Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Tankred A well tought advice
mars Tanmai One who is captivating
venus Tanmana One who is filled with desire
mars Tanmay Engrossed
venus Tanmaya Person who is absorbed and consumed
venus Tanmayee An ecstasy
venus Tanmayi Engrossed
mars Tanmoijyoti Happy, a happy soul.
mars Tanmoy One who is completely absorbed in God.
mars Tann Leather Worker
venus Tanna Issue
mars Tannar Leather Worker
venus Tannaz She who likes to flirt
mars Tannen A fire tree
mars Tanner Leather Worker
mars Tannere One who works with leather
mars Tannery Leather Worker
venus Tanngela angel
venus Tannie A girl born on Monday
mars Tannil A form of Daniel, meaning God is my judge.
mars Tannir Leather Worker
venus Tannis Form Of Tanith
venus Tannishtha Dedicated
venus Tannistha Devoted
mars Tannor Leather Worker
venus Tanny A familiar form of Tanner
mars Tano name of river
mars Tanoj A son
venus Tansanee Beautiful view
venus Tansee eternal life
venus Tanseem Salute of Paradise
venus Tansey eternal life
mars Tansh A beautiful Boy
venus Tansholpan The morning star
venus Tanshu Wholly natural
venus Tansi A beautiful princess
venus Tansia eternal life
venus Tansy Flower
mars Tantoluwa One who is like God.
mars Tanton A settlement near a still river
venus Tantra Reincarnated
mars Tantris An individual who is trustworthy and honest
venus Tanu From the river
mars Tanuj Son
venus Tanuja Daughter
venus Tanuka Slender
mars Tanul One who expands or makes progress
venus Tanulata Slim
venus Tanulatha One whose body is like a creeper
venus Tanupa Hunger
mars Tanurag Saffron
venus Tanurikia A girl with a flower
venus Tanuruchi A physical beauty
mars Tanush Lord Shiva
venus Tanushi She who is beautiful
venus Tanushree Beauty
venus Tanushri Beauty
venus Tanusiya A great devotee
venus Tanuta She who is very thin
venus Tanvangi Delicate girl
venus Tanvee Slender and beautiful woman
mars Tanveer Enlightened
venus Tanvi A delicate girl
mars Tanvir Enlightened
mars Tanweel One who is given or entrusted
mars Tanweer He who illuminates
venus Tanwen White Fire
mars Tanwir The enlightened one
venus Tany She who is tawny
venus Tanya Fairy Queen
venus Tanyka One who is from the house of Tatius
venus Tanyth Goddess of the sky
mars Tanzeel Tanzeel is an Arabic term for revelation of holy Quran.
venus Tanzeela One who is received hospitably
mars Tanzeem One who menager or arranges
venus Tanzey eternal life
venus Tanzi Variant of Tansy.
venus Tanzia eternal life
venus Tanzila One who comes from the heavens
mars Tanzilurrahman Revelation of the merciful
venus Tanzima Gift from Heaven
mars Tao Peach, Long Life
venus Taoimah peal of thunder
venus Taonga Means "we are thankful" in Tumbuka.
mars Taos Place of red willows
venus-mars Tapa Antelope Water
mars Tapan Sun, summer
mars Tapani Man with crown
mars Tapas Heat, sun
mars Tapasendra Lord shiva
venus Tapashini An aestetic
venus Tapashya A girl who meditates
venus Tapasi Night; sleep
mars Tapasranjan Lord vishnu
mars Tapaswi A sage
venus Tapasya One who is warm
venus Tapati The sun's daughter
venus Tapeesa Arctic flower.
mars Tapendra Lord of heat (sun)
mars Tapesh The holy trinity
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