Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Aneet They have unending happiness, joyous and are very smart
venus Aneeza They are the one who are happy and green valley
venus Aneira Feminine form of Aneurin, they are gold-hearted and very noble by nature
mars Aneirin an early poet
venus Aneisha Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Grace; It is a variation of Anna; A variant of Anisha; Sanskrit - Supreme
venus Aneissa They are pure, chaste and friendly who love adventure
mars Anej Slovene form of Aeneas, meaning praise.
mars Anek Many; numerous; large quantity
venus Aneka For the one with God's grace and majestic personality and friendly nature
venus Aneko Older Sister
venus Anel An angel who is greceful
venus Anela messenger; angel, messenger of God
mars Anele Enough; This Name is Given to the Last Born
venus Anelia A form of Angela, meaning angel.
venus Anelie He (God) has favored me
venus Anelisa graced with God's bounty
venus Anelise graced with God's bounty
venus Aneliya Diminutive of Anna.
venus Anemona windflower
venus Anemone Breath
venus Anemoon Anemone
mars Anenas The one who is praised and excellent
mars Anenasya The freedom from sin who is very pure and serene
venus Aneres The one who is serene and calm minded
venus Aneri One who is extraordinary
mars Anesh Smart One; Brilliant; Intelligent; Excellent
venus Anesha Old Greek - Pure, Chaste; Holy; Pious; Kind; Good; A varaition of Agnes; Celtic - Hunger; Lamb; One
venus Aneska Lamb Of God
venus Anessa pure, holy; satisfaction
venus Anestasia Resurrection
venus Anestassia resurrection
venus Anet He (God) has favored me
venus Aneta Gracious, merciful
venus Anete Old Greek - Pure, Chaste; Holy; Pious; Kind; Good; A varaition of Agnes; Celtic - Hunger; Lamb; One
venus Anett He (God) has favored me
venus Anetta He (God) has favored me
venus Anette He (God) has favored me
mars Aneurin The name means 'all gold' or 'very precious'.
venus Anevay Superior
mars Anewa To fall
venus Anezka Pure
venus Anfelisa They are fearless, neat and active
venus Anfelise A blessed peace and love
mars Anfim Flower
venus Anfisa Flowering
venus Ang messenger; messenger of God
venus Anga Body, sky and the weather who is messenger of God
mars Angaar Spark of Fire; Flash of Flame; Glint of blaze
mars Angaarak The planet Mars
mars Angabhu A son who is born of the limbs
mars Angad In Sanskrit it means Of my own Body; Bracelet; Armlet; An Ornament; Son of Vali
mars Angada Powerful
mars Angadh He is son of Vali, who is born of the body and is very strong
mars Angaj Son
mars Angaja A daughter of Aja who is born of passion and is God of love
mars Angak Son; A variant of name Angaj
mars Angama A precious gem which is very strong and cannot be pierced
mars Angamuthu They are made of beautiful pearls
venus Angana The immortal one who is very beautiful and unperishable
venus Anganaa The immortal one who is very beautiful
mars Anganalan Another name for Lord Shiva, they are perfection
venus Anganan The immortal one who is very beautiful and unperishable
mars Anganemi They are born with the golden crown and very learned individuals
mars Angang They are the personification of love and peace like God
mars Angannan They are one who have the most generosity and sharing nature
mars Angappan God-like figure who is worshipped by all
mars Angar Ember or a piece of glowing or burning coal or wood in a dying fire.
mars Angara A burning coal, they have versatile and expressive personality
mars Angaraja Another name of Karna, he is the bestest of all
mars Angarak A charcoal; he is the God of war and conflict, also a name of Planet Mars
mars Angaraka He is the God of war and conflict, also a name of Planet Mars
mars Angaras Avatar of Lord Vishnu, he is the enlightened one
venus Angaret A very tactful natured personality who is artistic and rational
venus Angarika A flame coloured flower
mars Angathan Lord Hanuman who is filled with eternal forest
mars Angati Maintainer of sacred fire and is full of glory
mars Angavaha A historical bearer of sculptures and architectures
venus Angavu Shining one
venus-mars Ange messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angee Fire; A variant spelling of Agni
mars Angeekar The one whom the God is made
mars Angeeth The one who is flavoured by charcoal
venus-mars Angel Messenger Of God
venus Angela Messenger Of God
venus Angele Messenger
venus Angelea Weary Angel
venus Angelee messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angeleia The one who the messenger of God
venus Angelena messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angelene messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angeles Messenger
venus Angelet The one who is ambitious, loyal and googd-natured
venus Angeleta messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angeletta Little angel, a girl as beautiful as a little angel.
venus Angeli Angels
venus Angelia messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angelic Like an Angel; Befitting in Angle; Old Greek - Messenger of God; Angel; A variant of name Angelique
venus Angelica Angelic
mars Angelico Messenger
venus Angelie Messenger Of God
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