Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Satyak Honest
mars Satyakaam Believer in truth
mars Satyakam One who has true desires
mars Satyaki Charioteer of Krishna
mars Satyam Honesty
mars Satyamurty Statue of truth
mars Satyanarayan Lord Vishnu
mars Satyanarayana The righteous path of truth
mars Satya narayana A true God
mars Satyankar True, good
mars Satyapal Truthful ruler
mars Satyaprakash Light of truth
mars Satya prakash Light of the truth
mars Satya pramod True person ganesh
mars Satyapriya Devoted to truth
mars Satyarat One who has taken vow of truth,
mars Satyasheel Truthful
venus Satyashila A real one
mars Satyashill The honest one
mars Satyashrawa One who hears the truth
mars Satyashrawaa Who hears truth
mars Satyavaan Devoted to truth
mars Satyavache Lord Rama
mars Satyavan One who speaks truth
venus Satyavati Mother of Vyasa, one who speaks truth
mars Satyaveer Someone who never spoke a lie
mars Satyavendra Lord of truth
mars Satyavir One who wins with truth
mars Satyavrat One who has taken vow of truth
mars Satyavrata One who is dedicated to truth
mars Satyawan One who speaks the truth
mars Satyayu The truthful one
mars Satyen Lord of the truth
mars Satyender King of the truth
mars Satyendra Lord of truth
mars Satyesu One who seeks the truth
mars Sauanand One with a sweet nature
mars Saubal Mighty
mars Sauban One who has two garments
mars Saubhadra Abhimanyu
mars Saubhag One who is very fortunate
mars Saud Fortunate
venus Sauda Black; Love
venus Saudaa One who is blessed with good fortune
mars Saudeep A hansome man
mars Saudis King of the solar system.
venus Saugandhika One who is sweet-smelling
mars Saugat A person who is enlightened
mars Saugata Other name of Gautama Buddha
mars Saujas One who is energetic
mars Saujass He who is bursting with energy
mars Saul Borrowed
mars Saulat One who has influence
venus Saule Name of the Lithuanian Sun Goddess
mars Sauli To ask for
venus Saulia Possible earlier form of Saulė.
mars Saulius Masculine form of Saulė. This is also the Lithuanian form of Saul.
mars Saulo On who is delicate
mars Saulos Form of Saul used in the Greek New Testament.
mars Saulus One who is prayed for
mars Sauman A blossoming flower
mars Saumil One who is very friendly
mars Saumit Easy to get
mars Saumitr Good friend
mars Saumitra Lakshman
mars Saumya Handsome
venus Saumyaa One who is weak or mild
venus Saumyi A moonlight
mars Saunak Boy sage
mars Saunder Defender
mars Saunders son of Alexander
mars Saunderson Defender of men
venus Saundra Defender Of The People
venus Saura Wealth
mars Saurabh Fragrance, Saffron
mars Saurav Divine, celestial
mars Sauri Son of the Sun
mars Saurin Sun's power
mars Saurjyesh Lord of valour
mars Sauron Means "abhorred" in the fictional language Quenya. Sauron is a powerful evil being in J. R. R. Tolkien's novels, serving as the main antagonist in The Lord of the Rings (1954). During the novels he appears as a disembodied lidless eye, though in earlier times he took on other forms.
mars Sauts European (Roman) Nose
mars Sautu Salt
mars Sauvan One who is heavenly
mars Sauveer He who is beautiful and brave
mars Sauville Someone belonging from the willow farm.
mars Sava Old Man
venus Savady Thai greeting.
mars Savage Wild One
venus Savaira The Morning
mars Savan One who offers a sacrifice to God
venus Savana A variation of the name Savannah. Meaning tree-less plain.
venus Savanah Meaning 'tree-less plain'. The name is generally more popular in the USA than the UK. Variations of spelling include: Savana; Savanna and Savannah.
venus Savanha treeless plain
venus Savanna Open Plain
venus Savannah Treeless Plain
venus Savannha treeless plain
mars Savar Lord shiva
venus Savara Unknown
venus Savaria Unknown
mars Savaric The powerful old or aged ruler
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