Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Tejomayi Full of brightness
mars Tejoram Sri Ram
mars Tejorasi Name of a Jain guru
mars Tejorath Name of a king
mars Tejovanth Radiant
venus Tejovathi Radiant, bright girl
mars Tejovikas One who shines brightly
mars Tejpal Protector of brilliance
venus Tekakwitha Means "she who bumps into things" or "she who puts things in place" in Mohawk. Tekakwitha, also named Kateri, was a 17th-century Mohawk woman who has become the first Native American Catholic saint.
venus Tekeyia One who worships God
mars Tekjot One who takes support of the Divine Light
mars Tekkeitsertok God of hunting or master of caribou.
venus Tekla Glory Of God
venus Tekli Glory Of God
mars Teknam One who takes support of the Lord's name
mars Tekoa A trumpet
mars Tekroop Personification of God's support
mars Tel Powerful ruler of the people
venus Tela Short for of Ottelia
mars Telamon From a Greek word meaning "broad leather strap". According to Greek mythology he was a king of Salamis and the father of the heroes Ajax and Teucer.
venus Telca God's glory
mars Teleayo The one who lays ground for joy.
venus Telema Will
mars Telemachos Original Greek form of Telemachus.
mars Telemachus Decisive Battle
mars Teleola He has laid ground for wealth.
venus Telephassa Wife of Agenor
venus Teleri Your Eleri
mars Telesforo A man living in the countryside
mars Telesphore A man who brings fulfillment
mars Telesphoros A county man
mars Telesphorus Fulfillment, Bearing Fruit
mars Telford From Telford
mars Teli A Lamb
venus Telina Variation of Lina, a palm tree
venus Telissa Created Name
venus Telita Young girl
venus Telka God's glory
mars Tellef Descendant of thunder
mars Teller Storyteller, bank worker
venus Tellervo Finnish Goddess of the forest
mars Telly Best
venus Telma Form Of Thelma
mars Telman Soviet-era name derived from the usual Azerbaijani spelling of the surname of the German communist party leader Ernst Thälmann (1886-1944; see Thälmann).
mars Telmo Tiller, cultivator
mars Telutci Bear Runs And Makes Dust
venus Telyn Harp
mars Tem country
mars Tema Righteous
mars Teman Person From Yemen (South)
mars Temani On the right side
venus Tembam One who is chubby and plump.
mars Temel Basic, Fundamental
venus-mars Temeni From The South
venus Temenuzha A variant of Temenuzhka, meaning violet.
venus Temenuzhka Bulgarian word meaning violet flower.
venus Temidayo Mine has turned into joy.
mars Temidire Mine has turned to blessings.
venus Temiloluwa God is mine.
venus Temily A rival
venus Temima Whole,perfect
venus Temina honest
mars Temir Kazakh form of Temür (see Timur).
venus Temira Tall
venus Temirah She who is tall as a palm tree
mars Temitope One who is worthy for praise.
venus Temma Variation of Tamara
mars Temo Short form of Teimuraz.
venus Temora tall
venus Temp A village near the church
venus Tempawan Malay word for forge or weld.
mars Tempeltun A farm of a temple
venus Temperance moderation
venus Tempest Storm
venus Tempesta Storm
venus Tempeste Storm
venus Tempestt Storm
venus Tempie A shrine
venus Tempist Storm
venus Tempistt Storm
venus-mars Temple A Sanctuary
mars Templeten A house of the templar knight
mars Templeton Town Of Sanctuary
mars Tempo Pace, Timing
venus Tempress Storm
venus Tempteste Storm
mars Temujin Of Iron, Blacksmith
mars Temur Iron
mars Temuri Georgian form of Timur, meaning iron
mars Temuulen Means "striving, aspiring" in Mongolian. This was the name of the sister of Genghis Khan.
venus Temwa Love and happiness
venus Temwani Unknown
venus Tena Little, Christian
venus Tenaja Strong willed woman
mars Tenant One who occupies a house
mars Tenauri Created Name
venus Tenaya daughter
venus Tendai Be Thankful To God
venus Tender Sensitive
venus-mars Tene Love
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