Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Anadrishti Perfect; Beyond Check; Absolute; Flawless; Faultless; Complete; Thorough
venus Anae Gracious, Merciful
venus Anaelle Combination Of Ana And Elle
venus Anafa heron
mars Anag Very Handsome; Charming; Attractive; Pleasant Looking; Appealing
mars Anagh Sinless; Pure; Perfect; Absolute; Flawless; Faultless; Complete; Thorough
venus Anagha Sinless
venus Anagi Valuable
venus Anah Answer
venus Anahera The majestic and powerful angel
venus Anahi Immortal
venus Anahid Stainless, Immaculate
venus Anahira Angel
venus Anahit They are Goddess of fertility, wisdom and healing
venus Anahita Virginal, Pure
venus Anaia God answers
venus Anaiah God answers
venus Anaida A character who has beauty and mind
mars Anaimugan The one who is Elephant-headed and is name of God Pillaiyar
venus Anais Gracious, Merciful
venus Anaisa Unknown
venus Ana Isabel Combination of Ana and Isabel.
venus Anaisha Special; Powerful and Complete; Distinct
venus Anaitha Goddess of love who are messenger and an angel
venus Anaitis Greek form of Anahita.
venus Anaiya The one who is the answer of gracious God
mars Anak A Collar; Ornament
venus Anaka sweet-faced
venus Anakela messenger; angel, messenger of God
mars Anakh Self-respect; Bravery; Courage; Valor; Splendor; Brave Spirit
mars Anakin Warrior
mars Anakletos Original Greek form of Anacletus. It means invoked.
mars Anakoni Worthy of admiration or praise
mars Anal The one filled with fire and energy
venus Anala Fiery
venus Analaa Master of a fiery personality who has a burning passion
mars Analadi Music; In Tamil it means any sweet, pleasing, or harmonious sounds
mars Analajit A versatile being who is pure and conquers fire
mars Analaksha One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Analee favored grace
venus Analeigh Combination Of Ana And Leigh
venus Analeisa graced with God's bounty
venus Analena favored grace
venus Anali Master of a fiery personality who has a burning passion
venus Analia A combination of name Ana and Lia; A variant transcription is Analiyah
venus Analicia graced with God's bounty
venus Analie Variation of Annalie which means The lord has favored me
venus Analiesa graced with God's bounty
venus Analiese From Anna And Elise
venus Analilia The gracious one who always thinks about others
venus Analina The gracious one who always thinks about others
venus Analisa graced with God's bounty
venus Analise From Anna And Elise
venus Analisia graced with God's bounty
venus Analissa graced with God's bounty
venus Analiz Female version of Albert; they are noble, famous and gracious
mars Analjeet Master of air
mars Analp An expressive, refined and diplomatic being
mars Analprabho Master of radiant personality, beauty and modern
mars Analu Manly
venus Analyssa graced with God's bounty
venus Anam In Arabic the name means 'a blessing'.
mars Anama A sweet singing bird called Nightingale
venus Anamaria Grace
venus Ana-Maria Combination of Ana and María.
venus Anamarie favored grace
venus Anamarija Owner of a charming personality
venus Anamarina An elegant one who is very valuable and lovable
venus Anamaya The Disease-less; The Trouble-less; One who is blessed with good health and happy life
venus Anami A Name of Lord Buddha
venus Anamika Without A Name
venus Anamitra Sun
venus Anamiva The one who has no enemy nor any disease
venus Anan Enormous clouds
venus Anana Fourth Born
venus Ananada One who is prosperous, prosperous
mars Ananahad No Limit; Never Ending; Countless;
mars Ananay One-of-a-kind; Unique; One who has no match; Inimatable; Exclusive
mars Anand Bliss
venus Ananda Bliss And Joy
mars Anandabhairava Joyful, blissful, prosperous and insightful being
mars Anandagajapathi A happy and joyous king
mars Anandagiri Mountain of Happiness; Mount of Bliss; Peak of Pleasure
mars Anandam Pure joy, love and experiences bliss
mars Anandamaya Consisting of Bliss; Full of Happiness and Joy;
venus Anandamayi Pure joy, care and experiences bliss
mars Anandamohon Embodiment of unconditional love and compassion
venus Anandamrita A bliss covered with the nectar of immortality
mars Anandan One who Brings Happiness, Bliss, Joy, Pleasure and Delight
mars Anandana Joyful, kind, prosperous and insightful individual
venus Anandani Joyful
mars Anandashankar One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him as giver of happiness
mars Anandatam The one with a happy, peaceful and content soul
mars Anandbhagat The one who enjoys being a devotee
mars Anandbir A jouful man who is brave and strong
mars Anandgeet A blissful song filled with happiness and peace
mars Anandh The one who is haapy and cherishes life
mars Anandhan The one who is haapy and cherishes life
venus Anandi Jovial
venus Anandin An angel who shars joy and harmony
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