Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Alben Fair, blond
venus Albena A name created by Bulgarian writer Yordan Yovkov for his drama 'Albena'.
venus Albera White, rock
venus Alberga white; noble
venus Alberge white; noble
mars Alberi An european male name for noble men
mars Alberic German - Elf Ruler, Supernaturally Powerful; A variant of name Alberich
mars Alberich The king of the dwarf; an Elf who has great power
mars Alberico Italian form of Alberich.
mars Albericus Elf king
mars Albern German -Noble; Courage; Of Noble Valor; A variant of name Alburn
mars Albert Noble, bright
venus Alberta Noble And Bright
mars Albertas Lithuanian form of Albert.
venus Alberte Wise and graceful
venus Alberteen Germanic - Nobly Famous; Noble; Kind; A variant transcription of Alberta; Feminine form of Albert
venus Albertha noble, bright
venus Alberthine noble, bright
venus Albertina Noble and bright
venus Albertine noble, bright
mars Albertino Diminutive of Alberto.
mars Alberto Noble And Bright
mars Alberts Latvian form of Albert.
mars Albertus German - Nobly Famous; A derivative of name Albert
venus Albertyna Germanic - Nobly Famous; Noble; Kind; A variant transcription of Alberta; Feminine form of Albert
venus Albertyne Germanic - Nobly Famous; Noble; Kind; A variant transcription of Alberta; Feminine form of Albert
mars Albi The name means 'noble and famous
venus Albia white
mars Albie White, rock
venus Albiika unknown
venus Albiina unknown
mars Albin Fair
venus Albina Fair
mars Albinas Lithuanian form of Albinus.
venus Albine white
venus Albinia White
venus Albinka Blonde
mars Albino White, Fair
mars Albinus Latin - White; Blond; Fair One; A variant of name Albus
mars Albion White Land - Great Britain
venus Albiona White
mars Albiruni A name of the Muslim scholar
mars Alboin From the Old German elements alb "elf" and wini "friend". It is a cognate of Ælfwine. This was the name of a 6th-century king of the Lombards who began the Lombard conquest of Italy.
mars Albold A mighty elf ruler
mars Alborz The highest one
mars Albray A counsel of elves. Mostly used as a surname
mars Albrecht Aristocratic and bright
venus Albreda elf counsel
venus Albree Breeze; one who has soothing and exciting personality
mars Albrekt Noble, bright and famous individual who likes to travel
mars Albricht Noble and bright
mars Albrico Elfin King who has proper regards for conduct
mars Albrict An intellingent and noble individual
mars Albrit A variation of Albert, means a noble man
venus Alburga An elves fortress
mars Alburn German -Noble; Courage; Of Noble Valor; A variant name is Albern
mars Alburt German - Nobly Famous; A derivative of name Albert
mars Albus White
mars Albusti A Muslim baby Boy name
mars Alby Noble and bright
mars Alca One of long hair and very intelligent
mars Alcaeus Strength, physical power to carry out demanding task
mars Alcander Strong
mars Alcee Famous Bearer and a strong willed alluring person
venus Alcestis Latinized form of Greek Ἄλκηστις (Alkestis), derived from ἀλκηστής (alkestes) meaning "brave, valiant", a derivative of ἀλκή (alke) meaning "strength, prowess". In Greek mythology she was the wife of King Admetus. She offered to die in place of her husband, though she was eventually rescued from the underworld by Herakles. This story was told by the Greek playwright Euripides in his 5th-century BC tragedy Alcestis.
mars Alceu Sicilian form of Alcaeus. it means strength.
mars Alcfrith A name of the noble born person
venus-mars Alchemy Medeival Chemistry
mars Alchere An old Anglo-Saxon name
mars Alchflead A name of Anglo-Saxon origin, given to Boys of high rank
mars Alchfrid A kingly, noble man
mars Alchfrith A noble Boy of Anglo-Saxon origin
mars Alchred A red man of Anglo-Saxon origin
mars Alcibiades Latinized form of the Greek name Ἀλκιβιάδης (Alkibiades), derived from ἀλκή (alke) meaning "strength, prowess" and βία (bia) meaning "force" with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides). This was the name of a notable Greek statesman and general during the Peloponnesian War. He changed allegiance from Athens to Sparta and back again during the course of the war. He features in Shakespeare's tragedy Timon of Athens (1607).
mars Alcide Strong man who is very powerful
mars Alcides Of Strength
venus Alcie Strong willed; a responsible and inspirational being
venus Alcina Strong-minded
venus Alcinda light
venus Alcinoe Latinized form of Alkinoe.
mars Alcinous Latinized form of Alkinoos.
mars Alcione Portuguese form of Alcyone.
venus Alcippe From Greek Ἀλκίππη (Alkippe), derived from ἀλκή (alke) meaning "strength, prowess" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse". This was the name of a daughter of Ares in Greek myth. Her father killed Halirrhotis, a son of Poseidon, when he attempted to rape her, leading to a murder trial in which Ares was quickly acquitted.
mars Alcmene Strength Of The Moon
mars Alcott From the old cottage
mars Alcred A red-haired Boy of Anglo-Saxon origin
mars Alcuin Teutonic - Noble Friend;
venus Alcyone Calm, not anxious, one who is without anxiety
venus Ald Old or wise; a person who is always victorious
venus Alda Old
venus Aldabella old, prosperous
mars Aldamiri A name of an Egyptian writer on canon law
mars Aldan Old, Wise
venus Aldana old, prosperous
mars Aldane Some who is a wise protector of the realm or land he is living in.
mars Aldaqiq A male arabic name
venus Aldara old, prosperous; winged gift
venus Aldea Rich
mars Aldebrand Old German name derived from the elements alt meaning "old" and brant meaning "fire, torch, sword". Saint Aldebrand was a 12th-century bishop of Fossombrone in Italy.
venus Alded A variation of Adela, meaning a noble woman
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