Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Abilo One who is skill and proficient in whatever he does.
mars Abilyx Unknown
mars Abimael Father who is sent from God
mars Abimanyu Arjuna's son
venus Abimbola Rich child
mars Abimelech My Father Is King
mars Abimola One who is born to be rich
venus Abina Girl born on a Tuesday
mars Abinaash Eternal; Immortal; A person of enduring Fame
mars Abinaashjot A light that cannot be destroyed
mars Abinash Eternal, immortal
mars Abinaswar One who Never Destroys; protector
mars Abinav A new and fresh person, one who is young
mars Abinay One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Abinaya The Royal Guard; God; Supreme Being
mars Abinesh Eternal; Immortal; A person of enduring Fame
mars Abinish Hope; symbol of faith
mars Abiodun One born at the time of festival.
mars Abiola (African - Yoruban) Born in Honor; Born during the first days
venus Abiona Born on a journey
mars Abioye The son of royalty
mars Abiq An exhaling pleasant fragrance
mars Abir aroma, scent
venus Abira Strong
mars Abiral Never ending
mars Abiram High Father
venus Abirami A pleasant and beautiful girl
mars Abis One who is swift and alert
mars Abisai Biblical Latin form of Abishai.
mars Abisali A warrior of Muslim religion
venus Abisha God is my father
mars Abishag My Father Strays
venus Abishah God is my father
mars Abishai One who is desirous of a gift
mars Abishek Ritual; Ceremony
venus Abishta Lady of the house
mars Abishua Father of Salvation
venus Abital father of dew
mars Abivanth Royal Salute
venus Abiya A great or a splendid person
venus Abiyah A smart of beautiful girl
mars Abiyram High Father
mars Abiz A flame of fire or a spark
mars Abizer Father of Wealth; richness
venus Abja One who is born out of water
mars Abjayoni Born of the Lotus; Another Name for Brahma
venus Abjini Lotuses
mars Abjit Conquering water
mars Abkar One who is born first, who is on time
venus Abla Full-Figured
venus Ablaa Perfectly formed
mars Ablagh Who is most effective and perfect
venus Ablah Perfectly formed
mars Ablaj A lucid person, very brilliant
mars Ablamar A bright, lonely and accepting being
mars Abnar A Biblical name, meaning father of light. A spelling variation of Abner.
mars Abnash That Cannot Be Destroyed
mars Abnat The strength or the courage
mars Abner Father Of Light
mars Abo Father; Short form of name Abott
mars Aboagye One who is powerful and complete.
venus Aboil A flower
mars Abolfazl Father of virtue
venus Aboli A flower that firecracks
venus Abolins Clover
venus Abosede Means "comes with the start of the week" in Yoruba, given when the child is born on Sunday.
mars Abott The father or the priest
mars Aboubacar Form of Abu Bakr used in parts of French-influenced West Africa.
mars Aboud To worship or a place to worship, a place in Palestine
mars Abqar A fairyland, wonderful, amazing
venus Abqari An ingenious person, multi-colored
venus Abqurah A woman with a genius mind.
venus Abra Mother Of Nations
mars Abraam Georgian form of Abraham, meaning father of multitude
mars Abraao Portuguese form of Abraham.
venus Abraba born on Tuesday
mars Abracham Father of many
mars Abrad A coolest person, or the coldest
venus Abrah father of many; example, lesson; girl born on Tuesday
venus Abraha A girl who born on Tuesday
mars Abrahah Father of masses
mars Abraham Father of many nations
mars Abrahan Brazilian version of Abraham, meaning father of multitudes.
venus Abrahana father of many; example, lesson; girl born on Tuesday
mars Abrahm The father of many
mars Abraj One who has big and beautiful eyes
mars Abrak A person who is most blessed
mars Abram High Father
mars Abramo Father of many
mars Abrams Father of many nations
mars Abramson Abraham's son
mars Abran Father of the multitude
mars Abrar A pious or a god-fearing person
mars Abrash A spotted person, a dotted person
mars Abrasha Yiddish form of Abraham, meaning Father of a multitudes.
mars Abrax The great archon from mythology
mars Abraxas The great chief magistrate or archons, a God from Egyptian mythology
mars Abraz The most distinctive or prominent person
venus Abree father of many
mars Abrehan Norman form of Abraham, meaning father of multitudes.
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