Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Aldegar Derived from the Old German elements alt "old" and ger "spear".
venus Aldegonda Dutch form of Aldegund.
venus Aldegund Germanic name, derived from the elements alt "old" and gunda "war". Alternatively, it could be a metathesized form of Adalgund. Saint Aldegund (or Aldegundis or Adelgundis) was a 7th-century Frankish abbess at Maubeuge.
venus Aldegundis Latinized form of Aldegund.
mars Aldemar Well known for his experience
mars Alden Half Danish
mars Aldene old, prosperous
mars Alder Name of a tree
venus Aldercy A chief
mars Alderic Variant of Aldric.
mars Aldert Noble strength
venus Aldet A very noble dame
venus Aldeth An aristocratic woman
mars Aldford Old river-ford
venus Aldfrid A Saxon female name
mars Aldfrith Name of a King
venus Aldgid Cold, Chilly
venus Aldgyth An old, ancient war
mars Aldhard Derived from the Old German elements alt "old" and hart "hard, firm, brave, hardy".
mars Aldhelm Name of a Bishop
mars Aldhere An anglo-Saxon man
mars Aldhun A man of Anglo-Saxon origin
mars Aldid The vision or the sight
venus Aldiet To take part in an old war
venus Aldieth An old woman of the war
venus Aldietha An elderly woman of the war
mars Aldin Old English - Old Friend ; A variant of name Alden
venus Aldina golden
venus Aldine old, prosperous; small winged one
venus-mars Aldis From The Old House
venus Aldith seasoned warrior; battle-seasoned
venus Alditha Old battle; one who is respected in battle
venus Aldiva She is a woman of the old war
mars Aldivin Old; a wise and intelligent being
mars Aldiyar Derived from the archaic Kazakh title алдияр (aldiyar), which was used to address a ruler (equivalent to English Your Majesty). The word is ultimately of Persian origin, but of uncertain meaning.
venus Aldiytha A woman who took part in an old war
mars Aldjahiz A male name of arabic or urdu origins
mars Aldnd Wise, Red Haired man; one who is from triangle land
mars Aldo Old Or Noble
mars Aldon From Aldon
venus Aldona Feminine Form Of Aldon
venus Aldonna small winged one
venus Aldonza Good Natured
venus Aldora winged gift
mars Aldous Old, noble
mars Aldram Old Raven
mars Aldred Wise Counselor; Old English : Elf Counsel ; A variant of name Alfred
venus Aldreda Old
mars Aldredus An old man who gives good counsel
mars Aldret A noble old man who counsels
mars Aldric German - Old and Powerful ruler ; A variant of name Aldrich
mars Aldrich Wise sage
mars Aldrick Wise Ruler
venus Aldridge Leader
mars Aldrige Old ruler
mars Aldrik German - Old and Powerful ruler ; A variant of name Aldrich
mars Aldrin German - Old and Powerful ruler ; A variant of name Aldrich
mars Aldritch Old Leader
mars Alds Wise
mars Aldtun From the Old Manor
mars Alduin English: Noble,Wise Friend; A derivative of name Aldwin
mars Aldun old friend
mars Aldus Germanic - Old; Wise; Honorable; Noble; An old form of Aldous
mars Aldusa An old, elderly man
venus Alduse An old elderly woman
mars Aldway Noble war
mars Aldwin Old friend
mars Aldwine Wise Friend
mars Aldwulf One old as a wolf
mars Aldwyn Old friend
mars Aldwynn Old companion
venus Aldyet A woman from the old wars
mars Aldyn Old acquaintance
venus Aldyne small winged one
venus Aldys Germanic - Noble; Honorable; Old; A variation of name Aldo; A variant of Aldus
venus Aldyt A battle maiden from the old wars
mars Ale Defender of man
venus Alea Exalted
venus Aleah High, Sublime
venus Aleana exalted, sublime
venus Aleanor other, foreign; sun ray
venus Alease God is my oath
venus Aleaseya Savior
venus Aleasha Of noble kind
mars Alec Defender Of The People
venus Aleceea noble, exalted
venus Alecia Of A Noble Kin
mars Alecjo Esperanto diminutive of Alexander.
mars Aleck Defender of Mankind
venus Alecta Ceaseless
venus Alecto Ceaseless
venus Alectra brilliant
mars Alectrona Rooster, Morning
mars Aleczander defender of men
mars Aled Offspring
venus Aleda Small And Winged
venus Aleea exalted, sublime
venus Aleeah Ascent
venus Aleece noble, exalted
venus Aleecia noble, exalted
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