Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Aniceta unconquerable
mars Anicetas Lithuanian form of Anicetus.
mars Aniceto The one who cannot be conquered
venus Anicetta unconquerable
mars Anicetus Latinized form of the Greek name Ἀνίκητος (Aniketos) meaning "unconquerable". This was the name of an early pope.
venus Anichka Grace, a graceful woman
mars Anick Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna;
venus Anicka satisfaction
venus Anicuta A variant of Ana, meaning God is gracious.
venus Anida The one who is strong minded, rigid and determined
mars Aniel He is the son of wind
venus Aniela Gracious, Merciful
mars Anieli Manly
venus Anielia Graceful young girl
venus Anielka Gracious, Merciful
venus Aniella Feminine form of Aniello; like a young lamb
venus Anielle God almighty is the sole judge
mars Aniello God's messenger
mars Anielo Lamb
venus Anieshka Graceful young girl
venus Aniha Unconcerned
mars Aniij Charming; Endearing; Adorable; Attractive
venus Anija Grace
venus Anijah God answers
mars Anik Soldier
venus Anika Gracious, Merciful
venus Anikah Another name of Goddess Durga; Graceful young girl
mars Anikait Lord of the World; Supreme being of the Universe; Greatest of all beings
venus Anike God is gracious one and he has answered the prayers and are prize possession
venus Anikee sweet-faced
mars Aniket Lord of the world
mars Aniketa Another name of Lord Shiva; the almighty who is Lord of the universe
mars Aniketh One who has no residence; Homeless; One who is present in everything; Spirit of God
mars Aniketha A self sacrificing individual who is the Lord of the world
mars Aniketos Original form of Anicetus. It means 'unconquerable'.
mars Aniki Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna;
venus Anikini The beautiful Lotus plant; strong and has the power of army
venus Anikka Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna; A variant of Aniki
venus Aniko He (God) has favored me
mars Anikrat Derived from Lord Rama's name; An understanding, the son of a high race
mars Anil Air
mars Anıl Means "to be remembered" in Turkish.
venus Anila Child Of The Wind
mars Anilaabh Spirit of the Wind; A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
mars Anilabh Spirit of the Wind; A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
mars Anilabha The one who has fair complexion and charming
venus Anilaja The name which means she is the perfect and beautiful one
mars Anilatmaja Spirit of the Wind; A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
mars Anilesh Spirit of the Wind; A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
mars Anili The appealing one
venus Aniline The one who has fair complexion and charming
mars Aniljeet The one who wins over wind
mars Aniljot The one who is light of air
mars Anilkumar Son of Wind; Hanuman; A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
venus Anilla God of wind who does good deeds
mars Anilpreet The one who is lover of wind
mars Anilsakha The one who has fire and passion in heart
venus Anima infinite smallness
mars Animan He is the one who has no bounds
mars Animash Bright; Open Eyed; Attractive; Endearing
mars Animesh Bright
mars Animikh Ageless; the one who has a steady perspective
mars Animikii Means "thunder, thunderer" in Ojibwe. In Anishinaabe mythology this is the name of the thunderbird, an immense flying creature that makes thunder with its flapping wings.
venus Animisa They have unending happiness, joyous and are very smart
mars Animish Bright; Open Eyed; Attractive; Endearing
venus Anina answer my prayer
venus Aninata Graceful young girl
venus Aninda Dear
mars Anindit Blameless; Faultless; Perfect; Flawless; One who is free of Guilt
venus Anindita The one who is extremely beautiful and gorgeous
mars Anindith The Blameless One; One with No Faults; The Perfect ; One who is free of Guilt
mars Anindo Happiness; Joy; Delight; Bliss; Pleasing
mars Anindra The one who is awake
venus Anindya One who Cannot Be Blamed; Faultless; One who is Guilt Free
venus Anindyangangi The one who is extremely beautiful and gorgeous
venus Anine Grace
mars Aninesa The one filled with elixir of name
venus Aninna answer my prayer
mars Aniol Angel
mars Aniq They are the one who is attractive, graceful and friendly
venus Aniqa A derivative of 'Anika'. The meaning of the name Anika is 'grace' or 'God is gracious'. It is the pet form of the name Anna.
venus Anique He (God) has favored me
mars Anir Name of Arthur's son; born with bravery
mars Anirab An eternal flame
mars Aniran An eternal and everlasting flame
mars Anirban A Light which Never Extinguishes; Eternal Light; Ever Glowing Light
mars Anirbana An everlasting flame
mars Anirjita A brave, strong, priceless, unconquered and the enlightened one
mars Aniruddh Uncontrolled; Unrestrained; Without Obstacles; Name of Grandson of Lord Krishna
mars Aniruddha Uncontrolled; Unrestrained; Without Obstacles; Name of Grandson of Lord Krishna
mars Aniruddhan Courageous; one who is brave and has no obstacles
mars Anirudh Uncontrolled; Unrestrained; Without Obstacles; Name of Grandson of Lord Krishna
mars Anirudha Uncontrolled; Unrestrained; Without Obstacles; Name of Grandson of Lord Krishna
mars Anirudhh The one who cannot be stopped and also name of Lord Vishnu
mars Anirudhha Cooperative
mars Anirudhya They are unobstructed and another name of Lord Krishna
mars Anirva Immortal one
mars Anirvan Eternal
mars Anirvana The one who shines like a diamond and is song of the soul
mars Anirved Absence of Dejection; Self Reliant; Full of Courage
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