.
mars Pirro Rock
mars Pirthee One who is the master of whole world
mars Pirtinaci A variant of Pertinax, meaning persistent, stubborn
mars Piruz Alternate transcription of Persian پیروز (see Pirouz).
mars Pirzada He is son of a saint
mars Pisa Name of one of the ancient cities in Tuscany, Italy; Habitational name from the city of Pisa in Tuscany
venus-mars Pisces The Fish
mars Pisco Small Bird
mars Piseth Rare in power or quality.
mars Pisey Little darling or beloved
mars Pista Man with crown
mars Pisti Diminutive of István.
mars Pistis Trust, Faith
mars Pit One who comes from the pit
venus Pita She who is gracious
mars Pitahaya Cactus Pear
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