Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Abreshmina A spotted gemstone, a gemstone that has spot
venus Abri father of many
venus Abria In Celtic it means Strength or power. In Hebrew it means Father of many
venus Abrial Variant of Abraham that means father of masses
venus Abriana father of many
venus Abrianna From Abbie And Brianna
venus Abriella One who is derived from God or the pillar of strength
venus Abrielle God Is My Strength
venus Abrienda Opening
venus Abrienne father of many
mars Abrik Precious Like Gold
venus Abril April
venus Abrill April
venus Abrina From The River Severn
venus Abrisham Silk
mars Abriz The purest form of gold, or the raw gold
mars Abrohom Assyrian form of Abraham, meaning father of a multitude.
mars Abronoma Dove
venus Abroud A fair and beautiful girl.
venus Abru An honour or the dignity of a person
venus Abryanna The father of all or many
venus Abs The God of peace or the father of peace
mars Absaar The vision or the sight or the power of seeing
mars Absalam Father of Peace
mars Absalom Father of Peace
mars Absalon God the Father is peace
mars Absar The perception or the vision or the intellect
venus Absco One with an inventive mind.
mars Absham A scented tree or a tree that has fragrance
mars Absi To frown or the frowning
venus Absidee One who impresses others and is elegant
mars Absko Power and strength
mars Absolom Father Is Peace
mars Absolon Father of Peace
mars Abstinence Restraint
mars Abtal A brave person, or a hero
mars Abtar In Sanskrit it meant the incarnation of a deity. In Arabic it means someone who is without progeny
mars Abt'hi One who lives In Abtah, a place near Makkah.
mars Abtin One who is of good deeds or with good thoughts
mars Abtum The creator of plentiful waters.
mars Abu Nobility
mars Abuabdullah The father of the servant of Allah
mars Abuahmad Father of the holy praised person
mars Abu al-Fadl Combination of Abu and Fadl. This was another name for Abbas, the son of the fourth caliph Ali.
mars Abuali Father of a highly esteemed person
mars Abu ali father of Ali, or father of an elevated person
mars Abualkhayr One who always does good
mars Abu al khayr One who does good
mars Abuamr Father of the life or father of the enliven
mars Abuayyub The father who will repent to Allah
mars Abubakar A variant spelling of the Arabic name Abu Bakar, which itself means 'companion of Muhammad'.
mars Abubakr Of Arabic origin meaning 'companion of Muhammad'.
mars Abu-Bakr Name of one of muhammad's companions
mars Abubashir A father of one who brings good news
mars Abuchi A Nobel God or the nobility of a God
mars Abudalamah The one who is the father of blackness
mars Abudarda Father of a toothless woman
mars Abudaud father of a beloved person
mars Abudawaniq A father of a kid weighing 2 carats
mars Abudawud Father of the beloved and closest companion
venus Abudittaa Elevated
mars Abufiras Father of a lion or father of a lion hunter
mars Abufiruz The father of a triumphant person
mars Abughalib The father of a dominant person or a conqueror
mars Abuhabib Father of the most beloved friend
mars Abuhafs The father of a lion cub
mars Abuhamzah The father of a strong and steadfast person
mars Abuhanifa The father of a true believer
mars Abuhanifah The father of one who believes in Islam
mars Abuhassan The father of a handsome Boy
mars Abuhazim The father of one who regulates others
mars Abuhisham Father of a noble or generous person
mars Abuhurairah Father of a little kitten or a cat
mars Abuhurayrah The father who has a little kitten
mars Abuidris father of an interpreter
mars Abuishaq Father of a righteous person who is on good deeds
mars Abujafar Father of a stream or a rivulet
mars Abujahl The father of ignorance, one who is highly ignorant
mars Abujurayj A successful, kind and is endless
mars Abukathir Father of abundant person
mars Abul The servant or the servant of
mars Abulabbas The servant of Abbas or the lion
mars Abulahab The servant of father's brother or uncle
mars Abulaina The father of a beautiful eyed woman
mars Abulala The father of the superior person
mars Abulasshab The father of a master
mars Abulaswad The father of Aswad or black
mars Abulbarakat The father of the blessings
mars Abulbashar The father of a humans or mankind
mars Abuldunya The father of the worldly life
mars Abuldurr The father of pearl
mars Abulfadl The servant of a gracious person
mars Abulfaraj The servant of cure
mars Abulfath The father of the victory
mars Abulfazl The father of virtue
mars Abul-Fazl Alternate transcription of Arabic أبو الفضل (see Abu al-Fadl).
mars Abulhaija The father of battle or war
mars Abulhaisam Father of a strong man
mars Abulhasan Father of a good looking person
mars Abulhassan One who is father of a handsome person
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