Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Agafya Good-hearted
mars Agag Roof; Upper Floor
venus Agalaia A name borrowed from the Greek Goddess of Beauty Aglaea who was beautiful, magnificient and mystical.
venus Agalia Bright Joy
mars Agam Extending Far; Profound; Unimaginable; Intelligent; Pervasive; Intense
mars Agama Sanskrit - Knowledge; Wisdom;
mars Agamadhi One who is intelligent and knowledgable, victorious, seeks excellence, zeal to excel in everything and successful.
mars Agambir A brave warrior who crosses every hurdle with great strength, compassion, patience and hard work
mars Agamemnon Very Resolute
mars Agamik First
mars Agamiya Karma we do in this birth
mars Agamjeet one who wins the God with his love and righteousness
mars Agamjit The meaning of Agamjit is the victory of God or rather the trophy of God, the golden child; the most precious one chosen by God.
mars Agamjot God's Light; beacon; Source of illumination
mars Agampal A lucky name which will bring prosperity and fame as the name means God as protector which depicts blessings from the Almighty.
mars Agampreet Love for God
mars Agamprem One who is devoted, loyal, strong willed, hard working, committed, dependable, trustworthy, reliable and greatly believes and worships God.
mars Agamroop A person who is a perfectionist, organised, well maintained, sophisticated, gentleman, zealous, hard working, easy going and dedicated to every work given to him.
venus Agamya A beautiful maiden who has the zeal to learn and gain knowledge and wisdom about everything she lays interests on.
mars Agan A unisex name which means beautiful or handsome and intelligent. In other meanings it means pearl, a precious stone which is very expensive.
mars Agana Chamorro word for blood used as a name for baby girls.
venus Aganaya A name of the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi who was the goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
mars Aganee One who can manifest himself to do things creatively and in a unique way.They are spontaneous and lively.
mars Aganit Countless; God; The creator and ruler of the universe
mars Aganith Countless; God; The creator and ruler of the universe; A Variant name of Aganit
mars Agantuk One who is mysterious, incomprehensible, impenetrable, patient, calm and secretive.
mars Aganveer God of Law; Sikh Origin
mars Aganya Uncountable; Infinite; Born from Fire; one of many names of Goddess Lakshmi
venus Agape Love
venus Agapet good, honorable
venus Agapeta Female form of Agapetus, meaning beloved.
mars Agapetos Agapetos is the original form of Agapito. It means beloved.
mars Agapetus Latinized form of the Greek name Agapetos (see Agapito).
venus Agapi love, affection
mars Agapios An uncommon masculine Greek name which means love. It was the name of one the Saints of Greece who is a martyr.
venus Agapit good, honorable
mars Agapito Beloved
mars Agapitos Modern Greek form of Agapito.
venus Agappe love, affection
mars Agar Form of Hagar used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
mars Agara House, dwelling place
mars Agarva One who is free from pride, who is humble, generous, down to earth, sensible, realistic, pragmatic, commonsensible and logical.
mars Agas Agas in Hebrew means the fruit pear. A pear signifies strength,power, longevity, nobility and fruitfulness.
venus Agase Agase means good in Greek. A uniquely apt name for a baby girl who is obedient, not stubborn, happy, cheerful and easy going.
venus Agasthi One who is highly knowledgeble, intelligent, clever, wise, excellence reacher and a class topper.
mars Agasthya The star of Canopus which is the 'cleanser of waters'; One of many names of Lord Shiva; A name of great Sage
mars Agasti Name of a Sage ; A derivative from Agasthya which represents the star of Canopus
mars Agastya Name of a Sage ; A derivative from Agasthya which represents the star of Canopus
venus Agata Virtuous, Good
venus Agate Kind
venus Agatha Virtuous, Good
mars Agathangelos Means "bearer of good news", derived from Greek ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" and ἄγγελος (angelos) meaning "messenger, angel". Saint Agathangelus of Rome was a 4th-century deacon who was martyred during the persecutions of the emperor Diocletian.
venus Agathe Good, honourable
venus Agathi good, honorable
mars Agathian Name of a Sage ; A derivative from Agasthya which represents the star of Canopus
mars Agathinos Greek form of Agathinus.
mars Agathinus Latinized form of Greek Ἀγαθῖνος (Agathinos), derived from ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good".
mars Agathiyan Name of a Sage ; A derivative from Agasthya which represents the star of Canopus
mars Agathocles Latinized form of the Greek Ἀγαθοκλῆς (Agathokles), derived from the elements ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory". This name was borne by a 2nd-century BC king of Bactria.
mars Agathokles Greek form of Agathocles.
mars Agathon A Greek name that means Good
mars Agatino Italian form of Agathinus.
venus Agatka Polish diminutive of Agata.
mars Agaton Kind, Good
venus Agatta good, honorable
venus Agaue Means "illustrious, noble" in Greek. This was the mother of Pentheus in Greek myth.
mars Agavaha A ram who wilds in the mountains and is ferocious, fierce, strong, protective, observant and strong minded.
venus Agave illustrious, noble
mars Agavoli An intelligent person who seeks excellence and excels in every field in life; brilliant
mars Agbarha Born in Agbarha
venus Agda Good
mars Age Old Norse - Representatives of Ancestors; Derivative of Aage
venus Agelaeia She who belongs to a herd.
mars Agendra King of Mountains; Refers to Himalayan Mountains
venus Agenilda One who is courageous, cheerful, friendly, kind and generous
mars Agenor Derived from the poetic Greek word ἀγήνωρ (agenor) meaning "very manly, heroic", a derivative of ἄγαν (agan) "very much" and ἀνήρ (aner) "man". This is the name of multiple characters in Greek mythology, including a king of the Phoenician city of Tyre. He was a son of Poseidon and Libya and the father of Europa, Cadmus and several other children.
venus Agetha good, honorable
mars Agga A smaller shorter version of the name Agatha which means good, kind and honourable.
venus Aggatat Greenlandic form of Agatha, meaning good.
venus Aggi good, honorable; pure, holy
venus Aggie Virtuous, Good
mars Aggustinuse Greenlandic form of Augustinus. It means great.
venus Aggy good, honorable; pure, holy
venus Aggye good, honorable; pure, holy
mars Agha A noble person who is honoured for his effieciency, intelligence and great positive leadership qualities.
mars Aghad Vast; Deep; immersed; involved deeply; engrossing
mars Aghaghna A devotee to God who is righteous, dutiful, commited, loyal, pious, spiritual, faithful and sincere.
mars Aghala A girl with a pleasing personality
mars Aghama The Moon
mars Aghamarshan Destroyer of Sin; one who destroys all our sins
venus Aghanashini A feminine name which means destroyer of sins which depicts faithfulness, dutiful, devoted, God fearing and committed.
mars Agharika One who is zealous, courageous and a free spirit
mars Agharna The Moon
mars Agharr One who is very handsome, brave, noble, dedicated, committed, faithful, dependable, righteous and obedient in nature.
mars Aghat Destroyer of Sin; one who destroys all our sins
venus Aghavni Means "dove" in Armenian.
mars Aghi Old Norse form of Ove.
venus Aghid A beautiful, young, sensitive, delicate, emotional, compassionate, sophisticated and gentle maiden
venus Aghigh Name of a stone. A stone that is precious, treasured, priceless, immeasurable and rare.
mars Aghil Persian form of Aqil.
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