Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Titrit Feminine form of Itri.
mars Titta One who is tidy, trusting and thorough individual
mars Titten A narrow path between two walls
venus Titty Diminutive of Letitia. This is now a slang word for the female breast, and the name has subsequently dropped out of common use.
mars Titu Old Church Slavic form of Titus.
mars Titus Of Unknown Meaning
mars Titusz The title of honour
mars Tiuduricu A variant of Theodoric, meaning ruler of the people.
venus Tiulipe The tulip flower
venus Tiva Dance
mars Tivadar Gift of God
venus Tivka Unknown
venus Tivoli From the name of a picturesque Italian town, used as a summer resort by the ancient Romans.
mars Tivon Nature Lover
venus Tivona Nature Lover
venus Tivri Auspicious
mars Tiw Anglo-Saxon form of *Tīwaz (see Tyr).
venus Tiwa One who owns the crown or kingship
venus Tiwalade The crown in ours.
venus Tiwatope Our situation is worthy of thanks
mars Tiwaz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Tyr and Tiw. The Romans identified this god with their god Mars.
venus Tiwonge Variant of Tionge.
venus Tiya Alternative Spelling Of Tia Or Tea
venus Tiyaira earth
venus Tiyamike Let Us Give Thanks
venus Tiyanna Tiyanna is possibly the Jamaican variation of Tiana. It means joy or happiness
venus Tiyasa The silver, or a thirsty person
mars Tiyash The thirst of something
venus Tiye The deity of light, an ancient Egyptian queen
venus Tizane A gypsy
mars Tizian One who is honoured
venus Tiziana Giant
mars Tiziano The honoured one
venus Tiziri Feminine form of Ziri.
mars Tizoc Unclear
mars Tizocicatzin Unclear
venus Tj Associated with an abbreviation of two names.
mars Tjaard He who is brave
mars Tjaart Afrikaans form of Tjaard.
mars Tjalf People of offspring
mars Tjark Ruler of the people
mars Tjarko Ruler of the people. It's a variant of Tjark.
venus Tjasa Diminutive of Tatjana.
mars Tjay The name Tjay has derived from the combination of the initials of any two names beginning with the letters T and J.
mars Tjaz Short form of Matjaž.
mars Tjeerd Frisian form of Theodoard or Theodard.
venus Tjessica He sees
mars Tjode From The People
venus-mars Tkalis Sun
mars Tlacaelel A diligent man.
mars Tlacelel Greatest Hero
venus Tlachinolli Fire
venus Tlaco The middle born daughter.
venus Tlacotl The Osier twig
venus Tlalli Earth
mars Tlaloc American God of rain and fertility
mars Tlanextic Light of dawn
mars Tlanextli Radiance or splendor
venus Tlazohtzin Little necklace of flowers
mars Tlepolemos One who is brave in war.
mars Tlilpotonqui Feathered in black
venus Tmira Upstanding, Upright
mars Toa A brave-hearted lady
venus Toakase Woman of the sea
mars Toal Anglicized form of Túathal.
venus-mars Toan Safe, Secure
mars Toat The handle of a joiner
mars Toba One who is of good, goodly person
mars Tobal Christ Bearer
mars Tobbee God is good
mars Tobbey God is good
mars Tobbie God is good
mars Tobby God is good
venus-mars Tobe God is good
venus-mars Tobee God is good
venus-mars Tobey god is good
mars Tobi God is good
venus Tobia The goodness of God
mars Tobiah God (Jevoah) Is Good
mars Tobias God Is Good
mars Tobiasz the God who is Good
mars Tobie God is good
mars Tobijah The Goodness of Yahweh
mars Tobin Son Of Tobias
venus Tobish God is good
venus Tobit Good
mars Tobith Greek form of Tobit.
venus-mars Toby God Is Good
mars Tobye God is good
mars Tobyn Jovah is Good
venus Toca A cap or headgear
venus Tocara A friend or beloved of a person with headgear
venus Tocca The touch of a person
venus Toccara The friendly of beloved touch
mars Tocho Mountain Lion
mars Tochtlea Rabbit
mars Tochtlee Spelling variation of Tochtlea, meaning rabbit.
venus-mars Tochtli Rabbit
mars Tochukwu Means "praise God" in Igbo.
mars Tod Form of TODD. fox
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