Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Alifa Show Affection, Meek, warmth
mars Alifeleti Alifeleti is Tongan form of Alfred. It means elf counsel.
venus Alifiya One in Millions
mars Alih Idol, icon, hero
mars Alihamza Lion. Sour Leaves.
venus Alihat Idol
venus Aliisa Noble, graceful
mars Alija Bosnian form of Ali. It means highly regarded.
mars Alijah The Lord Is My God
venus Alijana Rock, handsome
mars Alik Greek: Defender of men, Protector of Mankind; Russian: Helper of Man
venus Alika most beautiful
venus Alikae Combination Of Alice And Kay
venus Alikah noble, exalted
mars Alikanderix English name for Boys
venus Alike Girl who drives out beautiful women
mars Alikhan Combination of the name Ali 1 and the Turkic title khan meaning "ruler, leader".
mars Alikhshid Urdu name for Boys
venus Aliki Noble, light
mars Alikse Greenlandic form of Alex. It means defending men.
venus Alile She Weeps
venus Alilia A resolute protector
mars Alim Learned, Scholar
venus Alima Learned, Wise
venus Alimah Skilled in music, dance
venus Alimaia Princess
mars Alimjan Uyghur elaboration of Alim using the suffix جان (jan) meaning "dear, darling" (of Persian origin).
venus Alin Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony Peace; English - Fair; Noble; Bright; A variant of name Alan;
venus Alina Noble, Kind
venus Alinae Created Name
venus Alinafe Means "he or she is with us" in Chewa.
venus Alinda Noble Shield; Balcony
venus Aline Noble, lovely
venus Alinka Pet Form Of Alicia
venus Alinnah Noble, good, decent
mars Alinur From the given name Ali 1 combined with Arabic نور (nūr) meaning "light".
venus Alinya bright and beautiful
mars Alion Friend, associates, campanion
venus Aliona Light
venus Aliosha noble kind
mars Alipate Alipate is a form of Albert and means noble.
venus Alipha A term meaning thousand in Brazilian language.
mars Aliphansin English name for Boys
mars Aliphine Ready For Battle
mars Alipriya Beloved of the Blacktree
mars Alipth Neutral, unbiased, impartial
venus Alique Most beautiful, Amazing beauty
venus Alira A daughter
mars Alireza Combination of Ali 1 and Reza, given in honour of the 9th-century Shia imam Ali ar-Rida.
mars Alirio Unknown
venus Alis noble, exalted
venus Alisa great happiness
venus Alisabeth Truth; Devoted to God; A variant form of the name Elizabeth which means God is satisfaction
venus Alisah noble, exalted; great happiness
venus Alisan Noble, light
venus Alisande Defender of Humanity
mars Alisander Protector of Human race
mars Alisandre Guardian of Mankind
venus Alisann noble, exalted
venus Alisanne noble, exalted
venus Alisceon She who is noble and kind
venus Alise Noble, light
venus Alisen variant form Alizon
venus Alish Of A Noble Kin
venus Alisha Of Noble Kin
venus Alishay One of a noble kind
venus Alishba The meaning of Alishba is 'sunshine' or 'pretty'. It may also derive from the biblical name Elisheva, meaning 'God is my oath'.
venus Alisheba beautiful sunshine
mars Alisher From the given name Ali 1 combined with Persian شیر (shīr) meaning "lion". It was borne by the Timurid poet Ali-Shir Nava'i (1441-1501), who wrote in the Chagatai Turkic language.
venus Alishia noble, exalted
venus Alisi Of noble kind
venus Alisia noble, exalted
venus Aliska Germanic - Of the noble kind; Noble; Honorable; Sanskrit - Protected by God; A variant of Alice; A variant form of Alisha
venus Alison Son Of The Noble One
venus Alisone She who is noble
venus Alisoun noble, exalted
venus Alissa Of Noble Kin
venus Alissah great happiness
venus-mars Alissandre man's defender; noble
venus Alissandrine man's defender; noble
mars Alissandru Sicilian form of Alexander. It means defender of mankind.
venus Alisse rational
venus Alissia righteous; Kind, good, worthy
venus Alisson noble, exalted
venus Alista man's defender
mars Alistair Defender Of The People
mars Alistaire Defender of man
mars Alistar Defending, protecting
mars Alister Defender, protector
venus Alisun noble, exalted
venus Alisya Variant of Alicia.
venus Alisz noble, exalted
venus Alita Noble
venus Alith A noble sort
venus Alithea verity, truth
venus Alitheea noble, exalted
venus Alitheia Truth, fact, reality,
venus Alithia verity, truth
venus Alitia noble, exalted
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