Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Anouar Feminine of Anwar; they are filled with brightness
mars Anoubis Greek form of Anapa (see Anubis).
venus Anouche He (God) has favored me
venus Anoud Brave, strong and courageous.
venus Anouk Favor, Grace
venus Anouka God is gracious, merciful one and he has answered the prayers
venus Anouschka Variant of Anuschka.
venus Anoush Sweet
venus Anousha Sweet, Joy, Fortunate; It is a Variant of name Anoush
venus Anousheh Everlasting or immortal
mars Anoushiravan Name of an ancient Iranian king.
venus Anoushka Grace
venus Anouska A weary and gracious one
mars Anozie We are now settled or well positioned.
mars Anpalagan A beautiful, passionate and strong lover
mars Anparasan A passionate lover
mars Anpaytoo Radiant
mars Anpu They are God of death
venus Anqa An imaginary bird who has a long neck
mars Anquetil Gods' or Aesir's cauldron
venus Anrai Ruler Of The Home
mars Anram Continuous
mars Anri Georgian form of Henry meaning state ruler
venus Anrid Wife of Ketil Fjorleifarson.
mars Anrita A lie
venus Ans Gracious, merciful
venus Ansa A friendly individual who is a satisfied
mars Ansaka The feet of God; they share property
mars Ansala A strong man who is also brave
mars Ansaldo Italian form of a Germanic name composed of the elements ansi "god" and walt "power, authority" (a cognate of Oswald).
mars Ansansa A stong man built of steel
mars Ansar The one who helped Muhammad
mars Ansari Helper of Muhammad
mars Ansarin The one who has helped Muhammad
mars Ansbert Composed of the Old German elements ansi "god" and beraht "bright". It is a cognate of Osbert. This name was borne by a 7th-century Frankish saint, a bishop of Rouen.
mars Anschil Yiddish form of Asher, meaning fortunate, blessed, and happy.
mars Anscom English - From the valley of the majestic one; A variant of name Anscomb
mars Anscomb English - From the valley of the majestic one; A variant of name Anscom
mars Anse German - Protected by God; English - Son of Agnes; A variant of name Ansel
mars Ansegar Old German form of Ansgar.
mars Ansehelm Old German form of Anselm.
mars Anseim A shield of God and a protector
mars Ansel A God
mars Ansell Protected by God
mars Anselm Protector, helmet of the gods
venus Anselma Protected by God
mars Anselme They are helmet of God and a protector
mars Anselmi German - Protected by God; A variant of name Ansel
mars Anselmo Protected by God
mars Anselmus Follower of a noble being, they are helmet of God and a protector
mars Ansfrid Protected by God
mars Ansgar God's spear
mars Ansh Ansh means portion, is of Indian origin.
mars Ansha A portion
mars Anshal The person who controls the wind and is God-like
venus Ansharah When the heart becomes open, relief and relaxation.
venus Ansheena The one who is well- behaved
mars Anshel Yiddish form of Asher, meaning fortunate, blessed, and happy.
mars Anshelm German - Protected by God; A variant of name Ansel
venus Anshi They are gift of God and are fantastic human being
venus Anshida A singer at heart
mars Anshik A particle
venus Anshika Minute Particle; A derivative from name Anuu
mars Anshil A blessed and happy soul.
venus Anshita A small part of
mars Anshrikraj They are the king of the world
mars Anshu Beam Of Sunlight
mars Anshuk The Sun; Sun Rays; Radiance; Sunshine; Brightness
mars Anshuka The Sun; Sun Rays; Radiance; Sunshine; Brightness
mars Anshul Sun beam
venus Anshula Sunny
venus Anshumaala They are radiant, glowing rays of Sun
mars Anshumaan The Sun; Sun Rays; Radiance; Sunshine; Brightness
mars Anshuman Sun
mars Anshumanth Luminous; Radiance; Brightness; Glow; Shine
mars Anshumat Luminous; Radiance; Brightness; Glow; Shine
mars Anshunayan A bright, glowing and sunny sunbeam; eyes of Sun
mars Ansila An amiable divine messenger who is naughty
mars Ansillo Divine messenger who is naughty and amiable
mars Ansin English - Son of Agnes; Son of Ann; A variant of name Anson
mars Ansirus An active, nice and understanding boy
mars Ansit Limitless; the one who cannot be stopped
venus Anske Eagle
venus Anslea hermitage field
venus Anslee A beautiful meadow and hermitage
venus Ansleigh Combination Of The Names ANN And LEIGH
venus Ansley From The Hermitage Field
venus Anslie My meadow
venus Ansly A beautiful field and hermitage field
mars Anso Eagle, God
mars Ansoald Old German form of Ansaldo.
mars Anson Son Of Ann
venus Ansonia son of Ann
mars Anssi Finnish diminutive of Anselm.
mars Ansson The son of God; he is very strong and a famous bearer
venus Anstass resurrection
mars Anstey One Path
venus-mars Anstice Resurrection
venus Ansu Ray of Light; Hope; Radiant Light Beam; Glow
mars Ansubana The Sun; the bright rays
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