Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Annika Gracious, Merciful
venus Annikah The one filled with bitter grace
venus Annike Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna;
venus Anniken Gracious, merciful
venus Annikin A form of Anne, meaning grace or mercy.
venus Annikki Gracious, merciful
venus Annily Combination Of Ann And Emily
venus Annimae He (God) has favored me
venus Annina answer my prayer; He (God) has favored me
mars Anniru A dual natured, desirable and like a tall mountain
mars Anniruddha Unobstructed; Ungovernable; Unrestrained; Boundless
venus Annis Pure
venus Annisa pure, holy; satisfaction
venus Annisah pure, holy
venus Annise pure, holy; He (God) has favored me
venus Annissa Combination Of Ann And Alissa
venus Annisten The bright and noble one
venus Anniston Agnes' town
venus Annita Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna; A variant of Anita
venus Annite God is gracious, merciful one and he has answered the prayers
venus Annitta Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; It is a variation of Anna; A variant of Anita
venus Anniyah A caring and loving individual
venus Annjaya A unique girl
venus Annjeanette A blend of Ann and Janet; a gift of gracious God
venus Annjela messenger; angel, messenger of God
venus Ann-Katrin Combination of Anna and Katrin.
venus Ann-Kristin Combination of Anna and Kristin.
venus Annlea Unknown
venus Annmarie Combination Of ANN And MARIE
mars Anno German - Eagle Ruler; A variant of name Arnold
venus Annona Goddess Of The Harvest
venus Annor An Elf counselor filled with over-confidence, responsibility and stability
venus Annora Honor
venus Annot Gracious, Merciful
venus Annote A neat, talented and objective individual
venus Annowre A British girl who is attractive and witty
venus Annslea hermitage field
venus Annsleigh hermitage field
mars Annson Son of God
venus Annsonia son of Ann
venus Annsonya son of Ann
venus Annthea flowery
venus Annu Atom; Smallest source for existence;
mars Annuabhuj One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him as source for everything
venus Annukka Gracious, merciful
venus Annum They are mother-like figure who are equal to God
venus Annunciata Annunciation
venus Annunziata An announcement to the public
venus Annunziate announcement, notice
mars Annunziato An announcement made to a gathering
mars Annunzio Proclamation
venus Annus He (God) has favored me
venus Annushka Gracious, merciful
venus Annuska He (God) has favored me
venus Annwyl loved one
venus Annwyll loved one
venus Anny He (God) has favored me
venus Annya Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; Blossom; A variant of Anita
venus Annys satisfaction
venus Annyssa Grace, Friendly
venus Annystyn Variant spelling of Aniston; the noble and trustworthy
venus Annytta God is gracious, merciful one and he has answered the prayers
venus Annzella The one who cannot be destroyed
mars Ano Immaculate
venus Anoesj He (God) has favored me
mars Anogopta A well known person who has dark eyes
mars Anoj A younger brother who is very charming
mars Anokh Extraordinary; Wondrous; Unique; Splendrous; Amazing
mars Anokha Rare; Unique; Extraordinary; Wondrous; Amazing
venus Anokhi Different
mars Anokhjeet A unique man who always wins
mars Anokhjot The one who has wondrous victory
mars Anokhpreet The one who has wondrous love and affection
mars Anoki Actor
venus Anomie With No Name
venus Anona Goddess Of The Harvest
venus Anonciada announcement, notice
venus Anong Gorgeous woman
mars Anookul Pleasant; Good; Ideal; Compatible; Fortunate
venus Anoona Perfect
mars Anoop Best
mars Anoopbir One who's braveness is Incomparable, Unparalleled, Unmatched and Unique;
mars Anoopdev A unique individual who is incomparable and is God-like
mars Anoopjeet A unique individual who is incomparable and a lovely being
mars Anoopjot Unique Radiance, Incomparably beautiful light; Unparalleled Glow
venus Anoopleen The onw who loves and is consumed in the beauty of God
mars Anooplok Resident of the Beauteous Realm, Unique Beauty
mars Anoopmeet A unique individual who is incomparable and is friendly
mars Anoopnaam A unique individual who is incomparable and is a everlasting name
venus Anooproop A unique individual who is incomparable and is beautiful
mars Anoopwant The one who is completely unique individual
venus Anoosh The delighted and happy one
venus Anoosha The delighted and happy one
venus Anooshah The beautiful star; fortunate
venus Anora woman of honor
venus Anorah honor
mars Anosh Eternal; Everlasting; Immortal; Elixir
mars Anoshiruvan One having an immortal soul.
mars Anot A bright star; an Elf counselor filled with over-confidence, responsibility and stability
venus Anote An Elf counselor filled with over-confidence, responsibility and stability
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