Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Aelle Name of Several Kings; one of many names after Elf
venus Aelli Pleasant or devoted to God
venus Aellin A harmony, a bright or shining
mars Aellius The sun, name of Roman emperor Handrian
mars Aelmar Awesome or awe-inspiring
mars Aelmer A famous nobleman for his nobility
mars Aelred A noble wise man or counsellor
venus Aelueua A noble eve or lady, noble chawwah
venus Aeluin A blue lake or pool, a mountain lake
venus Aeluuin A mountain lake of blue color
venus Aelwen Fair Brow
venus Aelwin One with the blessed eyebrow
mars Aelwyn Fair
venus Aember An orange-yellow colored gemstone from fossil resin
mars Aembriht A balanced, rational and confident person
venus Aemela An admiring person, workaholic
venus Aemele A hard-working and persistent person
venus Aemelia rival, eager work
venus Aemiley rival; laborious; eager
venus Aemilia rival; laborious; eager
venus Aemiliana Feminine form of Aemilianus (see Emiliano).
mars Aemilianus Original Latin form of Emiliano.
venus Aemilie rival; laborious; eager
mars Aemilius Original Latin form of Emil.
venus Aemy A beloved person, to love
mars Aen An eye or a fountain
mars Aeneas Worthy of praise
mars Aenedleah One who is from an awesome meadows
mars Aenescumb One who lives in the valley of majestic people
mars Aengifu The gift for the eye
mars Aengus Celtic - One Choice; A variant of name Angus
mars Aenheri The mother of Eleanor
venus Aeni Original, pure, and true
mars Aenoheso Means "little hawk", from Cheyenne aénohe "hawk" and the diminutive suffix -so [1].
mars Aenon A spring or natural fountain
venus Aenor Mother of Alienor of Aquitaine
venus Aeny The husband of Radha from Hindu mythology
venus Aenya kernel
venus Aeola One who is quick and light in action
mars Aeolus One who can be changed, God of winds
venus Aera Lion; one who has strength and courage of Lion
venus Aeran Ireland
venus Aerenne Ireland
mars Aeres Heiress
mars Aerfen End Of Battle
mars Aergad One who is strong in battle
venus Aergul The bunch of blooming roses
venus Aeria A specie of butterfly. Type of butterfly
mars Aeric One who is an eternal ruler
venus Aerica complete ruler
venus Aericka complete ruler
venus-mars Aeriel lion of God
venus Aeriela lion of God
venus-mars Aeriell lion of God
venus Aerilyn Beautiful Air
venus Aerin Ireland
venus Aerinn An exalted or strong woman
venus Aeris An earth full of flowers
venus Aerith Created Name
mars Aero Of The Sky
mars Aerol One who is of a Golden heart
mars Aeron Goddess Of War
venus Aerona Celtic Goddess
venus Aeronwen fair, blessed berries
venus Aeronwy Berry stream
mars Aeropos Male form of the name Aerope.
venus Aerowyn The victorious person from the battle
mars Aerthirn From the royal Roman clan
venus Aerwyna One who is friend or companion of a sea
venus Aeryn Ireland
venus Aerynne Ireland
venus Aesara Unknown
mars Aesc The ash tree or the tree of ash
venus Aesca A girl from the ash tree
mars Aescford A water stream by the ash tree
mars Aeschild The child from the ash tree
mars Aeschylus Aeschylus originates from the Greek name Aischylos, which means shame.
venus Aescla One who is from the ash tree farm
venus Aescleah The forest of ash tree
venus Aesclin One who belongs to the farm of ash tree
mars Aesctun The town by the ash tree
mars Aesculapius Latinized form of Asklepios.
mars Aescwig A fight or rumble near the ash tree
mars Aescwine Spear Friend
mars Aescwyn The winner or victor from the ash tree
venus Aesha alive and well
venus Aeshah alive and well
venus Aeshna The desire of wish or a known person
venus Aesica One who is rich and a beholder
mars Aesir Of the Gods.
mars Aesoburne One who is born near the ash tree
mars Aeson The father of Jason
mars Aesop Unclear
mars Aethel A noble snake or one from the Aethelind
mars Aethelard One who descends from the noble snake
mars Aethelbald Noble and Bold; A King of Mercia
mars Aethelbeorht The bright noble snake
mars Aethelbeorn One who is born of a noble snake
mars Aethelberht The bright and shining noble snake
mars Aethelbert Bright Nobility
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