Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Amandus The one who is worthy of all the love and blessed with dynamism, restless and independence
venus Amandy fit to be loved, lovable
venus Amane From Basque ama "mother". It was coined by the Basque writer Sabino Arana as the equivalent of the rare Spanish devotional name Maternidad.
mars Amaneesh God of Peace ; A derivative of name Aman
mars Amangeldi Safety came
mars Amangreet The song of peace
venus Amani Peace
mars Amanjeet Peace attainder
mars Amanjeevan Lives a Peaceful Life; one who is blessed with peace all throughout his life
mars Amanjit The one who attains tranquility and has a great association with people
mars Amanjot Radiating the Light of Peace; one who shines brilliantly with peace;
mars Amanpal The protector of peace
mars Amanpreet One who loves peace
mars Amanroop The Embodiment of Peace; one who is personified with Peace
mars Amans A lover or a beau who are spontaneous and have a happy-go-lucky kind of attitude
mars Amant A lover who is sensitive, creative and practical natured
venus Amantha Created Name
venus Amanthi Peace protector
venus Amanthis The one having congenial nature and a desire to be creative and analytically smart
mars Amanthu A valiant, sharp witted, traveller and an instant decision maker
mars Amantius Means "loving" in Latin. This was the name of several early saints. It has sometimes been confused with the name Amandus.
mars Amanuday Peace Rising; A derivative of name Aman;
mars Amanuddin A trust of islam religion who is intelligent, spiritual and secretive
mars Amanullah In the care of Allah and bestows full trust in him
mars Amanusa Peaceful Isle; A derivative of name Aman;
mars Amanveer The one spreading peace and courage
mars Amanvir The one who fights for peace
venus Amany Wishful person who has lots of hopes and desires
venus Amaogechukwu Lord's time is the best
venus Amapola poppy
mars Amaqjuaq The strong one
mars Amar Long Life
venus Amara Eternal
mars Amarabaahu He is the son of Anaranya of Ecchvaku Dynasty, practical and systematic
mars Amarabahu The one who has mixed nature
venus Amarachi The one who is the grace of Almighty
venus Amarachukwu African Igbo - God's Grace; Mercy of God; God's Favor; Divine Grace
mars Amaradhevan A hero sent from heaven
mars Amaradhipa The one who is immortal and is a ruler or a God of all
venus Amarah An Old Greek name meaning 'unfading flower' it is said to have developed as a pet form of Amarantha.
venus Amaraja The eternal bon child who is a sacred river and the daughter of Gods
mars Amarajita A charismatic and an inspiring person who has conquered the gods
mars Amarajota Another name for Lord Rama; A valiant light of the God
mars Amaran The Immortal; one who is blessed to have a long life with no end
mars Amaranaath Immortal God; one of the many names of Lord Shiva
mars Amaranayagan A hero sent from heaven
venus Amarande Immortal
venus Amaranta Flower That Never Fades
venus Amarante Flower That Never Fades
venus Amaranth Gender: Female
venus Amarantha unfading
venus Amaranthe unfading
venus Amarantine A mythical flower which is forever beautiful and everlasting
mars Amarapa Another name for Lord Indra who is Lord of the Gods
mars Amaraprabhu A name of Lord Vishnu
mars Amararaja A precious gem of the gods which shines like a crystal
mars Amararatna A precious, shining jewel of the gods
mars Amarasimha Eternal light with creativity and innovation who can also be called Lion of the Gods
mars Amarasri Eternal name of a God who is poised, confident and versatile
venus Amaravati An immortal city; The one who is everlasting and unfading
mars Amarbhagat An immortal, generous, compassionate and authoritative being who strives for perfection
mars Amardad Immorality, one who is immortal.
mars Amardeep Eternal light
mars Amardev The Immortal God; one of the many names of Lord Shiva
mars Amardharam Everlasting religion
mars Amardit Arabic name which means moon
mars Amardita The one who has many horses and self explanatory and unsubdued
venus-mars Amare Immortal
venus Amarea Creative and outgoing who holds the integrity of God's
mars Amarendra King of Devas; Lord of Gods; One name form of Lord Indra who is considered King of Deva's
mars Amaresa Lord Shiva; the one who is lord of the immortals or rather king of the Gods
mars Amaresh One of the many names for Lord Indra; King of Sky
mars Amareswar Another name for Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu who is eternal
mars Amareyja The one who has charismatic personality and can percept God
venus Amargo everlasting
venus Amargoe everlasting
venus Amargot everlasting
venus-mars Amari Eternal
venus Amariah promised by God
mars Amarian Unfading
venus A'Marie Gracious under adversity; Wished for Child; Rebellion;
mars Amarika The one who is divine like a God and immortal
venus Amarilis fresh, sparkling
venus Amarilla shiny, sparkling
venus Amarinda everlasting
mars Amarinder The immortal and the God-like figure
venus Amarine Aquamarine
mars Amarinus Unfading
mars Amarion Combination Of Amar And -ion
venus Amaris Promised By God
venus Amarisa Promise made by God
venus Amarise The one promised and given by Almighty
mars Amarish Another name of Lord Indra
venus Amarisha Feminine of Amarish, another name of Lord Indra
mars Amarishnu The one who is immortal and desirous like God
venus Amarissa promised by God
venus Amarit promised by God
mars Amarjeet Victorious; one who has won the Deva's with his love for God
mars Amarjeevan The everlasting life who lives forever
mars Amarjit One who has Conquered the Deva's
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