Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Anirvesh The devoted one, loving, loyal and idealistic teachers
mars Anirvina The one who shines like a diamond, not weary and is song of the soul
mars Anirvinya One of the many names of God Vishnu
mars Anirwin One who doesn't becomes sad, refined and studious
venus Anis The name Anis means 'friendly' or 'friendship'.
venus Anisa Companion, Faithful Friend
venus Anisah Meaning 'friendly' and a variant of the name Anissa.
venus Anise Spice
mars Anish Supreme
venus Anisha Uninterrupted
venus Anishaa A good friend who is filled with light and is supreme
mars Anishk One who has No Enemy; Supreme Being
venus Anishka The one who has no enemy and is the friend
mars Anishreddy They are authoritative leaders which is also the name of Lord Shiva and Vishnu
mars Anisij Useful, Beneficial
mars Anisim Profitable
venus Anisoara Romanian diminutive of Ana.
venus Anissa Grace, Friendly
venus Aniston Created Name
mars Anisvara The one who is the leader of all and is superior
mars Anit Unending Joy; Infinite Happiness
venus Anita Gracious, Merciful
mars Anitabha He is the one who is master of a charming personality
mars Anitej Immeasurable; Infinite; Vast; Endless
mars Aniteja Immeasurable Splendour; Infinitely Magnificient; Endless Glory
mars Anitelu Anitelu is the Tongan form of Andrew and means 'manly'.
venus Anitha She is the one who is master of a charming personality and is graceful
venus Anitra Gracious, Merciful
venus Anitta Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna; A variant of Anita
mars Anius Son Of Apollo
mars Aniustans They are self satisfied and a warrior at heart
mars Aniv One of the names of Lord Muruga
mars Anivardh One of the names of Lord Vishnu
mars Anivartin One who is brave, bright and another name of Lord Vishnu
mars Anivesh A protective, fair healer, loyal and responsible people
mars Aniveshak A seeker with innate abilities and broad visions
mars Aniveshan A seeker with innate abilities and broad visions
venus Aniya Gracious, Merciful
venus Aniyah Form Of Anya
venus Aniyyah A loving and concerning favour from God
venus Anja Gracious, Merciful
mars Anjaan Stranger; ;
mars Anjaiah Another name of Lord Hanuman
venus Anjaka A perfect and decorated individual
venus Anjal Greek - Heavenly Messenger; A variant of name Angel
venus Anjalee A tribute; the one who gives everything to others
venus Anjali Tribute
venus Anjalika One of Arjuna's Arrows
mars Anjaljeet The one who unifies and always wins
mars Anjam A conclusion; they are stars
mars Anjami The glorious one who is bright and nightless
mars Anjan Collyrium, kajal
venus Anjana The dusky one; Also the name of Lord Hanuman's mother
mars Anjandeep A lamp which is bright and shares peace
venus Anjanette God Is Gracious
mars Anjaney One of many names of Hanuman in reference to him being son of Anjana
mars Anjaneya One of many names of Hanuman in reference to him being son of Anjana
mars Anjaneyan He is blessed with the power of righteousness of faithful spirit
mars Anjang Long
venus Anjani A Title of the Mother of Hanuman; Name of Lord Hanuman's mother
venus Anjanii She is the one who is master of a charming personality and is illusion
mars Anjanikumar One of many names of Hanuman in reference to him being son of Anjana
venus Anjanique She is the favour of God and is sent straight from heaven
mars Anjanjot They are eternal strange light of heaven
mars Anjanpreet They are eternal strange love sent from heaven
mars Anjappan Courageous and Strong; One of many names of Lord Hanuman
mars Anjas Forthright; Straight Forward; Outspoken;
mars Anjasa The one who is pure, deceitless and a perfect friend
mars Anjay Unbeatable; Unconquerable; Invincible; Unattainable
mars Anjea Unknown
venus Anjeanette A favour sent by God
venus Anjeela She is the one who is master of a charming personality and it means homage
venus-mars Anjel messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Anjela messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Anjelica messenger; angel, messenger of God; angelic
venus Anjelika messenger; angel, messenger of God; angelic
venus Anjelina Variation of Angelina or Angela which means An Angel
venus Anjelique angelic
venus Anjelita Messenger Of God
mars Anjelo Anjelo is Tongan form of Angelo and means angel.
mars Anjesh One of many names of Hanuman in reference to him being son of Anjana
venus Anjewela messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Anji Messenger
venus Anjij Inuit form of Anne. It means grace.
venus Anjika Blessed
venus Anjini The dusky one; Also the name of Lord Hanuman's mother
mars Anjish Sweet; Pleasant; Lovely; Nice
mars Anjisnu The one who always shines and removes darkness
mars Anjistha Another name Sun; they are bright, brilliant and and smart
venus Anjolie Happy Angel
mars Anjor Bright; Radiant; Luminant; Cheerful; Joyful
venus Anju They are eternal strange love sent from heaven and are a blessing
mars Anjul The basis of life, the most vital requirement of life, One who Stays in the Heart
venus Anjuli Blessing
venus Anjum They are bright and have everlasting light like those of stars
mars Anjuman Place of Gathering; Commitee; Council;
venus Anjumanara They are adorable creatures and are decorated with beauty
venus Anjushree The beloved ones
venus Anjushri They are the beloved ones
mars Ank The one who is an Eagle man, nightless and are strong, brave individuals
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