Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Ambeika mother
venus-mars Ambel Lovable
mars Ambella Gender: Female
venus Amber Fossilized Tree Resin Or Color Orange/Red
mars Amberam The Sky; Vast expanse of space; Open Space
mars Amberdeep The everlasting light of the sky filled with balance
venus Ambereen The one who has fragrance and like the performing arts and are idealistic, dramatic and inspirational qualities
mars Amberish An Angel from the Heavens; God sent Fairy;
venus Amberjill A precious jewel making translucent fossil resin and is downy bearded as well as youthful
mars Amberjit He is the God of the sky, they overcome obstructions by developing spiritual side
venus Amberlee Arabic - A Precious Jewel; A Jewel-quality Fossilized Resin; It refers to a colour name which is shade of warm honey
venus Amberleigh The one who is immortal and has a friendly, poised and affectionate nature
venus Amberley In Hindi the name means 'sky'.
venus Amberlie A forever, jewel-quality resin
venus Amberlin Combined Name
venus Amberly Combination Of Amber+Kimberly
venus Amberlyn Arabic - A Jewel; A combination of names Amber and Lynn; A Jewel-quality Fossilize
venus Amberlynn Arabic - A Jewel; A combination of names Amber and Lynn; A Jewel-quality Fossilize
venus Amberr A warm honey coated jewel- quality resin
mars Amberson Variant of Emerson who are filled with bravery, vigour and power
venus Ambert The most intelligent person
mars Ambhoja A unique name who is waterborne like a lotus and is like moon camphor and lives in seclusion
mars Ambhrina The waterborne who is the most powerful
mars Ambhrna The one who is single pointed and is the ultimate powerful person
venus Ambhu The waterborne who is the most powerful
mars Ambhudhi The Ocean; Vast expanse of water; one who has thoughts as deep as the ocean
venus Ambi Goddess Name; Mother; One of many names of Goddess Parvathi;
venus Ambiance Feeling, mood
mars Ambicatos The one who is talented, self centered and spiritually balanced
venus Ambika Goddess of destruction
mars Ambikagiri Mountain where Goddess Parvathi resides who is the embodiment of gorgeousness
mars Ambikapathi One of the many names of Lord Siva; referring him as husband of Goddess Parvathi
mars Ambikeya Lord Ganesha and has the power of a mountain and son of Ambika
mars Ambili The illuminating moon who sacrifices, shares happiness and achieves success
venus Ambir Goddess Durga; a jewel quality resin which is good for jewellery making
mars Ambler A steady paced mule who has an easy going temperament and steady
venus Ambr The one who has an adapting and mature nature
venus Ambra Amber Colored
mars Ambram Biblical Greek form of Amram.
venus Ambre Amber (Fossilized Tree Resin)
venus Ambrea Combination Name
venus Ambree A servant of Allah who is the all mighty and all knowing
venus Ambreen Full with fragrance of the vast sky
mars Ambreesh The lord of the sky who is an angel sent from heaven
venus Ambrelle Jewel
venus Ambretta Jewel
venus Ambria A resin used for jewellery making which is of translucent gold in color
venus Ambriel They are angel of communication who guide people towards inner peace and truth by warding off evil
venus Ambrielle A resin used for jewellery making which is of translucent gold in color
mars Ambrish The lord of the sky who is similar to an angel
venus Ambrisha The goddess of the sky who is similar to an angel
mars Ambroas One who is immortal
mars Ambrogino Diminutive of Ambrogio.
mars Ambrogio Immortal
mars Ambroise Immortal
mars Ambroos To be immortal
venus Ambros Immortal
mars Ambrose Immortal
venus-mars Ambrosi Family Of Ambrogio
venus Ambrosia Immortal
venus Ambrosina immortal
venus Ambrosine Immortal
venus Ambrosinetta immortal
venus Ambrosinette immortal
venus Ambrosio Immortal
mars Ambrosios Spanish name for divine and immortal
mars Ambrosius Old Greek - Immortal, Divine; A variant of the name Ambrose
venus Ambrosiya immortal
mars Ambroz Immortal
venus Ambrozetta immortal
venus Ambrozia immortal
mars Ambrozije Croatian form of Ambrosius (see Ambrose).
venus Ambrozine immortal
mars Ambrozy Immortal
venus Ambrus To be immortal
venus Ambu Sanskrit name meaning water
mars Ambud Cloud ; A derivative name from Sanskrit name Ambuda which refers to cloud as the water carrier
venus Ambuda The one high and vast like cloud
mars Ambudhi Sea; Ocean; Vast Expanse; A variant of the name is Ambhudhi
mars Ambuj Lotus; Water Lily; Name represents male counter part of Ambuja(Goddess Mahalakshmi) and so is considered as one of names of Lord Vishnu
venus Ambuja Name of Goddess Laxmi who is born of Lotus
venus Ambujam The one who is born of water, i.e. a Lotus
mars Ambujanabh Lotus; Water Lily; Name represents male counter part of Ambuja(Goddess Mahalakshmi) and so is considered as one of names of Lord Vishnu
mars Ambumani The one who is born of water and is jewel of water
mars Ambupa The God-like figure who is protector of water
mars Ambupati Lord Varuna who is God of the ocean
mars Amburaja Another name of Lord Varuna who is God of the ocean
mars Amburuha Born out of water
mars Ambuvica A jewel born out of water
venus Ambyr A variant of name Amber which means a precious jewel of vast sky
mars Amdesh The one who is full of idealism and is the lord of the land
venus Amdis Eternal
mars Amdt One with the power of an eagle
venus Ame beloved
venus Amecia beloved
mars Amed The one who is the praised one and is God-like creature
mars Ameda Prince of Diyarbakir
venus Amedea Italian feminine form of Amadeus.
mars Amedee God's love
mars Amedeo Love of God
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