Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Amee beloved
mars Ameek Very Deep; Profound; Unfathomable
mars Ameen Faithful, trustworthy
venus Ameena Honest
venus Ameenah honest, faithful
mars Ameer Prince
venus Ameera Princess
venus Ameerah princess; treetop, proverb, or sheaf of corn
mars Ameet Boundless; Endless; Limitless; Infinite; Never Ending
venus Amefleur The one in search of a harmonious place for them home and family is the most important thing
venus Ameila Originated in Latin, from the word 'aemulus' meaning 'imitating' or 'rivaling', Amelia grew from the Roman 'Aemilia' and is associated with the English name Emily.
venus Ameilia Ameilia' is a spelling derivative of the name 'Amalia', which means 'beloved'.
mars Ameir A price who is the commander of the armed forces and like things when done your way
venus Ameis An Elf counselor filled with over-confidence, responsibility and stability
venus Ameka A down-to-earth person and through him god does great deeds
mars Amel hope
venus Amela Work or effort.
venus Amelda universal battle
venus Amelea The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile
venus Amelee The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile; a workhorse
venus Amelia Work
venus Ameliana A blessed name meaning a princess with aristocratic powers
venus Amelida hardworking woman
venus Amelie Hardworking
venus Amelija Latvian form of Amelia.
venus Amelika Freedom
venus Amelina rival, eager work
venus Amelinda beloved
venus Amelindah beloved
venus Ameline Hard-Working
mars Amelio Hard-working
venus Amelita rival, eager work; rival; laborious; eager
venus Ameliya rival, eager work
venus Amelka Worker
mars Amell The majestic and powerful like an Eagle
venus Amelle The name means hope and expectation.
venus Amellia One of many spelling variants of this name, deriving from the root element 'amal' meaning 'work' or from the Latin aemulus meaning 'to imitate'.
venus Amellinda beloved
venus Amelya rival, eager work
venus Amelyn A serious, intellectual and independent individuals
venus Amelyna rival, eager work
venus Amelyne rival, eager work
venus Amelyta rival, eager work
venus Amen Variant of Amon.
venus Amena Trustworthy, Honest
mars Amenae Unknown
venus Amenah Honest
mars Amenemhat From Egyptian jmn-m-ḥꜣt meaning "Amon is foremost" [1]. This was the name of four Egyptian pharaohs, including Amenemhat I the founder of the 12th dynasty in the 20th century BC.
mars Amenemhet Variant of Amenemhat.
mars Amenhotep From Egyptian jmn-ḥtp meaning "Amon is satisfied" [1], derived from the name of the Egyptian god Amon combined with ḥtp "peace, satisfaction". This was the name of four pharaohs of the New Kingdom, including Amenhotep III (14th century BC), known as the Magnificent, who ruled over Egypt during a time of great prosperity.
mars Amenoolahkhan The one whose desire is to please others and are confident
venus Ameohne'e Means "walks along woman", from Cheyenne ame- "along, by" and -ehné "walk" combined with the feminine suffix -e'é [1].
mars Ameqran Means "large, great" in Tamazight.
mars Amer Arabic - Ruler, Prince, Emir, Commander; It is a variation of name Amerigo and Amir
venus Amera Princess
venus Amerah princess; treetop, proverb, or sheaf of corn
mars Ameretat Immortal; A person of enduring fame; Lasting; Imperishable; Everlasting
mars Amergin Born Of Song
venus Ameri A divine ruler
venus Ameria She is the ruler of estate who is looking for an opportunity to receive happiness
venus-mars America America
venus Americanh American; freedom
mars Americo Ruler; Powerful; Rich; A variation of name Amerigo
venus-mars Americus Home Ruler
venus Amerie A modern name meaning a person who is famous, brave and full of vigour
mars Amerigo Home Ruler
venus Amerika America
venus Ameris The one filled with love, compassion and empathy
venus Amery Work Rule
mars Ames Friend
mars Amet German - Power of an Eagle
venus Amethist precious purple jewel
venus Amethiste precious purple jewel
venus Amethyst Purple Quartz Gemstone
venus Ametihita Not intoxicated
mars Amets Means "dream" in Basque.
mars Amett The majestic and powerful like an Eagle
venus Ametta Power of an Eagle; Modern Variant of Amold; A variant of the name Amette
venus Amette Power of an Eagle; Modern Variant of Amold; A variant of the name Ametta
mars Ametz Means "Pyrenean oak" in Basque (species Quercus pyrenaica).
venus Amey beloved
venus-mars Ameya Boundless
venus Ameyalli Means "spring, fountain" in Nahuatl [1].
mars Ameyatma One who is Bountiless; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
mars Amez Hug
mars Amezyan Means "small" in Tamazight [1].
venus Amfelice They have an active, eccentric and fearless personality
venus Amfelisia Modern, frank and intellectually strong
venus Amflis A firm and decisive personality always trying to capture the authoritative power
venus Amflisa A beautiful flower
venus Amflisia Have an alluring, charismatic personality and a bit sentimental
mars Amfy Always Ready
mars Amherst A location or name of a place Amherst, Massachusetts
mars Amhlaidh Scottish Gaelic form of Olaf.
mars Amhlaoibh Form Of Olaf
mars Amhold The majestic and powerful like an Eagle
venus Ami Beloved
venus Amia beloved
mars Amiable A friendly and agreeable personality who is soft hearted and good natured
venus Amiah Combination Of Amy And Mariah
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