Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Thurmund Protected by thunder
venus Thurrayya Arabic word for stars and planets
venus Thurrieua She who loves thunder
venus Thursa delight, pleasantness, cypress tree
mars Thurstan Thor's Stone
mars Thurstance A thunderstorm
mars Thurston Thor's Stone
mars Thurstun He who loves thunder
venus Thurza delight, pleasantness, cypress tree
mars Thusitha Means "heaven" [1] in Sinhala.
mars Thuta Knowledge
mars Thutmose From Τούθμωσις (Touthmosis), the Greek form of Egyptian ḏḥwtj-ms meaning "born of Thoth" [1], itself composed of the name of the Egyptian god Thoth combined with msj "be born". Thutmose was the name of four Egyptian pharaohs of the New Kingdom, including Thutmose III who conquered Syria and Nubia in the 15th century BC.
venus Thuwaibah She who deserves God's gifts
venus Thuwaybah Name of one of the prophets
venus Thuy Water
mars Thuyet Theory
venus Thuzar Angel, a girl as beautiful and virtuous as an angel
mars Thwaite From The Meadow
venus Thwayya She who is like a star
venus Thwisha Radiance
venus Thwishaa She who radiates beauty
venus Thy Poetry
mars Thyge Variant of Tyge.
venus Thyia A tree of life
mars Thyme An Herb Of From The Mint Family
mars Thymel He who has land
mars Thymli A stable, responsible and moderate person
venus Thyone Name of a priestess and lover of Zeus
venus Thyra Goddess
venus Thyrra Goddess of dawn
venus Thyrza Variant of Thirza.
mars Ti Tile maker
venus Tia Aunt
mars Tiaan Short from Christianity, follower of Christ
mars Tiago Supplanter
venus Tiah The name Tiah means 'Goddess'. Tiah was the name of the mythological Greek Goddess of light.
venus Tiahna follower of Christ
venus Tiaira Crowned
venus Tiairra headdress
venus Tiamat Mother of life
mars Tian Derived from the name Tina, meaning 'dignified' or 'holy' .
venus Tiana Follower of Christ
venus Tianah Follower of Christ
venus Tianara follower of Christ
venus Tiandra follower of Christ
venus Tiane Follower of Christ
venus Tiani follower of Christ
venus Tianna Follower of Christ
venus Tianne follower of Christ
venus Tiara Crown
venus Tiarah headdress
venus Tiaraoluwa From the body of God, Lord's wonder
venus Tiare headdress
venus Tiaret Lioness
venus Tiari Crowned
venus Tiarna A graceful princess
mars Tiarnach Modern Irish form of Tighearnach.
mars Tiarnan Modern Irish form of Tighearnán.
venus Tiarne She who wears a crown
venus Tiarra headdress
venus-mars Tiassale It Is Forgotten
venus Tiauna follower of Christ
venus Tibah Woman full of kindness
mars Tibalt people's prince
mars Tibberiu A form of Tiberius. It means of the Tiber.
venus Tibbi She who is pladged to God
venus Tibbie the river Tiber
venus Tibby the river Tiber
mars Tibe People
venus Tiberia the river Tiber
mars Tiberio Born Near The Tiber River
mars Tiberiu Tiber's son
mars Tiberius From the river Tiber
mars Tibet A name of a mountain
mars Tibletz May She Outshine And Outsmart
venus Tibna Follower of the Christ
mars Tibo Frisian word for people
mars Tibon Lover of nature.
venus-mars Tibone Sits In The Saddle
mars Tibor From The Tiber
mars Tiborc Hungarian form of Tiburtius (see Tiburcio).
venus Tibota A woman from Tivoli
mars Tiburcio One who is from Tibur or Tivoli
mars Tiburon Shark
mars Tiburtius Latin form of Tiburcio.
venus Tica A harvester, one who harvest
venus Ticasuk Possessing the treasure of knowledge.
mars Tice A kid goat, or a gift from God
venus Ticha A noble person who brings joy
mars Tichaona Means "we will see" from Shona ticha "we will" and ona "see".
mars Tico Nickname
venus Tida A daughter, female child
mars Tide Fluctuations of the ocean
mars Tidfrith The time for peace or peaceful time
mars Tidhe The tome of a man
mars Tidhelm The time for the cattle shelter
mars Tidhere The time for the festival of spears
mars Tidhild The battle time, or the time of battle
mars Tidi The appearance of God
mars Tidin One who is riding or clearing
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