Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Afham One with loving nature, understanding
venus Afi African - A child who is born on Friday; A daughter who is born on Friday; A variant form is Afia
venus Afia Born On Friday
mars Afif Chaste in Arabic; Modest
venus Afifa Arabic - Chaste; Modest; Righteous; A variant spelling is Afeefa; Virtuous; Pious; God Fearing; Devoted to God
venus Afifah Chaste
venus Afifi A chaste or modest person
venus Afina Blueberry
venus Afiwa born on Friday
venus Afiya African - Swahili - Health; A variant spelling is Afya
venus Afiyah Healthy, one who want health, free from all problems
venus Afiyat Freedom from illness, health
venus Afizah One who guards the knowledge and modesty
mars Afjal Principal or chief, most excellent
mars Afkar One who cares or thoughts
venus Afke Appears in Friesland
mars Afkhar Magnificent, bravest or finest
venus Aflah gaining success or progressive
venus Aflak One who is from the heaven, a heavenly body
venus Aflaq A heavenly light of the morning
mars Aflatun A person who is mighty and powerful
venus Afnan Arabic - Flower; Irish - Tree Branches with Leaves
venus Afni A sweet person, one who is eternal sweet
mars Afolabi Child of high status
venus-mars Afon River
mars Afonso Noble, eager
mars Afonya Diminutive of Afanasiy.
venus Afra Young Deer
venus Afraa White
mars Afrad Refers to single one of its kind.
venus Afrah Happiness
venus Afraima fertile
mars Afram A River In Ghana, Africa
mars Afran Created
mars Afraz The one who is keen to learn spiritual rules and regulations.
mars Afreda The one who has created this whole planet.
venus Afreen Encouragement
venus Afri Name of a character in Shahnameh, Siamak's daughter-in-law
venus Afric Africa
venus Africa Pleasant
venus Africah pleasant
mars Africanus Free from cold and horror
venus Afrida Refers to establishment or production.
mars Afridi The name of one of the tribes or clans.
venus Afrika Form of AFRICA - pleasant
venus Afrikah pleasant
mars Afrim Approach
venus Afrin The one who is worthy to be praised and blessed.
venus Afrodille Daffodil
venus Afrodita Spanish and Russian form of Aphrodite.
venus Afrodite Uplifted from the spray or spume.
venus Afroditi Goddess Of Love
venus Afroza Fire
mars Afroze Refers to educational or helpful.
venus Afryea The born during good times.
venus Afsa The name of Prophet Mohammed's wife.
venus Afsah An eloquent man.
mars Afsan Refers to romance or creative writing.
venus Afsanah Refers to fairy tale or narrative.
venus Afsaneh A story about fairies.
mars Afsar A man in charge of an armed group.
venus Afsarara A person who is serving a crown.
venus Afsha An aid of adornment or beauty
venus Afshaa To show, or to demonstrate the beauty
venus Afshan Afghan - To Sprinkle; Glitter; Adornment Aids
venus Afshaneh Sprinkling or scattering
venus Afsheen Glittering as a star in the sky.
mars Afshin Name of an Iranian General; derived name from princely title of rulers of Osrusana
venus Afsoon The meaning of Afsoon is "charm" or "Spell". A beautiful Goddess who is loved by all, friendly, caring, charismatic, kind, gentle, understanding, sensitive,emotional and desirable by all. Everyone will be charmed by her beauty.
venus Afsoun Means "charm, spell" in Persian.
venus Afsun Alternate transcription of Persian افسون (see Afsoun).
mars Afta The meaning of Afta is "younger or later born". Friendly nature, easy going, practical, diplomatic, stubborn yet has a desire to please others.
mars Aftaab Aftaab means "the sun". A masculine name who is positive, happy go lucky, prosperous and energetic
mars Aftab Aftab means "the sun". A masculine name who is positive, happy go lucky, prosperous and energetic
venus Aftan Suitable for both a girl and a Boy which means powerful, intellectual, poise, charming and attractive.
mars Aftar A humble, confident, practical and hard working being with very high leadership qualities.
venus Afternoon A very rare name suitable for one who is creative, risk taker, practical, art lover and likes challenges.
venus-mars Afton From Affa's Settlement
venus Aftyn Derived from Afton which was a place in Scotland that had Feminine Strength
venus Afua born on Friday
venus Afusat One who is strong, beautiful, kind, gentle at heart, generous, loving, impatient yet hard working.
venus Afya Diminutive Form Of Agrafena
mars Afyah It depicts one who is board minded, determined, outspoken, straightforward, strong will power and open minded.
venus Afza A good planner with leadership qualities, always aim high, progressive, persistent, hard working, determined and prosperous.
venus Afzaa A good planner with leadership qualities, always aim high, progressive, persistent, hard working, determined and prosperous.
mars Afzal The Best in Arabic; Most Excellent;
mars Afzul One who has strong leadership qualities, good communication skills which will be fruitful for any business venture.
venus Ag good, honorable; pure, holy
venus Aga Sword; symbol of military power, punitive justice, authority
venus Agace good, honorable
venus Agacia good, honorable
venus Agacie One who is smart, pretty, poise, clever, intelligent, confident and kind hearted.
mars Agadh This name means mysterious or unfathomable. It is believed that Agadh is lucky in the field of trade and commerce and other business ventures.
mars Agadhbodh It means to have unfathomable knowledge. One who is very wise and clever, smart and intelligent.
mars Agadhi One who is undescribable, mysterious, mystifying, secretive and enigmatic
mars Agadhroop One who is of unfathomable form. A charming mysterious person.
venus Agafi pure, holy
venus Agafia good, honorable; pure, holy
venus Agafiya good, honorable
venus Agafon good, honorable; pure, holy
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