Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Amitava Boundless splendour
mars Amitay Variant of Amitai who are limitless and loyal
mars Amitayus The one who has infinite age and a divine being like God
mars Amitbikram Limitless Prowess; Infinite Ability; Expertise; Immeasurable Proficiency
mars Amitbir They are the masters of bravery and majestic personality
mars Amitesa Another name of Lord Vishnu, they are limitless
mars Amitesh Infinite God
mars Amitesha They are self-satisfactory and lovable
mars Amiteshwar An infinite God who is omnipresent
mars Amith A God; they are imperishable, limitless, indestructible and unique
venus Amithi Boundlessness
mars Amithnal A loving and wise leader.
venus Amiti A bit stubborn who are individualistic and serious natured
venus Amitie friendship, harmony
venus Amitiel They are angel who are messenger of God and spread truth
mars Amitiyoti Filled with brightness and boundlessness
venus Amitjyoti The one who is always bright and sharing happiness
mars Amitoj Unlimited Glow; Infinite Radiance; One who will shine forever
mars Amitojas The one light which never extinguishes
venus Amitola Rainbow
mars Amitosa The one who is always happy and charming
mars Amitosh Ever Happy; Unlimited joy; Never ending delight; Limitless Pleasure
mars Amitpal They protect the mankind and are unbounded energy
mars Amitrasudan Destroyer of Enemies; One who always wins over his foes
mars Amittai True, Faithful
venus Amity Friendship
mars Amiy Nectar ; A variant of the name Amiya
venus Amiya Delightful
venus Amiyah Combination Of Amy And Aaliyah
mars Amjad More Glorious
mars Amjed They are praiseworthy, glorious and noble
mars Amjith They have a progressive nature
venus Amka One with a friendly spirit.
venus Amla Derived from Amala; they are clean and pure who does favours
mars Amlaib Old Irish form of Olaf.
mars Amlan Unfading; Ever-bright; Always Luminous; Forever Radiant
mars Amlana The one who is ever bright and the flower which is eternal and never fades
mars Amlankusum Unfading Flower;
mars Amleto Italian form of Hamlet.
venus Amlika A precious leaf like a Tamarind; they are fresh and clear
venus Amma Mother
mars Ammaar One who is honest and God fearing being
venus Ammaarah A lady who is dignified
mars Ammanuel Assyrian variant of Emmanuel. It means God is with us.
venus Ammapola poppy
mars Ammar Virtue
venus Ammara The one who shines like a star all their life and are bitter
venus Ammarah A bitter inhabitant who shines like a star
venus Ammaria Born with great sense of responsibility and care for your family
mars Ammecati They are strong mentally and physically who are creative and modest
mars Ammer The one who lead a prosperous long life with family and friends
venus Ammerie They are divine rulers of the universe who are noble, inoffensive and beloved
venus Ammi My people
venus Ammie beloved
venus-mars Ammiel God Of My People
mars Amminius A born leader and a prince who is born to give orders
mars Amminus They are creative, versatile and imaginative
mars Ammital He who is truthful
mars Ammon Hidden
venus Ammorett A beloved and lovely friend
mars Ammth A powerful Bear
venus Ammu Mother; Happiness; God-Like
venus Amna Safe
venus Amnah A person filled with serenity and peace
venus Amne African - Swahili - Safe; Secure
mars Amnon Arabic - Faithful, Trustworthy, Truthful; A variant of name Amin
mars Amo The majestic and powerful like an Eagle
mars Amobi Who knows the heart of man?
mars Amod Pleasure; Delight; Source of enjoyment; Desire
venus Amoda The one sharing happiness and joy
mars Amodin Fragrant; Famous; Excellent; Pleasant Aroma; Sweet Smelling; Pleasingly Scented
venus Amodini Joyful
venus Amodita Happiness
mars Amogelang Accept, Receive
mars Amogh Unerring; fruitful
venus Amogha The one who is fruitful, unfading and everlasting
mars Amoghraj A Name of Lord Ganesh; One who knows everything and is always correct
mars Amoghvarsh Another name of Lord Ganesha. Also the name of a Jain king of medieval Maharashtra.
venus Amoha A straight forward person who is pure and errorless
mars Amohaz A born leader who has less charm and filled with originality
venus Amoke To pet her
mars Amol Priceless, valuable
venus Amola A unique person
mars Amolak Priceless; Valuable; Precious; One who is dearmost
venus Amolaka A priceless person and very unique
mars Amoldharam A priceless person who is always victorious
venus Amoli Precious being
mars Amolik Priceless
venus Amolika Priceless
mars Amoljeet A priceless person who is always victorious
mars Amoljot A brave person who is always victorious
mars Amoll A priceless person and very unique as well as valuable
mars Amolnaam They are pleasant as well as priceless name
mars Amolprem A charming individual filled with everlasting love
mars Amolras They are elixir which is priceless and unique
mars Amolsaroop The one who is in the priceless form
mars Amon Trustworthy
venus Amona They are one who are a successful entrepeneur and have high goals
venus Amondi Born At Dawn
mars Amondo A decent outgoing boy who is a noble friend
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