Names starting with the letter P

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter P, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a P. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Pratar One who is shinging like the dawn
mars Prateek Symbol, first word in a sentence
venus Prateeksha In anticipation
mars Prateem A person who is similar, or is like someone else
mars Prateep King; Name of Shantanu's Father
mars Prateer A male name of Hindi origin
mars Prateesh One knwon for his bravery
mars Prateet Manifested; Clear; Visible; Mark; Apparent and Noticeable
venus Prateeta Famous
venus Pratha Trend; Custom; First and Foremost; Beginning; In the origin or starting
mars Pratham First; Foremost; Important; In the origin or starting; Beginning
mars Prathamesh One of the many names of Lord Ganesh signifying him as the first and foremost of everything
mars Prathapa One who is dignified, courageous
mars Pratheep One who is like a lightning
mars Pratheesh One who is full of hope and expectations
mars Prathem First; Foremost; Important; In the origin or starting; Beginning; A variant of Prathem
venus Prathia A person whit a very keen intellect or a splendor person; An idealistic and keen intellectual being; brightness
venus Prathiba Intelligence
mars Prathik One who is a symbol
mars Prathinav An ever young and an ever new person
mars Prathipaal The Nurturer; The one who looks after the World; Guardian of the World;
mars Prathipal A guardian of the Earth
venus Prathira One of many names of Lord Ganesha; Lord of the Best
mars Prathish One who was born to rule due to his or hers good behavior and beauty
mars Prathit A celebrated, famous person
mars Prathita Known; Celebrated; Renowned; Famous; Popular
mars Prathith A person who radiates confidence
mars Prathmesh One who is the Lord of the best
mars Prathu An all-present person
mars Prathula One of many names of Lord Ganesha; Lord of the Best
mars Prathush Morning Sun; Rising Sun; Dawn; First rays of the sun
venus Prathvee Earth
mars Prathvi Earth; World; Universe;
venus Prathysha A woman beautiful as a dawn, one who is like the sunrise
mars Prathyush He who is like the time just before the sunrise
venus Prathyusha Woman whose beauty is like the dawn
mars Pratibal He who is equal in strenght
venus Pratibha Splendour, Brightness; Radiance; Brilliant; Luminant;
mars Pratibhanu One whose glory is compared to the Sun
mars Pratibhavan One whose mind is intelligent
venus Pratichi West
mars Pratidnya Pledge; Oath; Promise
venus Pratigya Pledge, vow
mars Pratik Symbol, First Word In A Sentence; Beginning; Origin
venus Pratika Symbolic; Nature;
venus Pratikhami Duryodhana's charioteer; A variant form of Pratika
mars Pratiksatra One who commands the respect of all the warriors
mars Pratiksh He who is symbolic
venus Pratiksha She who is full of expectations from life and hopeful
mars Pratim One who is beautiful like the sunlight
venus Pratima Idol
mars Pratiman He who is like an image
mars Pratinav One who is young and new
mars Pratipan An understood person
mars Pratiprava A flourescent individual
venus Pratiroopa Image
mars Pratirup He who is just like an image
mars Pratish A supremacy, domination, pre-eminence
venus Pratishta One who is has a distinguished, and well establishment status.
venus Pratishtha Glory
mars Pratit Faith in God; Belief In God;
venus Pratitha A famous, well-known person
venus Pratiti Faith; Hope; Waiting; Wishing For; Desiring;
mars Prativ One who is a good and a kind Boy
mars Prativah One who has a leading personality
mars Pratosh Extreme delight
mars Pratosha Happy; Delighted; Joyful; Glad; Cheerful;
mars Pratt Magician or trickster
mars Prattya A trustworthy and trusting person
mars Pratul One who owns plenty
venus Pratulya An unique woman who can't be compared to any other woman
mars Pratush One who is like first ray of the morning Sun
mars Pratyaksh In Front of the Eyes; Saakshaat; Apparent; Clear and Real; One who can express
venus Pratyaksha The one who is right in front of you, one who appears
mars Pratyus The time of the day that is just before the morning
mars Pratyush A Sun-like person
venus Pratyusha Bright morning Sun; Radiant and Luminant Rising Sun
mars Pravaal A fierce person full of strenght
mars Pravadi A prophet, one who brings extreme delight to the world
mars Praval A fierce and strong individual
venus Pravalika One who questions everything
mars Pravan A modest person
mars Pravar Chief
venus Pravara An outstanding, important person
mars Pravarg Lord Vinshu's epithet
mars Pravarsena Excellent army of men; Supreme Warriors
mars Pravash A person who enjoys traveling
mars Pravasu One who is wealthy
mars Pravat History
mars Praveen Skillful
venus Praveena Skilled
mars Praveenkumar Chief; Cute; Loveable; Pleasing; Charming
mars Praveer An excellent warrior; Brave warrior; Chief Courageous Warrior; Mighty fighter
mars Praveera One who is the hero of heroes, the best and the bravest one
mars Pravek A distinguished one
mars Praveka One who is a chief and a leader
mars Praver A person who in charge of things
mars Pravesh An entrance into something
venus Pravi An incredible, affectionate person
venus Pravika She who is intelligent
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