Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Alitza joy
venus Aliua A supreme woman
venus Aliva Olive Tree
venus Aliveni Golden Doll
venus Alivette olive tree
venus Alivia Olive Tree
venus Alix Noble, light
venus Alixana Merciful, kind hearted, sympathetic
mars Alixander Guardian of men
venus Alixandra man's defender
mars Alixandre Defender of mankind. It was the name of nephew of King Mark.
venus Alixandria man's defender
venus Alixe Derives from Alex which means Defending men
venus Alixyveth God is my oath
venus Aliya exalted, sublime
venus Aliyah Royal
mars Aliyas The Lord Is My God
venus Aliye exalted, sublime
venus Aliyə Azerbaijani form of Aaliyah.
mars Aliyu Hausa form of Ali 1.
mars Aliyus Unknown
mars Aliyy The Highest, Greatest
venus Aliyya Roayl
venus Aliyyah Exaulted, noble
venus Aliz Kind
venus Aliza Joyful
venus Alizabeth pledged to God
venus Alizah Joyous
venus Alizandra Defending men
venus Alize Joyful
venus Alizee Trade Wind
venus Alizon old form of Alison
venus Alja Diminutive of Aleksandra.
mars Aljahiz One with big eyes
mars Aljanah One from paradise
mars Aljaz Derived from a Slovene surname, which is of unknown meaning.
mars Aljili Arabic name for Boys
mars Aljizi Arabic name for Boys
mars Aljosa Slovene, Croatian and Serbian form of Alyosha. In Slovene it can also be a feminine name.
mars Aljurjani Arabic name for Boys
venus Alka Young
mars Alkabir The Great, Huge, Grand
mars Alkaios Alkaios is Greek form of Alcaeus. It means strength.
mars Alkamil He who is perfect
venus Alkas She Is Afraid
mars Alkasim Generous, charitable, kind
mars Alke Noble/Kind
mars Alkeides Greek form of Alcides.
mars Alkeld A cauldron
mars Alkelda healing spring, curative spring
mars Alkesh Lord of Alkapuri
venus Alkestis Greek form of Alcestis.
mars Alketas Strength, a strong man.
mars Alkhadim Attendant, assistance, helper
mars Alkhattab the sermon-giver
mars Alkhawas Arabic name for Boys
mars Alkhayyami Arabic name for Boys
mars Alkhayyat An occupational name meaning taylor
venus Alkhayzuran Arabic name for girls
mars Alkhidr The Green Man, A Prophet
mars Alkibiades Alkibiades is the Greek form of Alcibiades. It means strength or force.
venus Alkinoe Feminine form of Alkinoos. It is borne by a few minor characters in Greek mythology.
mars Alkinoos Means "strong mind", derived from Greek ἀλκή (alke) "strength, prowess" and νόος (noos) "mind, thought". According to Greek mythology this was the name of a king of the Phaeacians.
venus Alkippe Greek form of Alcippe.
mars Alkiviadis Modern Greek form of Alcibiades.
venus Alkmene Ancient Greek form of Alcmene.
venus Alkmini Modern Greek form of Alcmene.
mars Alkmund Protector of the temple
mars Alkott From the Old Cottage
mars Alkumayt Arabic name for Boys
venus Alkyone Ancient Greek form of Alcyone.
venus Alla Other
mars Allabrakha God's Protection
mars Alladitta God Given
venus Allagracia grace
venus Allah Name of the Lord, the Exalted
mars Allahbakhsh Gift of Allah
mars Allahbukhsh Variants of Allahbakhsh, Gift of Allah
mars Allahditta God gifted
mars Allahrakha Most Gracious, Protected by Allah
venus Allaine precious; sun ray
venus Allaire cheerful
mars Allam Educator, Professor, educationalist
venus Allami Very Wise, Intelligent, Intellectual
mars Allan Little Rock
venus Allana Rock, handsome
venus Allanagh A variant form of name Alana which means precious, serene; Fair Maiden; Beautiful Maiden
venus Allanah From Celtic origin meaning 'dear child' , from the Gaelic term of endearment 'a leanbh'.
venus Allanna Serenity, Calmness, tranquility
venus Allannah Variant of Alannah.
venus Allar Alder tree
venus-mars Allard Noble And Bold
venus Allaryce noble, regal ruler
mars Allaun At The Lawn
venus Allayna Feminine Form Of Alain
venus Allayne precious
venus Allba White, rock
venus-mars Allcen noble, exalted
venus-mars Allcenne noble, exalted
venus Allcinda light
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