Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Adawiyah A shrub or a plant that grows in summer
venus Adawna the first appearance of light, daybreak
mars Adawosgi Means "he is swimming" in Cherokee, from ᎠᏓᏬᏍᎬ (adawosgun) meaning "swimming".
venus Adaya God's Jewel
venus-mars Adayre wealthy spear
mars Adb A slave or a sub-ordinate, also means to worship
mars Adbdullah The servant of Allah, one who worship Allah
mars Adbhutha The servant of right guidance
mars Adcok The offspring or the son of Adam
venus Adda Noble fighter
mars Addae Morning Sun
mars Addai Ornament of God
venus Addal God is my refuge; noble one
venus Addala God is my refuge; noble one
venus Addaley An honourable noble person
venus Addalla noble kind
venus Addalyn Of the nobility, serene, of good humor
mars Addam Son of the Red Earth; A variant of name Adam
mars Addamson The son or the offspring of earth
venus Addana The younger sister of a girl
mars Addaneye One who is living on a noble person's island
mars Addar A mighty or a superior person. Son of Jacob
venus Addason Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addasyn Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
mars Addax Saharan Antelope
venus Adde noble kind
venus Addeline Noble kind, adorned
venus Addelyne The noble or sort of nobility
venus Addeson Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addesyn Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addeva A pleasant girl from the noble family
venus Addey noble kind
venus Addi noble
venus Addiah noble
venus Addica A sea-shore or a maritime place
venus Addie Diminutive Form Of Names Beginning With Ad-
mars Addien A pleasant or a beautiful girl
venus Addileigh A Beautiful or pleasant wood
venus Addiliegh The wood which is pleasant
venus Addilyn noble
venus Addilynn noble
mars Addis Son of Adam; Son of the Red Earth; A derivative of name Adam
venus Addisan Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addisen Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addision Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus-mars Addison son of Adam
venus Addisson Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addisun Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addisyn Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addisynn Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addler A eagle or a person with the quality of an eagle
mars Addney Lives on the Noble's Island; A variant of Adney
venus Addo King Of The Road
venus Addolorata Our Lady of the sorrows or grief; Virgin Mary
mars Addul A son of, or a servant of
venus Addula noble cheer
venus Addy Noble
venus Addysen Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addysin Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addyson Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
venus Addysyn Form of ADDISON - son of Adam
mars Ade Crown, Royal
venus Adea A kind gift from the God
venus Adeana delicate and slender; noble, gentle, delicate
mars Adebamgbe A Nigerian term meaning royalty dwells within me.
mars Adebayo Means "the crown meets joy" in Yoruba.
mars Adeben 12th Born Child
mars Adebiyi The royal one.
venus Adebola She Met Honor
mars Adebowale Return of the crown
mars Adedayo The crown has turned to joy.
mars Adeeb Intellectual; Erudite; Scholar; Literature; Arabic (Learned One)
venus Adeeba cultured, refined
mars Adeel Of Arabic origin and a variant spelling of the name Adil, which itself means 'righteous and fair'.
venus Adeela Equal; impartial; uniform
venus Adeelah One who is just and fair, equality
mars Adeem A rare or precious person
venus Adeen noble, gentle, delicate
venus Adeena noble, gentle, delicate
mars Adeep Light; Lamp; Luminous
venus Adeera strong, noble, powerful
venus Adeeva polite, considerate
venus Adefolake Your wealth supports us.
mars Adegoke Means "the crown has ascended the mountain" in Yoruba.
venus Adei Means "respect, consideration, grace" in Basque.
venus Adeja Already
mars Adekorafo Treasurer
mars Adekunle Means "the crown has filled the home" in Yoruba.
venus Adel Noble, Kind
venus Adela Noble
venus Adelade noble kind
venus Adelaid Germanic - Noble; Honorable; Of a noble kind; Hebrew - Ornament; Its form of name Adela; A variant spelling is Adelaide
venus Adelaida noble kind
venus Adelaide Of A Noble Kin
venus Adelaine In German it means a noble person. In Hebrew it means God is just
venus Adelais noble kind
venus Adelajda noble kind
mars Adelar A fearless noble warrior
mars Adelard noble strength in German; A variant of Abelard
mars Adelardo Spanish and Italian form of Adalhard.
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