Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Amarjodh An immortal warrior
mars Amarjot The Immortal Light; A source of light for ever; Eternal Light
mars Amarkantak Name after Teerthraj, which is filled with spiritualism, sanity and faith
mars Amarkeerti Eternal Fame; A flame that can never be blown off;
mars Amarleen Forever absorbed in God;
mars Amarmohan The one who is immortal and attractive
mars Amarnaam An everlasting name
mars Amarnath Immortal God; one of the many names of Lord Shiva
mars Amarnivas An everlasting abode
mars Amaro It means bitter and disappointed
venus Amaroop An everlasting immortal beauty
mars Amaropama An individual who resemble a God
mars Amarottam The Best Among Gods; one of many names of Lord Indra
mars Amarpal An imperishable and immortal saviour
mars Amarprakash An immortal light
venus Amarpreet Love for god which is immortal; Infinite love for God; A love that has no end
venus Amarra everlasting
mars Amarsa They have a intuitive, absorbing and reflective way of thinking and are passionate
mars Amarsari They are self confident, positive and a mountain of handsomeness
mars Amarsaroop It's embodiment of reality
mars Amarsi They have a intuitive, absorbing and reflective way of thinking and are passionate
mars Amarsingh They are sensitive, idealistic and have a power of a Tiger
mars Amarsukh It's eternal peace
mars Amartek The one with power and clarity and who provides internal support
mars Amarthevan A hero sent from heaven who is an ultimate warrior
mars Amarthya Immortal; one with no end
mars Amartya Immortal; one with no end
mars Amaru A humanitarian with an intense emotional power who possess strength and immortal love
mars Amarupam God like figure who are natural interest for fellow men and are generous
mars Amaruq Grey wolf
mars Amarvas A challenging name to have which means an eternal abode filled with love and peace
mars Amarveer A hero sent from heaven who is an ultimate warrior
mars Amarwant The one who is immortal, masculine and has leadership skills
venus Amarya The word God
mars Amaryahu Hebrew form of Amariah.
venus Amaryllis Sparkling
venus Amaryllys Jewel of God's eyes
mars Amas The hard working who is raw as well as soft
mars Amasa Burden; sparing the common people
mars Amasai Strong
mars Amastan Means "protector" in Tamazight [1].
mars Amat A divine name for a female meaning wonderful love for God like a slave who are alert
venus Amata Beloved
venus Amatallah The one who is the servant of God and has careful consideration for detail
venus Amate Beloved
venus Amaterasu Means "shining over heaven", from Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven, sky" and 照 (terasu) meaning "shine". This was the name of the Japanese sun goddess, the ruler of the heavens. She was born when Izanagi washed his left eye after returning from the underworld. At one time the Japanese royal family claimed descent from her.
venus Amathyst precious purple jewel
venus Amatista precious purple jewel
mars Amato The one who is beloved of all and the dearest
mars Amator Late Latin name meaning "lover (of God)". Saint Amator was a 5th-century bishop of Auxerre.
mars Amatore Italian form of Amator.
venus Amatul She is the the generous of all
venus Amatulislam Slave of Almighty
venus Amatulkarim She serves the almighty Allah
venus Amatullah Quranic name for the one who serves the Allah, the most generous of all
mars Amatus Beloved
mars Amatya The minister or the one who is the companion of a king
mars Amatzyahu Hebrew form of Amaziah.
mars Amaud The one who has the power of an eagle
mars Amauricus The one who is moderate, analytical, unselfish and soft spoken
mars Amaury It's a name of a count who is powerful
mars Amav Ocean; One Connected to Body of Water; one whose thinking is as deepest as the ocean
mars Amava A unique name for the one who cannot be humbled and is very strong
mars Amavasu The God or a deity of a household
mars Amay Lord Ganesha
venus Amaya Night Rain
venus Amayah A woman who is close to God
mars Amayas Means "cheetah" in Tamazight [1].
venus Amaybel lovable
venus Amaybelle lovable
venus Amayble lovable
venus Amayeta Big Berries
mars Amayu No limit
mars Amaziah Strength
mars Amazu No One Knows Everything
venus Amba A mother filled with compassion
mars Ambaadaas They are the song of life,admirale and melodious
venus Ambaalika The youngest daughter of king of Kashi who is sensitive and a mother
mars Ambady Lord Krishna's childhood place; they have congenial and straightforward personality
mars Ambak The Eye
mars Ambaka Unique name for the one who has majestic and charismatic personality
mars Ambakoum Biblical Greek form of Habakkuk.
mars Ambalam Lord of the sea who has a creative and idealistic nature
mars Ambalan A learned man
venus Ambalika They are the three princesses of kashi; compassionate mothers
mars Ambansa The one with the soul of a Swan
venus Ambar Ambergris
mars Ambara Sky; heaven; or a piece of clothing
mars Ambareesh King of the Sky; A variant of the name Ambarish; one of the many names of Lord Shiva
venus Ambari The one who is scented she is of friendly, poised and affectionate nature
venus Ambarin The one filled with fragrance
mars Ambarisa The one who is supreme power, the ruler of atmosphere and heaven
mars Ambarish The Sky; one of the many names of Lord Shiva
mars Ambarisha Lord of the Sky; One of the Many names of Lord Shiva
mars Ambarpreet The lover of sky
mars Ambastha Sound of running water and a devotee of sky
mars Ambava The sound of running water
mars Ambdhi The one who is single crested
mars Ambedkar A creative, masculine and has strong mental ability
venus Ambeeka mother
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