Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Raedself An elfin counselor
mars Raedwolf A red haired wolf
mars Raedwulf A red wolf
mars Ra'Ees The best among a group of men
venus Ra'Eesah A wealty lady, princess
venus Raegan Noble
venus Raegenhere A judge or decider
venus Raeha A parfume, fragrance
venus Raekh Shape; Line; Limit; A variant form of Rekha
mars Raekwon One who is gifted with words
mars Rael Someone who is as innocent as a lamb; A variant name is Raele
venus Raelaine ewe
venus Raelan An essence
venus Raelani ewe
venus Raeleah A ray of sunshine
venus Raelee ewe
venus Raeleen ewe
venus Raeleigha A modern combination name
venus Raelena ewe
venus Raelene Ewe, lamb, grace
venus Raelie A Quill
venus Raelina ewe
venus Raelinn A variant of Rachel, meaning beautiful lamb.
venus Raella ewe
venus Raelyn Ewe, lamb, grace
venus Raelyne Modern American name
venus Raelynn ewe
venus Raelynne ewe
mars Raem An affectionate, loving mother
mars Raemond A wise protector
mars Raemondo A mighty protector
mars Raen A queen
venus Raena A Latin name meaning queen
venus Raenah Queen
venus Raene queen
venus Raeni Queen, like a queen
venus Raenisha ewe
mars Raeshad A good counselor
mars Raeshawn Combination of Ray and Shawn
venus Raevynn From name of the bird raven
venus Raewyn Combination Name
venus Raeya A singer
mars Raf Short form of Rafaël.
mars Rafa well-being, prosperity
mars Rafael God Has Healed
mars Rafa'el Hebrew form of Raphael. This name does not appear in any surviving Hebrew text of the Old Testament Apocrypha.
venus Rafaela God has healed
mars Rafaele Heald by the God
venus Rafaelia God heals
venus Rafaella She who has been heald by God
venus Rafaelle Variation of Rapahel which means God has healed
mars Rafaello Italian version of the name Rafael, means healed by God
venus Rafah well-being, prosperity
mars Rafahel Form of Raphael used in the Latin Old Testament.
mars Rafail Greek and Russian form of Raphael.
mars Rafal God heals
mars Rafał Polish form of Raphael.
mars Rafan Beautiful
mars Rafaqat A companion, a friend
venus Rafat Elevation
mars Rafay The exaulter
mars Rafayel God has healed
mars Rafayelle God has healed
mars Rafaz Ways and paths
mars Rafe Wolf Counsel
venus Rafeda One who hepls and supports
mars Rafee Kind friend
venus Rafeea She who is superb, exalted
venus Rafeeah An exalted, sublime woman
mars Rafeek Friend
mars Rafeeq A kind person
venus Rafeeqa A good friend and companion
venus Rafella God heals
venus Rafelle God heals
venus Rafenild English name for girls
mars Rafer Of Unknown Meaning
mars Rafey Pioneer
mars Raff A red wolf
mars Raffael God has healed
venus Raffaela God heals
mars Raffaele God heals
venus Raffaella God heals
mars Raffaello God Has Healed
mars Raffaelo God has healed
mars Raffe Short for Rafael, means God has healed
mars Raffee An exalting man
mars Rafferty Abundance
mars Raffi Form of RAPHAEL. God Has Healed
venus Raffia A variant of Rafia and Rafiah which means exquisite; brilliance; high and sublime
mars Raffy One that is held high
mars Rafi Exalted
venus Rafia One who is positioned high
mars Rafic A gentle friend
mars Rafick A good companion
mars Rafid One who supports others
venus Rafida A helper and a supporter
venus Rafidah She who gives support
mars Rafif Muslim name meaning to shimmer or gleam
venus Rafiga A sweetheart
mars Rafik A calming friend
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