Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Amian Meaning Tamer and are basically peacemakers
mars Amias Beloved
mars Amiaz Strong People
mars Amic Derived from Latin Amatus meaning the one who is loved by all
venus Amica loved friend
venus Amicabilis Bright and beautiful creatures who have very soft heart filled with love and insightfulness
venus Amicah loved friend
venus Amice Friend
mars Amichai The person is well surrounded by loved ones like parents and the nation lives
venus Amicia The one who is dearly and passionately loved by the closed ones, as they have friendly nature
mars Amicus Companion
mars Amid They have intense emotional desires and provide general support like a great man
venus Amidala Created by George Lucas for Star Wars meaning a very beautiful flower
venus Amidi She is boundless, beautiful and majestic personality
venus Amie Beloved
venus Amiea A born princess who has a heart of gold
venus Amiee beloved
venus-mars Amiel My People Belong To God
venus Amiela People Of God
venus Amihan Means "north wind, winter storm" in Tagalog.
venus Amiina faithful
mars Amik Friendly people who are very reserved and serious natured
venus Amika loved friend
mars Amikam The one with the rising nation
venus Amiko The one who is friend of many and means cold wind
mars Amiksh Pure and honest person who is entirely free of deceit
mars Amil Hopeful
venus Amila They are hopeful, righteous and reliable people
venus Amilah One who keeps her hope alive at every situation, hopeful.
mars Amilcar A friend of Melqart
mars Amilcare Friend
mars Amildhan The one with sweet and lovable nature
venus Amilee A German variation of the name Amelia, meaning 'imitating', 'rivaling' and also 'work'.
venus Amileigh The Bringer of Hope and Smiles; God's Gift
venus Amilia Worker
venus Amiliya amiable
venus Amillia amiable
venus Amilya amiable
venus Amima Prophet's grand daughter; they guide people and are very close to heart
venus Amimah Prophet's grand daughter; they guide people and are very close to heart
mars Amin Trustworthy, Truthful
venus Amina Trustworthy, Honest
venus Aminah Feel Safe
venus Aminali Faithful, True
venus Aminata Form of Amina 1 used in West Africa.
venus Aminath Dhivehi form of Amina 1.
venus Aminatou Form of Amina 1 used in parts of French-influenced West Africa.
venus Aminatta They are faithful, trustworthy and loyal
venus Aminda They are protector of mankind who are loved by all
venus Amindah It was name of Prophet's mother who are peaceful and trustworthy
mars Amine The name means loyal and reliable.
venus Amineh honest, faithful
mars Amini Reliable; Trustworthy; Rigid; Unalterable;
venus Aminia Trustworthy, Honest
venus Aminie Derived from Amee; they are the reliable one
venus Aminifu A woman who is faithful.
venus Aminta Defender
venus Amintah defender and vindicator
mars Amintore Old Greek - Protector, Defender; Derived from element Amyntor
mars Aminu Hausa form of Amin.
venus Amipa Tonga word for amber stone.
mars Amir Prince
venus Amira Princess
mars Amir Abbas Amir means prosperous, Abbas means austere
venus Amirah Princess
mars Amir Ali Amir means prosperous, Ali means high, lofty, sublime.
mars Amiran A prince who is filled with joy and is commander
venus Amirani Meaning unknown, probably of Proto-Kartvelian origin. This is the name of a hero from Georgian mythology whose story is similar to that of Prometheus from Greek mythology.
mars Amirdeswaran A person who is God-like and a king of nation
mars Amir Hossein Amir means prosperous, Hossein means handsome or beautiful
mars Amiri prince
venus Amiria Amiria is the Maori version of Amelia. It means 'hard worker'.
mars Amirkhan From Arabic أمير (ʾamīr) meaning "commander" combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
mars Amirr A born Prince who gives orders and are prosperous
mars Amirtharasan They are the masters of the universe who have sweet personality
mars Amirthavarshan Honey; they are lively, sweet and charming
mars Amis A friend who is loved by all and is a very interesting being
venus Amisa companion, friend
venus Amiscia They are sharp-witted and communicative individuals who are alluring
mars Amish Free Of Deceit
venus Amisha Beautiful
venus Amishi Pure
venus Amishta They are fearless and limitless
venus Amisia They are mature, insightful and a loyal friend
venus-mars Amisquew Spoon
venus Amissa Friend
venus Amista Fidelity or loyalty
mars Amit Infinite, friend
venus Amita Limitless
mars Amitaabh Boundless Lustre; One with unlimited splendour; One who will shine forever;
mars Amitabh Boundless splendour
mars Amitabha Paradise; they have infinite merits and life
mars Amitai Truth
mars Amitan They are endless and have a trustworthy personality
mars Amitanshu They are gracious, serious, intelligent and full of wisdom
mars Amitaruci They are Buddhist who are very generous and glorious
mars Amitasan They are born out of happiness who are omnipresent like Lord Vishnu
mars Amitatej Limitless Radiance; Splendid Brightness; One whose brightness has no boundaries
mars Amitatma The God-like figure who is protector of mankind
mars Amitav Limitless Lustre; One with boundless splendour; One of the many names of Lord Buddha
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