Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Anbuvel Modern name of a freedom loving man
venus Anca Gracious, Merciful
mars Ancala A hamlet
mars Ancel Fortunate, blessed, happy
mars Ancelin Little God
venus Ancelote servant
venus Anchal One which cannot be shaken; end of a sari
venus Anchala It cannot be shaken; end of a sari
mars Anchaly Cambodian word for hand.
mars Anchiroe Pouring Flow
mars Anchit Worshipped; Prayed; Great Devotion
venus Anchita A girl who is worshipped and honoured like a Goddess
mars Anchor A name deive from a word which prevents objects from drifting
venus Anchoret Much Loved
venus Anci He (God) has favored me
venus Ancilla A maid
venus Ancille A slave
venus Ancina He (God) has favored me
mars Ancjo Esperanto diminutive of Anthony.
venus Ancreta A nurturing, well loved person
venus Ancuta Diminutive of Anca.
venus Anda man's defender; ultimate bliss; ready journey
venus Anđa Diminutive of Anđela.
venus Andacy The one having excellent conversational skills
mars Andagelli A good natured, loyal and logical person
mars Andagellus The light hearted one
mars Andaja Another name of Lord Brahma; the one born out of an egg
mars Andaka An egg
venus Andal Wife of Vishnu; a tamilian saint
venus Andalah Nightingale's song
venus Andalee A sweet singing bird; Nightingale
venus Andalib A sweet singing bird called Nightingale
mars Andam Something that lasts forever or till eternity
mars Andaras Northern Sami form of Andrew.
mars Andarta Strong, Fixed
mars Anddrew Manly
mars Ande Pillar
venus Andeana Combination Of Andi And Anna
mars Andebert From the Old German element anto meaning "zeal" combined with beraht meaning "bright".
venus Andee manly, virile
mars Andeep Self- effacing lamp
mars Andel God's messenger
venus Andela God's messenger
venus Anđela Croatian and Serbian form of Angela.
venus Anđelka Croatian and Serbian form of Angela.
mars Anđelko Croatian and Serbian form of Angel.
mars Anđelo Croatian form of Angel.
venus Andena manly, virile
mars Andeolus Meaning unknown. This was the name of a saint who was martyred in southern Gaul (at the town now known as Bourg-Saint-Andéol) in 3rd century.
mars Ander Manly
mars Andera Manly
venus Andere manly, virile
venus Anderea Manly
mars Anders Son Of Andrew
mars Anderson Son of Anders
mars Andersonn Son of Andrew who is a mighty, manly and hard working defender
mars Anderssen Son of Anders
mars Andersson Son of Anders
mars Andhaka The one who is blind; named after an Aryan clan Yadu
mars Andhakari A song of merriment; the one who is enemy of Andhaka
mars Andhere A honourable man who are emotional, supportive and organized
mars Andhraka The one who is satisfactory, rigid and hard-working
mars Andhun A born leader, visionary who are materialistic
venus Andi manly, virile
venus Andia Unknown
venus-mars Andie Manly
mars Andil Angel or messenger
venus Andila Angel, messenger
mars Andile Means "they have increased" in Zulu, Xhosa and Ndebele.
mars Andin A diligent and insightful being
venus Andina A diligent, warm and insightful being
venus Andine Warrior
mars Andisami The one who is cheerful and happy all the time
mars Andisheh A thoughtful individual who is analytical
venus Andjela Alternate transcription of Serbian Анђела (see Anđela).
venus Andjelija messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Andjelka messenger; angel, messenger of God
mars Ando They are analytical, clever and have peaceful nature
venus Andolina Unknown
mars Andon Form of Antonius who is priceless
mars Andoni Latin - Priceless, Inestimable; A variant of name is Anthony
mars Andonios A famous bearer who is priceless
mars Andonis Latin - Priceless, Inestimable; Greek - Man; Manly; A variant of name is Anthony and Andrew
mars Andor The one who is filled with virility and manlyhood
venus Andra Manly
venus Andrada Romanian version of Andrea, meaning 'man'.
mars Andrade From San Martino De Andrade
mars Andrae A mighty, manly and hard working defender
venus Andraea Manly
mars Andraj A happy-go-lucky boy who is spontaneous; A strong and masculine individual
venus Andralyn Combination Of Andra And Lynn
mars Andrana A flag bearer
venus-mars Andranetta manly, virile
mars Andranik The first born child who has a progressive and positive thinking
mars Andras Breath
venus Andraste Possibly means "invincible" in Celtic. According to the Greco-Roman historian Cassius Dio [1], this was the name of a Briton goddess of victory who was invoked by Boudicca before her revolt.
mars Andraz Slovene form of Andrew.
mars Andre Manly
venus-mars Andrea Manly
mars Andrean manly, virile
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