Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Adalhard A brave and tough noble person
venus Adalheid noble kind
venus Adalheida A sweet and noble lady
venus Adalheidis Noble kind, of the noble sort.
venus Adali God is my refuge; noble one
venus Adalia Noble
venus Adaliah One who draws poverty or water or cloud
venus Adalicia One who is of noble nature, nobility
venus Adalie God is my refuge; noble one
venus Adalin noble kind
venus Adalina noble
venus Adalinda Noble Serpent
venus Adalinde Noble And Gentle, Sweet
venus Adalindis Variant of Adallinda.
venus Adaline noble kind
venus Adalira Noble
venus Adaliz A sort of kind or noble person
venus Adalley God is my refuge; noble one
venus Adallina noble
venus Adallinda Derived from the Old German elements adal "noble" and lind "soft, flexible, tender". Adallinda (or Adalindis or Ethelind) was the name of one of the concubines of Charlemagne, with whom she had at least two children.
mars Adalric A wealthy or rich noble person
mars Adalricus Noble ruler
mars Adalrik A noble or kind ruler
mars Adalson Son of All
mars Aðalsteinn Derived from the Old Norse elements aðal "noble" and steinn "stone".
mars Adalstienn Noble stone.
mars Adalvallan Best Dancer, Tamil Name of Lord Shiva in Nataraja form
mars Adalward The noble guardian.
mars Adalwen The noble companion or friend
mars Adalwin The victory of a noble person
mars Adalwine A friend who is kind and noble
mars Adalwolf A noble wolf
mars Adalwolfa A wolf who is noble
venus Adaly In German it means honourable. In Hebrew it means ornamental shine
venus Adalya Hebrew form of Adalia.
venus Adalyn Noble
venus Adalynn Combination Of ADA And Lynn
mars Adam Man, Of The Earth
mars Adama The study or facts of earth or ground
mars Adamandia A hard metal or diamond that is invincible and use to tame
venus Adamantia Feminine form of Adamantios.
mars Adamantios Derived from Greek ἀδάμας (adamas) meaning "unconquerable, unbreakable, adamant" (genitive ἀδάμαντος).
venus Adamari to love
venus Adamaris Noble Of The Sea
mars Adambara The sound of the roaring of an elephant
mars Adambha Free from any fraud or deceit
venus Adameena earth
mars Adames The earth or someone born of earth
mars Adami My Man; Red; Earthy; Human
mars Adamie A human being, good human
venus Adamina Of The Earth
venus Adamine earth
venus Adaminna earth
venus Adamma Beautiful Girl
mars Adamnan Man
mars Adamo Man
mars Adamou Form of Adam used in parts of French-influenced West Africa.
mars Adams From Adam
mars Adamson Son of Adam; A derivative from Adam
mars Adamsson The son of Adam, from earth
mars Adamu A variant of Adam, meaning father of mankind.
mars Adamus One who is made of red earth
mars Adamya Formidable; Brave; United; Difficult; Stern
mars Adan Of The Earth
venus Adana earth
mars Adank Adank is Swiss variant of Adam and means earth
venus Adankwo One born on fourth day.
venus Adanna Father's daughter
venus Adannaya Her Father's Daughter
venus Adanne African - Being the mother's daughter; A child who resembles her mother; A variant of name Adane
mars Adao Man
venus Adaobi The first daughter in the family compound.
venus Adaolisa God's daughter.
venus Adaoma A good and virtuous lady.
venus Adaora Daughter of all
mars Adar Syrian - Ruler, Prince; Hebrew - Fire
venus Adara Exalted, Praised
mars Adarbad Protector of fire. It's also the name of a saint.
venus Adare wealthy spear
mars Adarfiroz Fire of victory in Zoroastrian religion.
mars Adarfra The fire of glory in Zoroastrian religion.
mars Adargushnasp It is the fire dedicated to a war stallion. It's also an emblem of military strength.
mars Adarhoshang The fire of knowledge and intelligence.
mars Adarko Tamil name of Lord Shiva
mars Adarmard A man with extreme power.
mars Adarsa The ideal person, mirror image
mars Adarsh An Ideal
mars Adarsha The one who is an ideal person
mars Adarshpal Keeper of Ideals; Well mannered and Principled man
mars Adarshpreet An ideal love or affection
mars Adarvan The protector of fire.
mars Adas Short form of names beginning with Ad, such as Adomas or Adolfas.
venus Adasha Noble or exalted
venus Adasyn Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Adaugo Beautiful daughter or daughter of an eagle.
venus Adaure Daughter of Uruala, a town in Imo State.
mars Adavak Simple; Uncomplicated; free of deceit; Unpretentious
mars Adavan Sun ; Tamil name that refers to radiant and bright sun
mars Adavya Generous and Happy; Charming and Joyful person
mars Adawi Name of Sayyidina Umer's grandson.
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