Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Ryanne little king
venus-mars Ryatt Created Name
venus Ryba fish
venus Rycca complete ruler; peaceful ruler
mars Ryce He who is powerful
venus Rychyld An eager individual who is compassionate
venus Ryckie peaceful ruler
mars Ryclen Unknown
mars Rycroft One from the rye field
mars Ryden A horse rider
mars Ryder Knight, Mounted Warrior
mars Rydge One who is from the ridge
mars Rydle Scandinavian - Horseman; Horse Rider; A variant spelling is Rydell
mars Rye King
mars Ryecroft One from the rye field
venus-mars Ryen King
venus Ryenne king
venus Ryesen She who is courageous
venus Ryette king
mars Rygecroft One from the rye field
venus Ryia A kind flower
venus Ryiah She who is as kind as a flower
mars Ryjder A mounded warrior, a knight
venus Rykeld An old English girl name
mars Ryken He who is widely famous
mars Ryker Becoming Rich
venus Ryla A little king
mars Rylan From The Rye Land
mars Ryland From The Rye Land
venus-mars Rylee Descendant Of Roghallach
venus Ryleigh Rye clearing
mars Rylen He who is from the rye clearing
mars Ryley Rye meadow
venus-mars Rylie Descendant Of Roghallach
venus Rylin A field of rye
venus Ryma A woman who is like the white antilope
mars Ryman A merchant of rye
venus Ryn A person who is a Ruler
venus Ryna Old Greek - Defender of Men; Latin - Clear, bright, famous; Laurel, Bay; Ryna is a derivative of Rina
venus-mars Ryne Advice, Rule
mars Rynell A man who is described as a Little King
mars Ryner He is the King of the Kings
mars Ryngware He who has the qualities of a King
venus Rynn king
venus-mars Ryo Exceed, Survive, Excel
mars Ryohei Splendid, Peaceful
mars Ryoichi Good, Clear, One
mars Ryoji Splendid, Heal, Peace
venus Ryoko A woman who is like the dragon
mars Ryons He is Kingly
mars Ryosuke Clear, Evident
mars Ryota Clear, Refreshing, Good, Thick, Big
mars Ryoto Dragon, Person
venus Rysa laughter
mars Rysc Anglo-French - Red Haired; Ruddy Skinned; A variation of Rush
mars Ryszard Daring power
mars Ryter He who posesses Knightly qualities, a Knight
mars Ryton A person who is from the rye town
mars Ryu Dragon
mars Ryuhei Noble, Prosper, Peaceful, Flat
mars Ryung Brightness
mars Ryuu Dragon
mars Ryuunosuke Dragon, Noble, Prosperous, Forerunner, Herald
mars Ryuusei One who is reborn as holy and prosperous
mars Ryver River
venus Ryvette A female name of French and English origin
mars Ryzard A ruler who is strong
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