Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Almer Soul, nourishing
venus Almera princess
venus Almeria princess
venus-mars Almerin work ruler
venus Almerine work ruler
venus Almeta ambitious
venus Almetah ambitious
venus Almida ambitious
venus Almidah ambitious
venus Almina determined protector
mars Almir Prince
venus Almira Princess
venus Almirah princess
venus Almire princess
mars Almiro Meaning uncertain, possibly a masculine form of Almira 1.
mars Almis Every, Intelligent
venus Almita ambitious
venus Almitah ambitious
venus Almma Soul, nourishing
venus Almo Noble; Famous; Popular
venus Almodine precious stone
venus Almog Means "coral" in Hebrew.
venus Almond Almond nut
venus Almondine Like An Almond
mars Almonzo Victorious One
mars Almos Possibly from Hungarian álom "dream", though perhaps of Turkic origin meaning "bought". This was the name of the semi-legendary father of Árpád, the founder of the Hungarian state. Álmos's mother Emese supposedly had a dream in which a turul bird impregnated her and foretold that her son would be the father of a great nation.
venus Almudena The City (of Madrid)
mars Almund Noble Protection; Defender of the Temple
mars Almus Nourishing, Almus hybrid. It is truely a beautiful tree.
venus Almut derived from old german: adal muot (noblenesse,high-minded attitude)
venus Almyra princess
venus Alnaar Arabic; meaning "light
venus Alnahdi Arabic name for girls
mars Alner variants of the name "Athelnoth", which is composed of the Old English elements "athel", noble and "noth
mars Alnod eagle power
mars Alnoth Noble; Bold; Daring; A variant of the name Aethelnoth
venus Alo Spiritual guide (Hopi)
mars Alobhin Not Wanting or Desiring Anything; Free from Greed
mars Aloc Altered Level of Consciousness. ALOC
venus Alodia Riches
venus Alodie Wealthy
venus Aloe This name was inspired by the Aloe plant.
venus Alof Feminine form of Áleifr.
venus Aloha Greetings
venus Alohi brilliant, shining
venus-mars Alohilani Bright Sky
mars Aloin Noble Friend
mars Alois Well-known fighter
venus Aloisa famous warrior
venus Aloise famous warrior
venus Aloisia famous warrior
venus Aloisie Czech feminine form of Aloysius.
mars Aloisio Well-known fighter
mars Alojz Famous Warrior
venus Alojzia Slovak feminine form of Aloysius.
mars Alojzij Slovene form of Aloysius, meaning a noble warrior.
venus Alojzija War, battle
mars Alojzije A famous warrior.
mars Alojzy Well-known fighter
mars Alok Victory
mars Aloka Vision; Sight; Aspect; Lustre; Splendour
mars Alokdeep Lamp Light
mars Aloke Light; Bright; Radiance; Luminous; Glowing; Enlighten; A variant of name Aloki
mars Alokendra Victorious; Intelligent; one who is triumphant; conquering
venus Aloki Brightness; one who has the quality of being radiant and bright
mars Alokpal Preserver of Light
mars Alokpreet Love for Light
mars Aloksukh Light of Peace
mars Alola Unagitated; Firm; Steady
mars Alolupa Free from Desire; Firm; Steady
venus Aloma dove
mars Alon Hebrew - Oak; Gothic - Noble and Ready; Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony, Peace; A variant of name Alan
venus Alona oak tree
venus Alondra Lark
venus Alonia oak tree
venus Alonna precious; awakening
venus Alonsa Noble And Ready
mars Alonso Eager, noble
venus Alonza ready for battle
mars Alonzo Noble And Ready
venus Aloodra Virgin; named after a city of Medina charged with high creative force.
mars Alop That which does Not Disappear; Merge
venus Alopa A challenging name depicting Impeccable being propagating fresh challenges and purposes
venus Alora My Dream
venus Aloria A rare name desiring the best filled with inspiring and sophisticated qualities.
venus Alot Resourceful by nature it represents a strong personality bestowing supremacy.
venus Alote An good elf counselor full of practicality and potential to reach dominance
mars Alouarn An iron brow
venus Alouetta lark
venus Alouette lark
venus Aloula The first leapers full of quick, enlightened and ambitious mindset
venus Alowette lark
mars Aloys A famous warrior, a quick thinker and a very warm hearted individual
venus Aloysia Famous in war
mars Aloysisus German - Fame and War French - Famous Warrior; Latinised form of the name Louis
mars Aloysius Fame Warrior
mars Alp Hero, Brave
venus Alpa Orignally from sanskrit, it means petite girl
venus Alpana Beautiful
mars Alparslan From Turkish alp meaning "brave" and arslan meaning "lion", referring to the 11th-century Seljuk sultan Alp Arslan, who expanded the Seljuk Empire into Anatolia.
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