Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Sadee Princess
venus Sadeeka A person of honesty and truthfulness
mars Sadeepan One who is lighted up
mars Sadeeq One who is a close friend an companion in life
venus Sadeeqa A woman who is both a friend and a companion
mars Sadegh A sincere individual
mars Sadek One who is always truthful
venus Sadella princess
venus Sadelle princess
venus Sadellia princess
mars Sadeq Alternate transcription of Persian صادق (see Sadegh).
venus Sadeta Felicity, fortune, joy
mars Sadewa One of the twins
venus Sadgati The felling of liberation and freedom
mars Sadgun A man of many virtues
mars Sadguna A virtuous man with good qualities
mars Sadha One who is eternal
mars Sadhak Skillful
mars Sadham One who is proud
mars Sadhan The feeling of fulfillment
venus Sadhana Accomplishment
venus Sadhbh Sweet
venus Sadhi A wife who is devoted
venus Sadhika A person who achieves thing in life
mars Sadhil Perfect
mars Sadhin One who will accomplish things
venus Sadhna One who practices a lot, who finds the means
mars Sadhu The rightteous, holy person
mars Sadhuj Good conduct
venus Sadhvi A virtuous girl
venus Sadi Lucky
mars Sa'di Alternate transcription of Arabic سعدي (see Sadi).
venus Sadia Princess
venus Sa'dia Alternate transcription of Arabic سعدية (see Sadia).
venus Sadiah One of good fortune
mars Sadid A relevant, correct and right thing
venus Sadida The right thing
venus Sadie Princess
mars Sadik He who is a friend
mars Sadık Turkish form of Sadiq.
venus Sadika She who is loyal and truthful
venus-mars Sadiki Faithful
mars Sadiksha A person with good intentions
venus Sadin An accomplishing person
venus Sadina honor confers a crown
mars Sadiq Truthful
mars Sadıq Azerbaijani form of Sadiq.
venus Sadiqa A sincere, truthful person
venus Sadiqah She who speaks the truth
mars Sadique One who is very good friend and a passionate name
venus Sadira lotus tree
mars Sadiri An inspirational person; a fort
mars Sadit Hard working
mars Sadiva Eternal
venus Sadiya Lucky
venus Sadiyah A variation of the name Sadiya meaning 'blessed' or 'lucky.
venus Sadiye Turkish feminine form of Shadi 1.
venus Sadiyya A girl of good fortune
venus Sa'diyya She who is blessed
mars Sadler Saddle Maker
mars Sadoc Righteous person
mars Sadok The sacred one
venus Sadoof Name of a poetess.
venus Sadooh A singer, one who likes to sing
mars Sadooq One who is honest
mars Sadra A chief, a leader
mars Sadri The one who is in charge
mars Sadru Name of Lord Vishnu
mars Sadruddin A person at forefront
venus Saduf A sea shell
mars Saduh One who sings
mars Sadun A happy person
mars Saduq One who is loyal
venus Sadvinaya Modest
venus Sadya She who is blessed
venus Sadye princess
mars Sadzi Sun Heart, Clock
venus Saearah British girl name
mars Saebald A refined and deep individual
mars Saebehrt A hopeful, strict and attentive being
mars Saebeorht One who is the glory of the sea
mars Sæbjorn Sea bear in Icelandic.
venus Saeburg An individual who is amusing and bold
venus Saee Female friend
mars Saeeb One who is happy
mars Saeed Fortunate, Auspicious
mars Sa'Eed A lucky, fortunate person
venus Saeeda A spirit of the forest
venus Saeedah A sweet, pleasant person
venus Saeedeh A pleasant girl
mars Saeeduzzaman One who has the lucky age
mars Saeel One who is attacking
venus Saefugl A insigtful and dynamic being
mars Saegar A sea spear
mars Saegeat A bridge
mars Saeger A man of the sea
venus Saegifu One who has dynamic and strong nature
mars Saeid Alternate transcription of Persian سعید (see Saeed).
venus Saeko A serene child
mars Saelac A blessed one
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