Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Aega A palm bird, tiny bird
venus Aegea A shield or one who make shields
venus Aegel The spruce tree, the grass snake
venus Aegelmaer A little spruce tree, daughter of grass snake
mars Aegelmaere A border of spruce tree
mars Aegelric The king of spruce tree
mars Aegelweard The guard of the spruce tree
mars Aegenwulf The wolf of the chief sea
mars Aegeus Protector
mars Aegheard A protector cowherd
venus Aegidia small goat
mars Aegidius A young goat, or a shield from young goat skin
venus Aegileif Daughter of Hrolf Helgason.
mars Aegir A water giant, of a sea monster
venus Aegla A young cow, a heifer
venus Aegle The daughter of sun according to Greek mythology, light, radiance
mars Aegthryth The protector of strength
venus Aeileua Unique, wonderful and energetic being
venus Aeilgyuu A rational, individualistic and approachable being
mars Aeilmar One who inspires awe, awesome
venus Aeisha alive and well
mars Aejaz Karma; Fate; Destiny
mars Aekadamt Who is having one tooth; lord Ganesha
mars Aeker Meadow Of Oak Trees; means division of land in English; a variant of Ackerley
mars Aekerley Meadow Of Oak Trees; means division of land in English; a variant of Ackerley
mars Aekerman Man of Oak; A derivative name from Aeker
mars Aekley Meadow Of Oak Trees; means division of land in English; a variant of Ackerley
mars Ael Rocks or rampart
venus Aela Rock or rampart
venus Aelan A flower, a beautiful flower
mars Aelbehrt A bright or shiny edge or tip
mars Aelbert A bright pointed tip of sword
venus Aelda A warrior, one who fights war
venus Aeldid A nymph counsellor
mars Aeldiet One who is of fire
mars Aeldit Who belongs to he fire
mars Aeldra Lives at the Elder Tree; means Noble
mars Aeldredus The noble red-haired person
mars Aeldret A wise person, an advisor
venus Aeleis God is my salvation
venus Aelesia One who help others, a helper
venus Aelf A nymph or a mystical woman
mars Aelfa A person with supernatural power
venus Aelfdane One who earn or deserve elf powers
venus Aelfdene From the valley of mystical powers
venus Aelffled One who escaped from mystical powers
mars Aelffrith Peace or protection from elf powers
mars Aelfgar A spear of the supernatural power
venus Aelfgeat A nymph from Gotland or Gothia
venus Aelfgiest A goat with mystical powers
venus Aelfgifu A gift of supernatural powers
venus Aelfgiuee A guide of mystical powers
venus Aelfgiva A mountain or hill of fairies
venus Aelfgyd A war of mystical powers
venus Aelfgyth A body with supernatural powers
venus Aelfheah The high mystical powers
venus Aelfhelm A mystical power from the shelter of animals
mars Aelfhere The army of mystical powers
mars Aelflead A mystical leader
mars Aelfled led by the mystical powers
venus Aelfleda One who is led by the supernatural powers
venus Aelfmaer A little mystical nymph
venus Aelfnoth A mystical distress or need
mars Aelfraed Wise
mars Aelfred A wise mystical person, advisor
mars Aelfric Elf Ruler; King of Elves
venus Aelfrida One who has the mystical strength
venus Aelfrun The secret of mystical powers
mars Aelfryth The king of mystical powers
venus Aelfsi One who is like an elf, or like nymph
venus Aelfsige The victory of mystical powers
mars Aelfstan A magical stone with supernatural powers
mars Aelfthryth The strength or elf or super powers
mars Aelfwald A forest of supernatural powers
mars Aelfwaru The guard of the mystical powers
venus Aelfwear A mystic power from water
mars Aelfweard The guardian of supernatural powers
mars Aelfwin Friend of the mystical powers
mars Aelfwine A friend of elves, or nymphs
venus Aelfwold A mystic person from the forests
venus Aelfwyn The friend of super powers
venus Aelfwynn A friend of mystic power
mars Aelgar A bright shining spear
venus Aelger A bright or merry person
venus Aelgifu A gift of brightness, a bright gift
venus Aelgytha A bright shining gift
venus Aelia The female form or Aelius; Sun
venus Aeliana Feminine form of Aelianus.
mars Aelianus Roman cognomen that was a derivative of Aelius.
venus Aelicia An oath of God
venus Aelina Bright shining light, a torch
venus Aelinn Handsome or beautiful
venus Aelish A kind of noble person, a noble kin
venus Aelisia One who is devoted to God
venus Aelita Created by Russian author Aleksey Tolstoy for his science fiction novel Aelita (1923), where it belongs to a Martian princess. In the book, the name is said to mean "starlight seen for the last time" in the Martian language.
venus Aelith A stone of air, an airborne stone
mars Aelius Sun
venus Aelive A bright and shiny person
venus Aelizia One who is blessed by the God
venus Aella A windstorm, a tornado, whirlwind
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