Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Aghla One who is the most precious, most valued, dearest to all, treasured and kept protected.
mars Aghlab Means "predominant, supreme" in Arabic.
venus Aghna pure, holy
mars Aghor One of many names of Lord Shiva; represents one of the five faces of Lord Shiva
mars Aghora Not Terrible; A derivative of name Aghor which represents one of the five faces of Lord Shiva
mars Aghoranath One of many names of Lord Shiva; represents one of the five faces of Lord Shiva
mars Aghornath One of many names of Lord Shiva; represents one of the five faces of Lord Shiva
mars Aghosh Quiet; Soundless; Direction; Peace; Guidance; Tranquil
venus Aghsan Branches or twigs in Arabic which depicts a helper, a kind supportive person who enjoys helping others, being the branch to support people in need.
venus Agi good, honorable; pure, holy
venus Agie good, honorable; pure, holy
mars Agilan A Tamil name that means one who Commands Everything;
mars Agilberht Name of a Bishop
mars Agilbert One who is responsible, dominating, persistent, compassionate, intelligent, hard working and zealous.
venus Agilina eagle
mars Agilulf Old German name derived from the elements agil meaning "edge, blade" and wolf meaning "wolf". This name was borne by a 6th-century king of the Lombards and by an 8th-century saint (a bishop of Cologne).
mars Agim Dawn
mars Agimar In German agimareans something sharp which could signify a sword which is powerful and a mighty weapon.
mars Agin The meaning behind the name is not so appropriate to name someone as it means an illegitimate child or a name given to the lowest ranks of nobles.
mars Aginhart One whit the aging heart
mars Agira The Sun; Fire; Heaven; Place of Supreme Happiness; To light; To glow
venus Aglae French form of Aglaia.
venus Aglaea Latinized form of Aglaia.
venus Aglaia Brilliance
venus Aglaja Splendour, beautiful
mars Aglaral Brother of Percival
mars Aglaval Brother of Percival
venus Aglaya Russian form of Aglaia.
mars Aglovale In Arthurian legend, the name of a knight of the Round Table
mars Agmundr Old Norse form of Amund.
venus Agna pure, holy
venus Agnah pure, holy
mars Agnaiyanke Runs Beside Horse
venus Agnajita One who has conquered
mars Agnar From the Old Norse name Agnarr, derived from agi "awe, fear" or egg "edge of a sword" combined with herr "army, warrior".
mars Agnarr Old Norse form of Agnar.
venus Agne Lithuanian form of Agnes.
venus Agned Saint Agnes was a virgin martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian
venus Agneis pure, holy
venus Agnella pure, holy
venus Agnellah pure, holy
venus Agnelle pure, holy
mars Agnello Lamb
mars Agner Danish form of Agnar.
venus Agnes Pure, Chaste
venus Agnesa Pure, Chaste
venus Agnese Chaste
venus Agnesia Estonian form of Agnes. It means holy.
venus Agnesina A pure and virginal woman
venus Agness pure, holy
venus Agnessa pure, holy
venus Agnesse pure, holy
venus Agneta Chaste
venus Agnete Chaste
venus Agnetha Holy, Pure
venus Agnethe pure, holy
venus Agnetta pure, holy
venus Agnettah pure, holy
mars Agnew From Agneaux, France
mars Agneya Son of Agni; Son of Fire
venus Agneyastra The fire weapon, incepted by God Agni, master of the flames.
mars Agneza Pure, Chaste
venus Agni From the fire
venus Agnia Alternate transcription of Russian Агния (see Agniya).
mars Agnibahu Son of first Manu
venus Agnibha Shinning like fire
mars Agnibhav Born in Fire
mars Agnibhu Born from fire
venus Agnibhuti Experience
mars Agnibija The speed of fire
mars Agnichur Fire on top
mars Agnidatta Given by fire
mars Agnideep Inflamed
mars Agnideepak Increasing appetite
mars Agnideepan Illuminated like fire
mars Agnideepta Illuminated like fire
mars Agnidev God of Fire; A derivative name from Agni
mars Agnidhra Descendent of fire
mars Agnidut Messenger of God of Fire
venus Agnie pure, holy
venus Agnieszka pure, holy
mars Agnihamsa The Soul; A derivative name from Agni
mars Agnihotra A sacrifice to God agni
mars Agnija Fire born
venus Agnije Daughter of Agni
mars Agnijit Who conquer fire
mars Agnika Born of fire
mars Agnikana Particle of fire spark
mars Agniketu Fire bannered
mars Agnikumar Son of Fire; A derivative name from Agni
mars Agnikumara Son of Fire; A variant name of Agnikumar
mars Agnima Leader
mars Agnimani Gold
mars Agnimasa Shinning like fore
mars Agnimistra Friend of fire
venus Agnimitra Friend of Fire; Name of a Prince; One whose friend is fire; Sun
mars Agnimugam Face of fire
mars Agnimukha Fire faced
mars Agninayan Shiva
mars Agninyan Lord Shiva
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