Names starting with the letter A

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter A, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a A. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Ansudhara A bright, glowing and sunny sunbeam
mars Ansugaizaz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Ansgar, Ásgeirr and Osgar.
mars Ansujala An illuminating, brilliant rays of Sun
mars Ansuka An illuminating, brilliant rays of Sun who is also tender in nature
mars Ansula A bright, glowing and sunny sunbeam
mars Ansumalin Another name of Lord Shiva who is very handsome
mars Ansuman The Sun; the bright rays
mars Ansumat Garland of bright and illuminating sunrays
mars Ansupati Garland of bright, illuminating sunrays
mars Ansusvami The Sun; the bright rays and heart of gold
mars Ansuvana They are made of gold and have amazing powers
mars Ansuvra Of Great Fortune; Destiny; Luck; Good Chance
mars Ansuwaldaz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Osweald, Ansoald and Ásvaldr.
venus Ansuya A charitable individual who has immense knowledge
venus Anta An Egyptian Goddess; they are the one with super powers and are beyond praise
mars Antal Worthy of admiration or praise
venus Antaliya break of day
venus Antalya break of day
mars Antama An intimate individual who is without darkness
mars Antanas They are priceless and are beyond praise
venus Antanasia One who will be reborn, immortal.
mars Antang A Complete Person; Perfect; Flawless
venus Antanina Belarusian and Lithuanian feminine form of Antoninus.
mars Antanios A successful and flourishing man
mars Antar Arabic - Strong One; Famous Warrior Sikh - Inner Heart
venus Antara Second note
mars Antarah They a born hero who are strong
mars Antarang Intimate; Close to Heart; Related; Soulmate; Within; Inner Heart
mars Antarbodh The radiant bright light
mars Antardev The one who is very deep and God like figure
mars Antardhi A self perception and are disciplined
mars Antardhyan The one who is consumed with God and meditation
mars Antareeksh The entire universe
venus Antares A giant red star in the constellation of Scorpio
mars Antaresh Name of a Giant Red Star
mars Antargyan The one who has inner wisdom, knowledge and peace
mars Antariksh Space; Universe
mars Antariksha They are the entire universe
mars Antarjot Inner Light; Divine light within you; Flame of your heart
mars Antarprakash An everlasting and shining bright light
venus Antarpreet One who Loves the Light Within; Deep; Inner Love; One who loves the soul within
mars Antarprem They are filled with inner love and compassion
mars Antartek The one providing inner strength and support
mars Ante Latin - Priceless, Inestimable; A variant of name is Anthony
venus Antea Feminine form of Antaeus, meaning rival.
venus Anteia Wife of sea-god Proteus
mars Antek Priceless, Flower
mars Antelmo Spanish, Portuguese and Italian form of Anthelm.
mars Antero Virile, manly
mars Anterus Manly
mars Antfortas Keeper of the grail
venus Anthaea Flowery
mars Anthahkaran Sympathy; Kindness; Tenderness
venus Anthe flowery
venus Anthea Flowery
venus Anthee The one who is as beautiful as flower; name of Greek goddess Hera
venus Antheemia in bloom
venus Antheia Flowery
mars Anthelm From the Old German element anto meaning "zeal" combined with helm meaning "helmet, protection". Saint Anthelm was a 12th-century bishop of Belley in France.
mars Anthelme French form of Anthelm.
venus Anthem The who is in full rhythm
venus Anthemia in bloom
venus Anthemya in bloom
venus Antheya flowery
venus Anthi The one who is as beautiful as flower; Greek goddess Hera
venus Anthia flowery
mars Anthon Latin - Priceless, Inestimable; A variant of name is Anton
venus Anthonia Priceless, Flower
mars Anthonie Latin - Priceless, Inestimable; A variant of name is Anthony
mars Anthonio The one who is worthy of praise and is a variation of Antonius
mars Anthonius Latin - Priceless, Inestimable; A variant of name is Anthony
mars Anthonty A unique, priceless flower and a Roman clan name
mars Anthony Of Unknown Meaning
mars Anthonye The one who is a unique, priceless flower and a Roman clan name
venus Anthoula flowery
venus Anthousa Ancient Greek form of Anfisa.
venus Anthymia in bloom
venus Anti Another form of Andrew; the one who is against, strong and brave
venus Antia Flowery
venus Antica Croatian diminutive of Antonia.
venus Anticlea Latinized form of Antikleia.
mars Antideva An immortal being; the one who is near to the Gods; they are classical melody
mars Antidote They are a remedy to counteract the effect of a negative substance
venus Antigone Against being mother
venus Antigonia The one who brings praise for the parents
mars Antigonos Like the ancestor
mars Antigonus The ancient Greek name means against or compared to.
venus Antigua Old; island in the Caribbean
venus Antikleia Feminine form of Antikles. In Greek mythology this is the mother of Odysseus.
mars Antikles Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, compared to, like" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
mars Antim Last; End; Utmost; Extreme;
mars Antiman Like a condor in the sun
mars Antin Antin comes from the Roman clan name Antonius and means worthy of praise.
venus Antina He (God) was gracious
mars Antinanco Like an eagle in the sun
venus Antine A form of Antina, meaning He (God) was gracious.
venus Antinea The queen of Atlantis who is practical and are a leader
venus Antini The one who lives in a hermitage
mars Antioch The one who is stubborn
mars Antiochos Greek form of Antiochus.
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