Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Andreana Strong and womanly
venus Andreanna manly, virile
mars Andreas Manly
venus-mars Andred Manly
mars Andree manly, virile
venus Andreea Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; Defender of men; A variant of Andrea
venus Andreena manly, virile
mars Andrei Manly
venus Andreia Manly
venus Andreina Womanly Queen
mars Andrej Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; A variant of name Andreas
venus Andreja Croatian form of Andrew, meaning manly or masculine.
mars Andrejs Latvian form of Andrew.
mars Andrel manly, virile
mars Andrellton Combination Of Andrew And Elton
venus-mars Andren Manly
venus Andrena manly, virile
venus Andrene manly, virile
mars Andreo Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; A variant of name Andreas
mars Andres Manly
venus Andresa manly, virile
mars Andres Felipe Combination of Andrés and Felipe especially popular in Colombia.
venus Andressa A trong and courageous woman.
mars Andret Nephew of King Mark
venus Andrette manly, virile
mars Andretti The one who has a progressive and positive thinking full of excitement
mars Andreu Catalan form of Andrew.
mars Andreus Son of river Peneius
mars Andrev Bretons form of Andrev, meaning manly
venus Andreva A communicator, intuitive and leader
mars Andrew Manly
mars Andrewe The courageous and the brave one
venus-mars Andrewena manly, virile
venus Andrewina manly, virile
mars Andrews Son Of Andrew
mars Andrey Masculine, Brave
venus Andreya manly, virile
mars Andrezj Form of Andrew; they are manly and strong
mars Andri manly, virile
mars Andria manly, virile
mars Andrian Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; Latin - Man from Hadria; Dark One; A variant of name Adrian
venus Andriana manly, virile
venus Andrianna manly, virile
venus Andrianne manly, virile
mars Andrias Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; A variant of name Andreas
mars Andric Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; A variant of name Andreas
venus Andriel Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; A variant of name Andrew
venus Andrielle manly, virile
venus Andrienne manly, virile
mars Andries Manly
venus Andrietta manly, virile
venus Andriette They are strong, fearless, brave and limitless
mars Andrii Alternate transcription of Ukrainian Андрій (see Andriy).
mars Andrija Croatian form of Andrew, meaning warrior or manly.
venus Andrijana Feminine form of Andrija.
mars Andrin Ruler Of The Home
venus Andrina Combination Name
venus Andrine manly, virile
mars Andrion An aristrocratic man who is of the Adriatic
mars Andris Virile, manly
mars Andrius Lithuanian form of Andrew.
mars Andriy Form of Andrew; they are manly and strong
mars Andro Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; A variant of name Andreas
mars Androcles A glorious man; named after a man who pulled out thorn from Lion's paws
mars Androkles Greek form of Androcles. It means glory of man.
venus Andromache Battle Of Man
venus Andromeda Ruler Of Men
mars Andronicus Conqueror of all people
mars Andronikos Andronikos is a form of Andronicus. It means victory of a man.
mars Andros A born warrior who is manly and brave
mars Androsa A stem of Lotus flower who are introverts by nature
mars Androtimos One who is honest and brave.
venus Androula From Andronicus, which means Victory
mars Androw Another form of Andrew which means a strong warrior
mars Androwe A strong and masculine man of Twelfth night
mars Andrus Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; A variant of name Andrew
venus Andrya Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; Defender of men; A variant of Andrea
mars Andrzej Virile, manly
mars Andvaranaut Brunhild's ring
mars Andvari Name of a mythical treasure guardian.
mars Andwele God Brought Me
venus-mars Andy Manly
mars Andya Persian - Little Angel, Pure Girl; A variant name of Andia
venus Andzelika God's messenger
venus Ane Gracious, merciful
venus Anea A peaceful friend who are gracious and friendly
mars Aneas They are aristrocratic and blessed
venus Anechka He (God) has favored me
venus Anecky sweet-faced
venus Aneeba They are Angels and always keep their promise
mars Aneek Another name for Lord Ganesh, they are strong and protector
venus Aneeka A variant spelling of 'Anika'. The name means gracious, merciful
mars Aneel Child of Air or Wind
mars Aneelroop The holy one
mars Aneeq An elegant one who is very valuable and lovable
mars Anees In Arabic the name means friendly.
venus Aneesa Meaning 'chaste', 'grace', 'favour', 'loving', 'affectionate' and 'friendly'. Related to the English name Agnes.
venus Aneesah They are close, intimate and are always a good company
mars Aneesh Supreme; Ultimate; Greatest Authority
venus Aneesha Old Greek - Pure, Chaste; Holy; Pious; Kind; Good; A varaition of Agnes; Celtic - Hunger; Lamb; One
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