Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Alliya going up, ascending
venus Alliyah Derived from Hebrew origin meaning 'ascent' it is an alternative spelling of the English and Arabic Aaliyah.
venus Allma nourishing, kind; soul; young woman; learned
venus Allmeda ambitious
venus Allmedah ambitious
venus Allmeera princess
mars Allmer Highborn and Renowned
venus Allmera princess
venus Allmeria princess
venus Allmeta ambitious
venus Allmetah ambitious
venus Allmida ambitious
venus Allmidah ambitious
venus Allmira From Almeira
venus Allmita ambitious
venus Allmitah ambitious
mars Allnut Noble and daring person, a surname
venus Allochka Russian diminutive of Alla.
mars Allon Hebrew - Oak; Gothic - Noble and Ready; Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony, Peace; A variant of name Alan
venus Allona oak tree
venus Allonia oak tree
venus Allorah In Hebrew it means "God of Light". In Italian it is a word that means the speaker is pensive Another idea for the meaning is "he'll sing out".
venus Allouette lark
venus Alloula Arabic name for girls
venus Alloura to entice, attract
venus Allovera True stranger
venus Allred Wise; Red Haired Man
venus Allric Old Leader
venus Allson Son of the Highborn
mars Allsop Surname, means Aelle's hop
mars Allston Noble One's Settlement
venus Allsun noble, exalted
venus Allta high, elevated
mars Allton From the Old Town
mars Allu Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony Peace; English - Fair; Noble; Bright; A variant of name Alan;
venus Allula The first leap
venus Allura to entice, attract
venus Allure to entice, attract
venus Alluryn Alluryn based on the word Alluring means Mesmerizing or Attractive
venus Allvar Elf; Magical Army; Warrior
venus Ally Friend, Partner
venus Allyce noble, exalted
venus Allyceea noble, exalted
venus Allycia Variant of Alicia.
venus Allyda small winged one
venus Allydah small winged one
venus Allyiah Exalted
venus Allyn precious; awakening
venus Allyna precious; awakening; sun ray
venus Allynah sun ray
venus Allyne sun ray
venus Allynn precious
venus Allynne precious
venus Allyriane lyre
venus Allys noble, exalted
venus Allysa noble, exalted; great happiness
venus Allysah great happiness
venus Allysann noble, exalted
venus-mars Allysanne noble, exalted
venus Allyse noble, exalted; rational
venus Allysia noble, exalted
venus Allysiah noble, exalted
venus Allysin Noble, light
venus Allyson Little Alice
venus-mars Allysoun noble, exalted
venus Allyssa noble, exalted; rational
venus Allyssha noble, exalted
venus Allysson noble, exalted
venus Allysyn North-American spelling variant of the name Alison which is a diminutive form of the Norman French name Alis (Alice).
venus Alma Soul
venus Almaas Diamond; Adamant
venus Almah Soul, nourishing
mars Almahdi Rightly Guided
venus Almaia A precious one
venus Almalyn English name for girls
mars Alman Kind; Willing and Wiseman; Noble Man
mars Almanas Every, Intelligent
mars Almantas From the Lithuanian root al- "all, every" combined with mantus "intelligent" or manta "property, wealth".
mars Almanzo The Victorious
mars Almar The noble famous one
venus Almara A Learned, nourishing, and supportive young woman
mars Almaric A powerful worker
mars Almarick One who works hard
venus Almarine work ruler
venus-mars Almas Diamond
venus Almasa A diamond
venus Almasi Diamond
venus Almast Means "diamond" in Armenian, ultimately from Persian الماس (almās).
venus Almaye A princess
mars Almazbek From Kyrgyz алмаз (almaz) meaning "diamond", ultimately from Persian الماس (almās), combined with the Turkic military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
venus Almeda Poplar Grove
venus Almedah ambitious
venus Almedina One who is devoted to faith or one who is civilized.
venus Almeena determined protector
venus Almeera princess
venus Almeeria princess
venus Almeida Low hill or plateau
venus Almeira A princess or someone of royal blood
venus Almena determined protector
venus Almendra Almond
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