Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Alyenora Creative, opinionated, reliable and establish their individual identity
venus Alyn Little Rock
venus Alyna sun ray
venus Alynah sun ray
venus Alyne sun ray
venus Alynne precious
venus Alyona sun ray
venus Alyonka Diminutive of Alyona.
mars Alyosha noble kind
mars Alyque A saviour who is power seeking, practical, sensitive and status oriented person
venus Alyra Lyre, Harp
venus Alyria Unknown
venus Alys Of Germanic origin meaning 'of a noble kind' and a variant of the European name Alice.
venus Alysa Princess
venus Alysan noble, exalted
venus Alysane Variant of Alison; attached to their roots who have an urge for self knowledge and self interrogation
venus Alysann noble, exalted
venus Alysanne noble, exalted
venus Alyse Noble, light
venus Alyseca Noble people who are creative and outgoing often filled with compassion and like appreciation
venus Alysha Of Noble Kin
venus Alyshea Of Noble Kin
venus Alyshia Germanic - Of the noble kind; Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; A variant of Alicia
venus Alyshialynn A noble and truthful creative being filled with warmth, but also tactlessness
venus Alysia entrancing
venus Alyson Little Alice
venus Alysondra Son of Alice"; the one who is a born leader, determined and original
venus Alysone They are independent and captivative filled with youthfulness while establishing their identity
venus Alysoun noble, exalted
venus Alyss noble, exalted
venus Alyssa Rational
venus Alyssah great happiness
venus Alyssandra A defender of mankind with dynamic nature while providing justice and fairness among masses
venus Alysse rational
venus Alyssia Noble, light
venus Alyssianna They have a pleasing and harmonious personality with an ultimate zest for life
venus Alyssum One appearing like a carpet of snow and is worth beyond beauty and sanity
mars Alyth A Town In Scotland.
mars Alytzia Unknown
venus Alyva Gifted with analytical mind, an elf counsellor which desires harmony, solitaire and peace
venus Alyvia olive tree
venus Alyviah A distinguished contented being finding satisfaction in justice, service and compassion
venus Alyx Of Germanic origin meaning 'of a noble kind', Alyx is a derivative of Alexandra or Alice. A popular girls and boys name.
venus Alyxandra man's defender
venus Alyxandria Derived from Alexandros is the one who defends mankind
venus Alyxia An honourable defender who is flowing with passion
venus Alyza joy, joyful
venus Alzahra Nickname of Prophet's daughter Fatimah; they are illuminated and all-knowing by nature
venus Alzan A strong willed, oriental, energetic woman
venus Alzbeta Promise of God
venus Alzeena woman
venus Alzeina woman
venus Alzena woman
venus Alzina woman
venus Alzubra A bright star in the constellation Leo having intense power accomplishing something worthwhile
venus Ama Beloved
venus Amaal Hopes and expectations.
mars Amaan The one who is fearless, calm, trustworthy and loved of all
venus Amaanat A prized possession, filled with versatility, faithfulness and creativity
mars Amaar Immortality; the one who prays 5 times and fasts a great deal leading a very prosperous long life
venus Amabel Lovable
venus Amabella Always striving to create a good impression, they are beautiful and lovable beings
venus Amabelle lovable, amiable
venus Amabil Attractive yet impulsive by nature, they are soft hearted often turning dreams to reality
venus Amabila Compassionate, affectionate and adventurous beings
venus Amabilia Lovable; Amiable; A feminine form of Amabilis
venus-mars Amabilis Lovable
venus Amabilla Form of Amabilis; lovable
venus Amabillia Versatile, clever and imaginative beings for whom it's easy to systemize efforts
venus Amable Lovable
venus Amachi A god gifted baby
mars Amacker Topographic name from 'am Acker', meaning by the field.
mars Amad Name of Prophet Muhammad; a highly praised individual who is the love of god
venus Amada Beloved
venus Amadahy Forest Water
mars Amadana Name of Lord shiva and who is free from worldly desires and passion
mars Amadarm They are self expressive, outgoing, forgiving and optimistic being
venus Amadea God's love
venus Amadee God's love
mars Amadej Slovene form of Amadeus, meaning to love God.
mars Amadeo Loves God
mars Amadeu Love of God; derived from Latin Amare "to love" and Deus "God".
mars Amadeus Love Of God
mars Amadeusz Polish form of Amadeus.
mars Amadeya Unknown
mars Amadi Rejoice
venus Amadia lovable
venus Amadika Beloved
mars Amadio God's beloved who are reserved, secretive and intuitive
mars Amadioha Derived from Igbo àmádí "freeborn man" and ọ̀hà "community, people". The is the name of the god of thunder and lightning in traditional Igbo belief.
venus Amadis Love Of God
venus Amadita lovable
mars Amado Loving deity
mars Amador Lover
venus Amadora gift of love
venus-mars Amadore gift of love
mars Amadou Praiseworthy who is the love of God filled with confidence
mars Amadour A beloved who is born to love filled with peace and patience
mars Amadu Form of Ahmad used in West Africa.
venus Amae One who is filled with pleasurable dependence on another individual
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