Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Amonet From Egyptian jmnt (reconstructed as Yamanut), the feminine form of Amon. In Egyptian mythology she was a primordial goddess, a consort of Amon. She was later overshadowed by Mut.
venus Amonjot The one who radiates peace and harmony among fellow beings
mars Amon-Ra Combination of the names of the gods Amon and Ra. During the later Middle Kingdom the attributes of these two deities were merged.
venus Amoolya Priceless; Valuable; Precious; One who is dearmost
mars Amoorta Formless; One who is present everywhere; Shapeless
mars Amooz Teacher, or instructor.
venus-mars Amor Love
venus Amora Love
venus Amordad Modern Persian form of Ameretat.
venus Amore love
venus Amorelle The one who dwells in the ocean
venus Amoret The little one who is loved by all and are inspired to lead
venus Amoretta little love
venus Amorette little love
venus Amoria They are all knowing as well as a loved and loyal friend
venus Amorica Ancient Name for Britain in England
venus Amorie Variation of Amory; they are leader and spread love
venus Amorina Love
venus Amorra love
venus-mars Amory Home Ruler
mars Amos Burdened, Laden
mars Amosis Greek form of Ahmose.
mars Amot A majestic and powerful Eagle
mars Amott The one who is majestic and powerful like an Eagle
venus Amour French form of Amor.
venus Amoura Love
venus Amoxtli Book
venus Amoy Beautiful goddess
mars Amoz Bearer of burden
venus Amparo Protection
mars Ampelio Italian form of Ampelius, the Latin form of the Greek name Ἀμπέλιος (Ampelios), which was derived from ἄμπελος (ampelos) meaning "vine". Saint Ampelius was a 7th-century bishop of Milan.
mars Ampelios Ampelios is the original Greek form of the name Ampelio. It means vine.
mars Ampelius Latinized form of Ampelios (see Ampelio).
venus Amphelice Mother; born with a likable and charming personality
venus Amphelicia A lover of travelling, affection and freedom
venus Amphelise Meaning unknown. It is attested from the 12th century in the Latin form Amphelisia and the vernacular form Anflis.
venus Amphelisia A lover of adventure, affection and freedom
venus Amphillis The one who take big picture in consideration and are progressive
mars Amphilochius One who is made for love
venus Amphitrite Goddess of the sea
mars Amporn HIdden Blessing
mars Amprithu Strong and Healthy
mars Ampuaj The lively planet of Earth
mars Amr life
venus Amra A rare person who is always victorious leading a long life
venus Amrah A unique person who is always victorious leading a long life
mars Amraj King of Eternity; One who will rule forever
mars Amrakuta Special Halls or Mansions; One of the disciple name of Lord Buddha
mars Amram Prosperity
venus Amran The exalated one with peaceful nature spreading trust and protection
venus Amrapali Follower of Buddha; mango and young leaves
mars Amraz Target
venus Amreen The name means 'sky'.
venus Amreet The one who is highly praised and friendly
mars Amresh One of the many names of Lord Indra; King of Sky
venus Amri Power; Might; Strength;
mars Amrick The one who is filled with sweet holy nectar
mars Amrik The one who is filled with sweet nectar
mars Amrin A royal quite girl; a blue sky
mars Amrindar Name given to the God of heaven which is a variant of Amarinder
mars Amrinder God of heaven
mars Amrish One of the many names of Lord Indra; King of Sky
mars Amrit Nectar
venus Amrita Nectar
mars Amritajeet A mighty hard working, immortal defender who always wins
mars Amritaka A collection of eight; the nectar of immortality
mars Amritakar Moon
mars Amritalal Immortal; Imperishable; One who has no end; One who lives forever
mars Amritam Beautiful; a veritable drink which gives immortality
venus Amritambu Moon
mars Amritansh One who has part of the Nectar in him; One of the many names of Lord Shiva
mars Amritanshu The immoratal and everlasting Moon
mars Amritapa Another name of Lord Vishnu, drinks rare nectar
mars Amritapam The one who is sweet
mars Amritasa Lord Vishnu; he is immortal and fearless
mars Amritasu A rare drink which gives immortality; Moon
mars Amritaya Immortal; Imperishable; One who has no end; One of the names of Lord Vishnu
mars Amritbaan One who is blessed with an Nectar like sweet life forever
mars Amritesa Lord of the immortal; Shiva
mars Amrith Nectar that promises Immortality; Food of Lord's according to Hindu Myth
venus Amritha One who gives us an Immortal Life;
venus Amritkala A rare nectar giving immortality
mars Amritleen One who is instilled in the Lord's Immortal Nectar; Imbued in Lord
mars Amritnaam An immortality providing rare nectar name drink
mars Amritpal One who is protected by the Lord's Immortal Nectar
venus Amritpreet A rare nectar drink which gives immortality
venus Amritrashmi The light of Moon
venus Amritroop Everlasting and immortal beauty
mars Amritsaroop An embodiment of immortal nectar
mars Amritvaani The one who has a sweet voice
mars Amro Natural peacemaker who are sensitive, perspective and shy
mars Amrohi A person who is united and decisive in being
venus Amrozia Today's generation woman; modern
mars Amrtesa A God who is ruler of the immortals
mars Amrullah A gift sent from heaven by God who praise him
venus Amrusha Sudden
mars Amrut Nectar that promises Immortality; Food of Lord's according to Hindu Myth
venus Amruta Beautiful; a veritable drink which gives immortality
mars Amruth Nectar that promises Immortality; Food of Lord's according to Hindu Myth
venus Amrutha Beautiful; a veritable drink which gives immortality
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