Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Angelien Dutch diminutive of Angela.
venus Angelika Angelic
venus Angeliki Angelic
venus Angelina Messenger Of God
venus Angeline Messenger
mars Angelino Old Greek - Messenger of God; Angel, A variant of name is Angel
venus Angelique Messenger Of God
venus Angelisa They are the messengers as well as the angels of Almighty sent from heaven
venus Angelise They are the messengers as well as the angels of God
venus Angelita Messenger
mars Angelito Little Angel
venus-mars Angell messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angella messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angelle messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angelli God sent from heaven
venus Angellina messenger; angel, messenger of God
mars Angelo Messenger Of God
mars Angelos They are charming angels of God sent from heaven
mars Angelou They are majestic messengers of God sent from heaven
venus Angels Catalan cognate of Ángeles.
mars Angeltheow A born king who is the commander of the armed forces and is kind
mars Angelus Old Greek - Messenger of God; Angel, A variant of name is Angel
venus Angelyn messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angelynn messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angenette The one having most expressive nature and a need to do things their way; an angel
venus Angeni Angel
mars Angenlaf An admiring young individual who is liked by all
mars Angenmaer They are generous, noble and modest people
mars Angenwit The one who is superficial, naive, eager and tactful
venus Angerboda A giant.
venus Angerbotha One who is giant.
venus Angerlarneq She who has returned home
venus Angerona Possibly from Latin angor "strangulation, torment" or angustus "narrow, constricted". Angerona was the Roman goddess of the winter solstice, death, and silence.
mars Angesvara Another name of Karna; the one longing for divine and heavenly light
venus Angeza The one who puts reason and logic in everything.
mars Anggan With Sharp Eye
venus Angha A beautiful angel who is also a messenger of God
venus Angham A melodious and beautiful heavenly body
venus Angharad Much Loved
mars Anghari The Earth; The one who hates sin
mars Anghel The Romanian form of Angel, meaning angel.
venus Anghela Sardinian form of Angela.
mars Anghelu Sardinian form of Angelus (see Angel).
venus Angi A sweet smell
venus Angie Messenger Of God
venus Angil messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angila messenger; angel, messenger of God
mars Angilbert Variant of Engelbert.
venus Angiola Variant of Angela.
mars Angiolo Variant of Angelo.
venus Angira Mother of Lord Brihaspati
mars Angiras Sage; One from the mythical Luminous Race; One from class of Pitris
mars Angis A strong and masculine man
mars Angith A compatable, nil and hopeful person
mars Angjelko Macedonian diminutive of Angel.
mars Angkasa The sky
venus Angla messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angle messenger; messenger of God
venus Anglea messenger; angel, messenger of God
mars Anglesey A beautiful name for an Angel
venus Anglides Mother of Alexandre; they are competent and practical
venus Angnes The pure and sacred one
venus Angoori The one who is like grapes
mars Angosin The one who is in search of hidden truth
mars Angosto Virgin Mary
mars Angra Mainyu Means "evil spirit", from Avestan 𐬀𐬢𐬭𐬀 (angra) meaning "evil, destructive" and 𐬨𐬀𐬌𐬥𐬌𐬌𐬎 (mainiiu) meaning "spirit, mind". In Zoroastrianism Angra Mainyu was the god of darkness, death and destruction, the enemy of Ahura Mazda.
venus Angrboða Means "she who brings grief" in Old Norse, derived from angr "grief" and boða "to forebode, to proclaim". According to Norse mythology Angrboða was a giantess (jǫtunn) and the mother of three of Loki's children: Fenrir, Jörmungandr and Hel.
mars Angrez Name used to refer British people; Derived from Urudu word Ingles
mars Angsh A part; a narrow place
mars Angshu Ray of Light; Hope; Chance
mars Angshudhar The bright Sun
mars Angshul A brilliant, bright and everlasting as the Sun
mars Angshuman The one who is brilliant, bright and everlasting as the Sun
mars Angsu The one who has the most beautiful limbs
mars Anguchami The smooth cream
mars Anguish Father of Iseult; Pain; the wise son
mars Angus One Strength
mars Angusa A melodious and beautiful hymn and soul
venus Angusina one choice
mars Angustias Distress
mars Anguysh Father of Isolde
venus Angweng One who was born during the time of white ants.
venus Angy messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Angyalka angelic
venus Angyola messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Anh He (God) has favored me
mars Anhad The one who has no boundaries
venus Anh Dao Cherry Blossom
venus Anhelina Ukrainian and Belarusian form of Angelina.
mars Anhil Uttpatti of Chauhan
venus Anhu The one who pleases God
venus Ani Very Beautiful
venus Ania Gracious, Merciful
venus Aniah God's answer; the one who is able, neat and impressive
mars Aniam A People; The Strength; Sorrow of People
venus Aniause Queen of ravishing beauty who is spontaneous and versatile by nature
mars Anibal The one who is holy and satisfying
venus Anica Graceful
venus Anice satisfaction
venus Anicet Undefeated
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