Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Timeus Variant of Timaeus.
mars Timi Nickname for Timothy, Timothea
mars Timicin One who is of iron, a strong person
venus Timila Musical Instrument
mars Timilehin God is with you.
mars Timin Large fish
mars Timir Darkness
mars Timithy To honour God
mars Timka To honour God
mars Timkin To honour God
mars Timm To honour God
mars Timme To honour God
mars Timmel To honour God
mars Timmey God's honor
venus Timmi God's honor
mars Timmie God's honor
mars Timmo To honour God
mars Timmothy One who honors god
mars Timmu A form of Timothy, meaning honoring God.
mars Timmus To honour God
mars Timmy Diminutive Form Of Timothy
venus Timna To restrain or to hold
mars Timneet Wish
mars Timo To honour God
mars Timofei The honour of god
mars Timofey To Honor God
mars Timok To honour God
mars Timoleon Derived from the Greek elements τιμάω (timao) "to honour" and λέων (leon) "lion". This name was borne by a 4th-century BC Greek statesman and general.
mars Timon Honour
mars Timontheo To honour God
mars Timonthy To honour God
venus Timora tall
mars Timot To honour God
mars Timote To honour God
mars Timotei A person who honours the God
mars Timotej Slovene form of Timothy, meaning honoring God.
mars Timoteo One who honors God
mars Timoteus Variant of Timotheus.
venus Timotha Feminine form of Timothy.
mars Timothe One who honour Theos (God)
venus Timothea God's honor
mars Timothee French form of Timothy.
mars Timothei Old Church Slavic form of Timothy.
mars Timotheos Greek form of Timothy.
mars Timotheus Honouring God, respecting God
venus Timotheya God's honor
mars Timothie One who honour or respect God
mars Timothy honoring god
mars Timoti Maori form of Timothy.
mars Timour Variant of Timur.
venus Timsy A star or a shining bright star
mars Timucin Turkish form of Temujin.
mars Timur The East
mars Timurs Latvian form of Timur.
mars Timus Honoring God
mars Tin In Croatian a suffix name that means a Saint. In Vietnamese it means a thinker
venus Tina Short Form Of Names Ending In -tina.
venus Tinah follower of Christ
mars Tinashe Derived from the Old Greek name Timaeus meaning 'honor', or from the Shona language meaning 'God is with us'.
venus Tinatin Light
venus Tinatini Form of Tinatin with the nominative suffix, used when the name is written stand-alone.
venus Tinaya A follower of God
venus Tinble Sounds that the bell make.
mars Tincommius A big fish, a King from Belgic tribe
mars Tinder To ignite or to kindle, also one who sells ink
venus Tindra Twinkle
venus Tine Follower of Christ
venus Tinecia God is with us
mars Tinek Slovene diminutive of Martin, meaning from Mars.
venus Tineke follower of Christ
venus Ting Slim, Graceful
venus Tingiri Picher, a family of burrowing mammals
venus Tinie follower of Christ
venus Tinika The glorious and beautiful
venus Tinisha alive and well
venus Tinka heavenly
venus Tinkal A butterfly, beautiful butterfly
venus Tinkara A form of Tina, meaning 'river'.
venus Tinker Bell Created by the writer J. M. Barrie for a fairy character, first introduced in his 1904 play Peter Pan. Her name refers to the fact that she is a mender of pots and kettles (a tinker) with a voice like a tinkling bell.
venus Tinki One who is bashful or shy
venus Tinley A fence or a hedge
venus Tinna Icelandic form of Tina, meaning river.
venus Tinni A pet name means small or beautiful girl
mars Tinny The medals of few non-precious metals
mars Tino Little (or Jr.)
venus Tino Aroha One who is loved and adored by all.
venus Tinsley Tyne's meadow
mars Tintagel Land Of Igraine
mars Tintin Created by the Belgian cartoonist Hergé for the hero in his comic book series of the same name, debuting 1929. Hergé never explained why he chose the name.
venus Tinuviel A nightingale or an enchantress
mars Tiny follower of Christ
mars Tioboid The brave people, or brave race
venus Tiombe Shy
venus Tiona Fairy Queen
mars Tionge Means "we thank" in Chewa and Tumbuka.
venus Tionna follower of Christ
venus Tionne A supreme gift from God
venus-mars Tip Nickname
venus Tipah One who is gentle and kind. A form of Latipha.
mars Tipene Tipene is the Maori version of Stephen. It means crown.
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