Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Annamarie He (God) has favored me
mars Annamaya They are handsome and well mannered
venus Annamma They are the provider of food
mars Annan Celtic - From the Brook; Arabic - Slow Actor, Sluggish (not used due to negative meaning)
mars Annanambi They are strong defender of mankind, fearless and limitless
mars Annanias They are personal cloud of the God
mars Annanisa They are filled with grace and originate from stream
mars Annapati The provider of food
venus Annapoorna Goddess of food providing nourishment
venus Annapurna Goddess of food and nourishment
mars Annar Father of the world.
mars Annas One who Answers; Humble; Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Ananias
mars Annasami The philosophical and spiritual kind
venus Annasophia Combination of Anne (gracious) and
venus Annastasia resurrection
venus Annastyn They are the masters of the house, beautiful and famous woman
mars Annavaran Without Fear; Godsent Gift; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
venus Annavi The infinite power; they are immortal and amazing; A sensitive, detailed and passionate person
venus Annaya A guardian who cares for others and who is very gracious
venus Annaymone windflower
venus Annbell Grace, Loveable
venus Annbjørg Eagle protection
venus Ann-Christine Combination of Anna and Christine.
venus Annda ready journey
venus AnnDrue Consecrated To God/Manly
venus Anne Gracious, Merciful
venus Anneaymone windflower
venus Annebel A lovable one who is a priceless gem
venus Annebell Easy to Love; A combination of Anna and Bella; A variant of Amabel
venus Annebelle Easy to Love; A combination of Anna and Bella; A variant of Amabel
venus Anneca God is gracious one and he has answered the prayers
venus Annegret Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna;
venus Annegrete A Danish name; god is gracious one and he has answered the prayers
venus Anneis The glorious one who is bright and nightless
venus Anneka Grace
venus Annekatrin The glorious one who is bright and nightless
venus Anneke Little Ann
venus Anneken Sweetness of Face; Favor; Grace; A variant of Anna
venus Anne-Laure Combination of Anne 1 and Laure.
venus Annele God is Gracious; Sweetness of Face; Favor; Grace; A variant of Anna; Pure; Chaste
venus Annelene Sweetness of Face; Favor; Grace; A variant of Anna
venus Anneli Gracious, merciful
venus Annelie graced with God's bounty
mars Annelien Gracious, Merciful
venus Annelies A loving, caring human being
venus Anneliese From Anna And Elise
venus Anneline God is gracious one and he has answered the prayers
venus Annelis Graced with God's Bounty; Favor; Beautiful; Graceful Meadow; A variant of Annali; Grace; Favor
venus Annelisa graced with God's bounty
venus Annelise From Anna And Lisa
venus Annelisse Combination of Anne and Liese; the gracious, loving one
venus Annella God is gracious one and he has answered the prayers
venus Annelle He (God) has favored me
venus Annelore He (God) has favored me
venus Annely Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna;
venus Annelyse The one who is devoted to God and are graceful beings
venus Annemari God is gracious one and he has answered the prayers
venus Annemarie Grace
venus Anne-Marie Combination of Anne 1 and Marie.
venus Annemie The one filled with bitter grace
venus Annemiek Combination of Anne 1 and Mieke.
venus Annemieke Combination of Anne 1 and Mieke.
venus Annerose Variation of Hannah; a beautiful prayer
venus Annes satisfaction
venus Annesha The funny, infinite and skillful
venus Annesleigh hermitage field
venus Annesonia son of Ann
venus Anne-Sophie Combination of Anne 1 and Sophie.
venus Annessa The infinite and skillful being
venus Annessia The one who is funny, infinite and skillful
venus Annest pure, holy
venus Annestas Resurrection
venus Annet He (God) has favored me
venus Annete Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna;
venus Anneth Variation of Hannah; a beautiful prayer
venus Annett He (God) has favored me
venus Annetta He (God) has favored me
venus Annettchen He (God) has favored me
venus Annette Gracious, Merciful
venus Anneyce pure, holy
venus Anngela messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Anngil messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Anngilla messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Anngiola messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Anni He (God) has favored me
venus Annia Priceless One; Female variation of Antonius.
mars Annibale A form of Hannibal
venus Annica Form Of Annika
venus Annice Pure
venus Anniceta unconquerable
venus Annicetta unconquerable
venus Annick Gracious, Merciful
venus Annicka Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna;
venus Annie Gracious, Merciful
venus Annieka God is gracious, merciful one and he has answered the prayers
venus Annierose Variation of Hannah; a beautiful prayer
venus Anniesse pure, holy
venus Anniina Gracious, merciful
venus Annijilla messenger; angel, messenger of God
mars Annik Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; Favor; It is a variation of Anna;
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