Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Amruthamshu The Moon
mars Amruthanshyu Moon Like
mars Amrutheswar One of many names of Lord Shiva with reference to the moon on his head
mars Amrutsagar Sea or ocean of Nectar that promises Immortality
venus Amsah The one who is the best company and have a friendly personality
venus Amsale The one who came from paradise; they are forgiving and sensible
mars Amsan The perfect and the chosen one who earn profit and fame
mars Amsden From the ambroses valley
mars Amse Originally a short form of Adelmar (and other names starting with the Old German element adal "noble" and a second element beginning with m [1]).
venus Amser Time
mars Amshel Angel
mars Amshu Atom; source of everything; minutest particle; Sunny; Cheerful; Joyful
mars Amshul Bright; Radiant; Luminant; Cheerful; Joyful
venus Amshula The modern and poised girl whose name means sunny and bright
mars Amshuman Sun; Bright; Radiant; Luminant; Cheerful; Joyful
mars Amsterdam Capital of the Netherlands
venus Amtullah A female slave of the almighty Allah
mars Amu Amu is the name of a river that encompasses Central Asia.
mars Amud A messenger of God who is a leader and a supporting chief
mars Amuda Nectar that promises Immortality; Food of Lord's according to Hindu Myth
mars Amudan A sweet natured person, a liquid which gives immortality
mars Amudhan A pure and sweet natured person, a liquid which gives immortality
mars Amuk Some; One or Another
venus Amukta A precious one who is very rare and can't be touched
venus Amuktamalyada the name has the meaning of liberated, it is also the Name of the poem written by an indian king sri krishna deva raya
mars Amul Priceless; Valuable; Precious; One who is dearmost
mars Amulaya Invaluable; Priceless; Precious; One who is very valuable
mars Amulius Meaning unknown. In Roman mythology Amulius overthrew his brother Numitor, king of Alba Longa, but was eventually deposed by Numitor's grandsons Romulus and Remus.
mars Amulpreet A precious one who is very rare, valuable and can't be touched
venus Amulya A royal and aristrocratic person who is precious and valuable
mars Amum Very Beautiful; Priceless Beauty
mars Amun Variant of Amon; they are lord of the mysterious
venus-mars Amund Protected By The Sword
mars Amundsgn A giant cloud
venus Amunet The Hidden One
venus Amura The one who is sharpsighted, cheerful and very intelligent
venus Amurdad Middle Persian form of Ameretat.
venus Amurta Beautiful; ambrosia, a veritable drink which gives immortality
mars Amurti Another name of Lord Vishnu; a white horse who is all prevading
mars Amuthan Purity; Precious One; Priceless; Invaluable
venus Amvi Goddess
mars Amvrosiy Russian and Ukrainian form of Ambrosius (see Ambrose).
mars Amwolf The majestic and powerful like an Eagle Wolf
venus Amy Beloved
venus Amya Night Rain
venus Amyah A very unique name who have a creative insight
mars Amyas Meaning unknown, perhaps a derivative of Amis. Alternatively, it may come from a surname that originally indicated that the bearer was from the city of Amiens in France. Edmund Spenser used this name for a minor character in his epic poem The Faerie Queene (1590).
venus Amybeth Derived from Aimee; they are beloved and serious natured
venus Amycia Highly intellectual and non-materialistic beings filled with youth
mars Amycus He is the son of Poseidon who has a friendly and conventional personality
venus Amye beloved
venus Amyfelyse Entertaining, amart and young individual
venus Amylia The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile
venus Amylin A beautiful, charismatic and intersting individual
venus Amynah honest, faithful
venus Amynta defender and vindicator
mars Amyntas Defender
mars Amyr A commander of the armed forces, a general and a born prince
venus Amyra princess; treetop, proverb, or sheaf of corn
venus Amyrah princess; treetop, proverb, or sheaf of corn
venus Amytis Amethyst
mars Amzad A glorious ruler, a sheaf of corn
mars Amzi My Strength
venus Amzie Strength
venus-mars An Peace
venus Ana Gracious, Merciful
mars Anaad Beginning-less; One who has no beginning
mars Anaadhi Beginning-less; One who has no beginning
mars Anaadi Beginning-less; One who has no beginning
venus Anaahat The one who is infinite and can never be defeated
venus Anaamika A little sister; they are nameless who can never be described
venus Anaan Clouds; Bearing Water; Sky
mars Anaar Arabic - Light and Radiance; Glow; Bright; A variant of this name is Anar; Persian - Pomegranate
venus Anabel Derived from the Italian meaning 'gracefully beautiful', this name is a variation of the name 'Annabella
venus Anabela Graceful and Beautiful; Easy to Love; Gracious; Lovable beauty; A variant of name Anabel
venus Ana Belen Combination of Ana and Belén.
venus Anabell A lovable person who are problem solvers
venus Anabella Grace, Loveable
venus Anabelle Grace, Loveable
venus Anabeth A curious person who is filled with grace
venus Anabia Turn Toward Allah
venus Anabila An admirable, assertive and delightful individual
venus Anabilia An admirable, individual, assertive and delightful individual
venus Anabilla An admirable, individual, assertive and delightful individual
venus Anabille An eccentric individual who is philosophical and loves soitary environment
venus Anabul Active and the one who loves to travel looking for new opportunities
venus Anaca sweet-faced
venus Anacaona Golden flower
venus Anachorita The one with high ideals who are amusing and unique
mars Anaclet French form of Anacletus, most common in Francophone Africa.
mars Anacleto Form of Anacletus; they are complicated and invoke God's mercy
mars Anacletus They are complicated and invoke God's mercy
mars Anad God; The Supreme Being; The Creator and ruler of this Universe
venus Anada A blissful person who is cheerful and delighted
mars Anadhika They canot be excelled
mars Anadhya Without a beginning; It is a variant name for Anadya which means Beginning-less
mars Anadi Eternal; Immortal; Imperishable; Everlasting; One who has no end
venus Anadia Something that's delicate, moist and tender.
venus Anadil A sweet bird called Nightingale
mars Anadjot One who Radiates the Lord's Light; Eternal Flame; Everlasting Light; Bright
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