Names starting with the letter P

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter P, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a P. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Prabhdheeraj One who is patient for God's love; One who awaits God's Love
mars Prabhdhian One who contemplates on God; One who meditates on Lord; Immersed in God's thoughts
mars Prabhgeet Songs of God; Hymns of Lord; One who praises God through his songs
mars Prabhgiaan Divine Knowledge; Holy and Religious Brilliance; Sacred Wisdom
mars Prabhgun One having godly merits; One with very good qualities
mars Prabhjas Lord's Praises; Tributes to Lord; God's Commendations;
mars Prabhjeet Loved by God
mars Prabhjeevan One for whom remembrance of God is Life; Lord is Life; One who loves God dearly as life
venus Prabhjit One who wins the love of God; God's triumph; A variant spelling is Prabhjit
mars Prabhjodh God's Warrior; God's Defender; Guardian of God
mars Prabhjog He who is worthy of God
venus Prabhjot The Light Of God; Brilliance, Radiance and Brightness of Light of God
mars Prabhjote Light of God; Brightness of Lord; Brilliance, Radiance and Glory of God
mars Prabhjyot The God's light
mars Prabhkamal Flower of God; God's Lotus;
mars Prabhkeerat Lord's Praises; Tributes to Lord; God's Commendations;
venus Prabhkirat Dedication To God Through Honest And Hard Work; One who is devoted to God
mars Prabhkirpal God's Grace; Mercy of God; Kindness and Benevolence of God
venus Prabhleen Absorbed In God'S Love; Engrossed in God's Love
mars Prabhlok Godlike Person; God in man; God for the men
mars Prabhmeet Friend Of God; One who is a good companion of God
mars Prabhmehar One blessed with God's Grace; One who is showered with God's Kindness; Blessed with God's mercy
mars Prabhmel Union with God; One who is one with God; Together with the Lord
mars Prabhnaam Absorbed in God's Name; Immersed in the name of God; Engrossed in meditating on God's Name
mars Prabhnirmal One who is Pure Like God; Innocent like God;
mars Prabhnoor The ultimate light of God; Brilliance, Radiance and Brightness of Light of God
mars Prabhoat Lord's Support; Guidance of God; Solace in God; One who seeks comfort in God
mars Prabhparvaan One who is accepted by God; One who is acknowledged by God; Recognized by God
venus Prabhpreet Sikh name meaning "one who loves God"; One who is devoted to God and is dearmost to him
mars Prabhraman One absorbed in God's Love; One who is immersed in God's Love; Engrossed in God's Love
mars Prabhrang A person who is coloured by the love of God
mars Prabhras Nectar of God's Love; Divine Nectar; Sweet Honey of God's Love
mars Prabhratan One who is the God's precious stone
venus Prabhroop The Manifestation Of The Lord; One who is like God; With an appearance of God; A variant spelling is Prabhrup
venus Prabhrup The Manifestation Of The Lord; One who is like God; With an appearance of God; A variant spelling is Prabhroop
mars Prabhsaihaj Attaining tranquillity through God; One who attains enlightment through God; Attaining peace through God
mars Prabhsangat One who loves being with God; Loving the companionship of God; Like's to be in God's presence
mars Prabhseetal Attaining peace through God; Attaining tranquillity through God; One who attains enlightment through God
mars Prabhsev He who serves the God
mars Prabhsevak God's Servant; One who serves God; Slave of the Lord
mars Prabhsharan One who takes the shelter of God; Refugee in abode of Lord; One who serves at the feet of God
mars Prabhsimar One who Remembers God; One who meditates on God; One who thinks about God always
mars Prabhsimran Admiration Of God; Love of God
mars Prabhsukh Attaining peace by remembering God; One who attains tranquility by meditation on God
mars Prabhteerath One for whom God is the holy place; Divinity and Sacredness of Lord
mars Prabhu General meaning of the name is God
mars Prabhudev Another name of Lord Shiva
mars Prabhuh One who is the Master of the city
mars Prabhut A powerful and mighty master
mars Prabhvichar He who reflects on God
mars Prabindh Hindi name meaning the whole world
mars Prabir Hero, brave one
mars Prabjot Light of God; Brightness of Lord; Brilliance, Radiance and Glory of God
mars Prabodh Sound advice
mars Prabodha Divine Knowledge; Holy and Religious Brilliance; Sacred Wisdom
mars Prabodhan Knowledge
mars Prabu One who is like a God
mars Prabudda A person who is enlightened
mars Prabuddha One who has divine knowledge; One who has holy and religious brilliance; Having sacred Wisdom
mars Prabudh One who is awakened
mars Prabudha An awakened or knowledgable, wise person
mars Prabutta One who has divine knowledge; One who has holy and religious brilliance; Having sacred Wisdom
mars Prachal One who is peacock-like
mars Prachand A bold, hard person
venus Pracheeta A starting point, a beggining of something
mars Prachet A wise person, also a name of Lord Varun
mars Pracheta A smart, wise person
mars Prachetas An energetic, active person. Also a name of the sage
mars Pracheth A delightful, happy person
venus Prachi East
mars Prachirn A Hindu Boy name
mars Prachit Lord of Fire; God of Fire; A variant of Agnidev
mars Prachur A generous, rich, abundant person
mars Prachura To have a lot, many
venus Pracilla Ancient, venerable
mars Pradarsh One of nice appereance, or to be in order
mars Pradatt Name of Lord Varun
mars Pradeeo A God-like person
mars Pradeep Light
venus Pradeepta A glowing, shining woman
mars Pradeesh The Sweetest; Expectation; Hope; Belief
venus Pradha She who is extremely distinguished
mars Pradham First; Foremost; Important
mars Pradhan A chief, a leader of men
mars Pradhi Intelligent
mars Pradhumna A very Mighty individual
mars Pradhyot To shine light on others
mars Pradhyumn A man who is extremly mighty
mars Pradhyumna An extremly powerful, forceful and mighty one
mars Pradhyun A glowing and radiant man
mars Pradip One who is like a ligh or a lantern
mars Pradipa She who shines light like a lantern
mars Pradipt He who is illumanted, glowing
mars Pradipta An enlighted, blazing boz
mars Pradish A Boy that is the sweetest of them all
mars Pradiv Lamp
mars Pradnesh Lord of wisdom
venus Pradnya Wisdom
mars Pradosh A time of day - dusk or twilight
mars Pradosha Lord who relieves us from Sins; A time connected with worship of God Shiva
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