Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Amaechi Who knows tomorrow?
mars Amahatha In desire of a house often showing correct path and direction
mars Amahau To gather
mars Amahd A name of Prophet Muhammad, they are praiseworthy beings who are commendable and noble
mars Amahiyu They are very peaceful by nature and don't get angry
venus-mars Amahl hope
venus Amahla hope
venus Amahle The beautiful ones, The prettiest, The finest
venus Amahna The end; a high industrious place which needs to be loved
venus Amaia End
venus Amaiah Night rain; cheerful, responsible, satisfied and affectionate
mars Amail A necklace or a neck adornment
mars Amainder Master of charismatic and inspiring personality who is like god of harmony
venus Amaira Forever beautiful and elegant
mars Amajgar A sound advisor
venus Amaka Precious
venus Amal Hope, Expectation
venus Amala One who is pure, spotless
venus Amalabairga Gothic form of Amalaberga.
venus Amalaberga From the Gothic name *Amalabairga, derived from the Gothic element amals meaning "unceasing, vigorous, brave", also referring to the royal dynasty of the Amali, combined with bairgo meaning "help, protection". This name was borne by a daughter of Theodemir, king of the Ostrogoths in the 5th century.
venus Amalamani Precious jewel, crystal
mars Amalan A bright and happy nature person who is responsible and establishes congenial relations
mars Amalanand Pure Joy; unadulterated happiness; Blissful life;
mars Amalareiks Gothic form of Amalric.
mars Amalaric Brave Ruler
venus Amalasand A hardworking and industrious girl
venus Amalasuintha Variant of Amalaswinþa.
venus Amalaswinþa Gothic form of Millicent.
mars Amalatman An immortal man who is pure minded and virtuous in deeds
venus Amalberga Variant of Amalaberga, as borne by the Frankish saints Amalberga of Maubeuge (7th century) and Amalberga of Temse (8th century).
mars Amalbert Derived from the Old German elements amal possibly meaning "unceasing, vigorous, brave" and beraht meaning "bright".
mars Amalbir A person pure and tough
venus Amalda The one possessing the power of an Eagle, engaged in rivalry and work
mars Amaldeep One who is an eternal and immortal light to all
venus Amaldeepti Camphor; they have romantic and charming personality and are happy while getting attention
venus Amale An eager, imaginative person who desires to do something noteworthy and worthwhile
venus Amalea rival, eager work; rival; laborious; eager
venus Amalee rival, eager work
venus Amaleeda hardworking woman
mars Amalendu The Unblemished Moon ; one who is pure like the moon
mars Amalesh The Pure One; Unblemished soul; One who is guilt free and pure
venus Amaleta rival, eager work
mars Amalfrida Bravery And Peace
mars Amalgaid Old Irish name of uncertain meaning. This was the name of a few early Irish kings.
mars Amalgeet A melodious pure song soothing everyone around
venus Amali Hope
venus Amalia Hardworking
venus Amalida hardworking woman
venus Amalie Hard Worker
venus Amalija rival, eager work
venus Amalina rival, eager work
venus Amalinda beloved
venus Amaline rival, eager work
venus Amalita rival, eager work
venus Amaliya rival, eager work
mars Amaljot A name of success which means pure flame with eternal fire
mars Amall The one having the strength and power of an Eagle
mars Amalmani A born leader and a pure jewel who is determined
mars Amalpreet Name signifying pure and eternal love
mars Amalric A born leader fit to be a ruler filled with power
mars Amalrich Old German form of Amalric.
mars Amalroop It is embodiment of pure and true beauty
venus Amalthea To Soothe, Soften
venus Amaltheia Greek form of Amalthea.
mars Amalwin Brave Friend
venus Amaly rival, eager work
venus Amalya rival, eager work
venus Amalyah A person who has an enlightened spiritual side and is philosophical yet industrious
venus Amalyna rival, eager work
venus Amalynda beloved
venus Amalyne rival, eager work
venus Amalyta rival, eager work
mars Amam Safe; They are blessed with a friendly nature and a desire to please people around them
venus Amama A girl with a strong heart and iron bolt mind also the one without any ego but quite a big mouthed
mars Amamath A person with a strong heart and iron bolt mind also the one without any ego
mars Aman Trust, Safety
venus Amana Faithful
venus Amanah A gift who attracts trustworthiness and loyalty also who pays respect to Allah
mars Amanaki Hope
mars Amanar Guide or Leader; Ruler; Protector; one who is the chief for everything
venus Amanat Priced possession
mars Amanath Treasure; one who is precious and valuable to be treasured
mars Amanbir The one who fights for peace
mars Amanc Aim or goal
venus Amancia Lover, someone who loves unconditionally
mars Amancio Loving
venus Amand Worthy Of Love
venus Amanda Worthy Of Love
venus Amandah fit to be loved, lovable
venus Amandalyn Variation of Amanda She must be loved
mars Amandeep The lamp of peace
mars Amandev The God of Peace
venus Amandi fit to be loved, lovable
venus Amandie fit to be loved, lovable
venus Amandina A self expressive, lovable, communicative and light hearted individual
venus Amandine Beloved
mars Amandip Light of Peace; one who shines with peace; A derivative of name Aman
mars Amandipa The one with a sharp wit and the lamp of peace
venus Amandla Power
mars Amando Worthy Of Love
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