Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Allcot From the Old Cottage
venus Allda small winged one
venus Alldina small winged one
venus Alldine small winged one
venus Alldona small winged one
venus Alldonna small winged one
mars Alldred Old Counsel
mars Alldrich Old Leader, elderly person incharge
mars Alldridge Old Front-runner
venus Alldyne small winged one
venus Alle man's defender
venus Allearia English name for girls
venus Allecia noble, exalted
venus Alleda small winged one
venus Alleece noble, exalted
venus Alleeceea noble, exalted
venus Alleen precious; awakening; sun ray
venus Allegra Joy
venus Allegretta gay and jaunty
venus Allegria Happiness
venus Allegro Brisk, sprightly; has a great sense of humour
venus Alleigh Old English lÄ"ah (wood, clearing, meadow), lee has the meaning "dweller by the wood or clearing
venus Alleine precious
venus Allejandra man's defender
venus Allejandrina man's defender
venus Alleluia greatly praised
mars Allen Little Rock
venus Allena precious
venus Allene Little Rock
venus Allerie unlucky
venus Alles noble, exalted
venus Allese Smart and no-nonsense, one who gets the job done. Variation of English name Alison
venus Alless noble, exalted
venus Allessa man's defender
venus Allessandra man's defender
venus Alleta She who has wings
venus Allete Winged
venus Alletta footloose
venus Allette footloose
venus Allexa man's defender
venus Allexandra man's defender
venus Allexandrina man's defender
venus Allexina man's defender
venus Allexine man's defender
venus Allexis Defender, protector, guardian
venus-mars Alley Celtic - Little Rock; Harmony; Peace; A variant form of the name Alana which means precious, serene; Fair Maiden or Beautiful Maiden
venus Alleyah Leader, head, Person incharge
mars Alleyn Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony Peace; English - Fair; Noble; Bright; A variant of name Alan;
venus Alleynah precious; awakening
venus Alleyne precious; awakening
venus Allfie elf or magical counsel
venus Allfreda elf or magical counsel
venus Allfredah elf or magical counsel
venus Allfredda elf or magical counsel
venus Allfrie elf or magical counsel
venus Allfrieda elf or magical counsel
venus Allfry elf or magical counsel
venus Allfryda elf or magical counsel
venus Allfy elf or magical counsel
mars Allgar Spear from the Elves
mars Allger Spear
venus Alli noble, bright; man's defender; noble, exalted
venus Allia exalted, sublime
venus Alliah exalted, sublime
mars Alliance A Beneficial Partnership
venus Allice noble, exalted
venus Allicea noble, exalted
venus Allicen noble, exalted
venus Allicenne noble, exalted
venus Allicia noble, exalted
venus Allida small winged one
venus Allidah small winged one
venus Allidia small winged one
venus Allidiah small winged one
venus-mars Allie Short Form Of Names Starting Wth AL
venus Allihmyir Princes
mars Allin Fair, Handsome, Both a Diminutive of Albert, Noble, Rock, Comely
venus Allina precious; awakening
venus Allinah precious; awakening
venus Alline noble kind; precious; sun ray
venus Allinor other, foreign
venus Allira Allira means "Quarts crystal" in Aboriginal languages from around Melbourne Victoria, the Aboriginals would fashion this quarts crystal into arrow heads. Allira means "Neice" in Aboriginal languages from around Alice Springs.
venus Allirea Quartz
venus Alliree Cane from the name Alice Marie
venus Allis noble, exalted
venus Allisa great happiness
venus Allisah great happiness
venus-mars Allisann noble, exalted
venus-mars Allisanne noble, exalted
venus-mars Allison Son Of The Noble One
venus-mars Allisoun noble, exalted
venus Alliss noble, exalted
venus Allissa noble, exalted; great happiness; rational
venus Allissah great happiness
venus Allisson noble, exalted
mars Allister Derived from Scottish origins meaning defender of men. Anglicised from the Gaelic Alasdair, a Scottish form of Alexander
venus Allisun noble, exalted
venus Allisunne noble, exalted
venus Allisyn Noble, light
venus Allix man's defender
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